Final Fantasy XIII-2

OMG, JRPG sa manuelnim save-om. Ima boga…

… linearnog.

valjda ce bar malo “osloboditi” mapu…

[SIZE=4]**London, demo, novembar 2011
In this part you play as Noel. When you explore the level Snow is following you together with Serah and Mog. You can talk to him at any time and he can give you item/items. In the demo he gives you the map of this level.

**The levels are much much bigger and there are many alternative routes that you can go explore. If you look at the map the gray areas are the ones that you haven’t been to yet.
They show how does the Mog throw works.
Mog shouted to Serah something like: “Please save me!” when Noel was throwing him and she just replied Good Luck Moogle cruelly
Noel throw him and he opens the treasure for you and brings it to you.

**If Chocobo is in your party you can ride him at any time to avoid monster battles and get to places you cannot get walking. He moves faster and jumps further and now he can also float. If you press rapidly the button he will flap his wings and stay in the air for longer to get to secret areas.
Thanks to the Historia Crux you can go back to other areas to collect the items that you missed or were not able to get yet.

The graphics look amazing and the battle system is even faster. At times it is hard to follow what is happening on the screen as you fight monsters with monster, Noeal, Serah and Snow (obviously not controlled)

They show Chocolina - who is the girl that sell the items, accessories and weapons. She looks a bit like Vanille but she is wearing a Chocobo costume.

They show the cut scene where this monster appear (Giant ENLIL) (slika iz trailera):

Noeal and Serah are scared of him and they want to run away but Snow asks the monster something like “Can we ride you” and since he does not say anything he says: “That means yes” and jumps on him. He calls Serah and Noel to join him and they ride him together. Once you are on hime you have some sort of LIVE event but I’m not sure how it works but you can collect the items by throwing Mog while riding the creature.

There is a lot of dialogue going on between the characters and they answer each other questions. In the demo Snow asks Noel how old he is.

source: Final Fantasy Merchandise - View topic - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Community Event in London

[SIZE=5][SIZE=4]8. novembar 2011. - Dengeki Playstation Mag.[/SIZE]
[/SIZE]Paradigms can now be switched instantly. In Final Fantasy XIII, there was a small transition scene (about two seconds long) shown during every shift (unless your character was airborne); in Final Fantasy XIII-2, it’s non-existent. The idea is to have battles flow more efficiently. They’ve also added the ability to save your paradigm combinations.

On difficulty, Toriyama said the bosses of Final Fantasy XIII-2 may be harder than those of Final Fantasy XIII, but unlike XIII, XII-2 offers an easy mode at launch, which you can switch on and off during your game. Some bosses will require strategic use of the Paradigm Shift system, he added.

New to the series, Final Fantasy XIII-2 has blood damage, or damage that cannot be healed. The reason for this, said Toriyama, is because in Final Fantasy XIII, you could win a paced battle as long as you had a healer in the party. Healers cannot restore blood damage, he assured, but there are items that can.

Battles are flashier this time around. Along with the addition of quick-time events, overall player position is being reworked. If Noel is your defender, for example, he’ll move forward and guard. Each boss fight has a special camera position dedicated to that fight.

The team wasn’t sure how to scale the game, one reason being that they didn’t know what ‘level’ the player will be when they reach certain areas. To balance gameplay, the team created a special program that analyzed their testers logs, and balanced from their results. The ultimate idea is that the player should be able to play through the game defeating only bosses. Though, as an RPG, we’d suggest you play it with character growth in mind.

Like Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 will have summons. Though, unlike the first game, they’ll be done in a different way, as the characters in XIII-2 are not l’Cie—meaning they don’t have Eidolon.

Since XIII-2‘s main party consists of two characters, you’ll utilize a captured monster character as your third party member. According to Toriyama, who’s currently trying tolevel the ultimate monster, you can make one monster inherit abilities from another monster. Each monster, even those of the same type, grows differently.

  1. novembar 2011. Game Informer prvih par sati prepricano +spoilers+ / povezivanje materijala (likova i lokacija) sto smo do sada videli po trailerima i screenovima

[SIZE=5]23. novembar 2011. - CGI trailer[/SIZE]

In an interview with Famitsu, the Final Fantasy XIII-2 team said the game’s story is between 30 and 40 hours long.

[SIZE=4]**London, demo, novembar 2011
In this part you play as Noel. When you explore the level Snow is following you together with Serah and Mog. You can talk to him at any time and he can give you item/items. In the demo he gives you the map of this level.

**The levels are much much bigger and there are many alternative routes that you can go explore. If you look at the map the gray areas are the ones that you haven’t been to yet.
They show how does the Mog throw works.
Mog shouted to Serah something like: “Please save me!” when Noel was throwing him and she just replied Good Luck Moogle cruelly
Noel throw him and he opens the treasure for you and brings it to you.

**If Chocobo is in your party you can ride him at any time to avoid monster battles and get to places you cannot get walking. He moves faster and jumps further and now he can also float. If you press rapidly the button he will flap his wings and stay in the air for longer to get to secret areas.
Thanks to the Historia Crux you can go back to other areas to collect the items that you missed or were not able to get yet.

The graphics look amazing and the battle system is even faster. At times it is hard to follow what is happening on the screen as you fight monsters with monster, Noeal, Serah and Snow (obviously not controlled)

They show Chocolina - who is the girl that sell the items, accessories and weapons. She looks a bit like Vanille but she is wearing a Chocobo costume.

They show the cut scene where this monster appear (Giant ENLIL) (slika iz trailera):

Noeal and Serah are scared of him and they want to run away but Snow asks the monster something like “Can we ride you” and since he does not say anything he says: “That means yes” and jumps on him. He calls Serah and Noel to join him and they ride him together. Once you are on hime you have some sort of LIVE event but I’m not sure how it works but you can collect the items by throwing Mog while riding the creature.

There is a lot of dialogue going on between the characters and they answer each other questions. In the demo Snow asks Noel how old he is.

source: Final Fantasy Merchandise - View topic - Final Fantasy XIII-2 Community Event in London

[SIZE=5][SIZE=4]8. novembar 2011. - Dengeki Playstation Mag.[/SIZE]
[/SIZE]Paradigms can now be switched instantly. In Final Fantasy XIII, there was a small transition scene (about two seconds long) shown during every shift (unless your character was airborne); in Final Fantasy XIII-2, it’s non-existent. The idea is to have battles flow more efficiently. They’ve also added the ability to save your paradigm combinations.

On difficulty, Toriyama said the bosses of Final Fantasy XIII-2 may be harder than those of Final Fantasy XIII, but unlike XIII, XII-2 offers an easy mode at launch, which you can switch on and off during your game. Some bosses will require strategic use of the Paradigm Shift system, he added.

New to the series, Final Fantasy XIII-2 has blood damage, or damage that cannot be healed. The reason for this, said Toriyama, is because in Final Fantasy XIII, you could win a paced battle as long as you had a healer in the party. Healers cannot restore blood damage, he assured, but there are items that can.

Battles are flashier this time around. Along with the addition of quick-time events, overall player position is being reworked. If Noel is your defender, for example, he’ll move forward and guard. Each boss fight has a special camera position dedicated to that fight.

The team wasn’t sure how to scale the game, one reason being that they didn’t know what ‘level’ the player will be when they reach certain areas. To balance gameplay, the team created a special program that analyzed their testers logs, and balanced from their results. The ultimate idea is that the player should be able to play through the game defeating only bosses. Though, as an RPG, we’d suggest you play it with character growth in mind.

Like Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 will have summons. Though, unlike the first game, they’ll be done in a different way, as the characters in XIII-2 are not l’Cie—meaning they don’t have Eidolon.

Since XIII-2‘s main party consists of two characters, you’ll utilize a captured monster character as your third party member. According to Toriyama, who’s currently trying tolevel the ultimate monster, you can make one monster inherit abilities from another monster. Each monster, even those of the same type, grows differently.

  1. novembar 2011. Game Informer prvih par sati prepricano +spoilers+ / povezivanje materijala (likova i lokacija) sto smo do sada videli po trailerima i screenovima

[SIZE=5]23. novembar 2011. - CGI trailer[/SIZE]

In an interview with Famitsu, the Final Fantasy XIII-2 team said the game’s story is between 30 and 40 hours long.

[SIZE=5]30. novembar 2011. - Adv. Battle trailer[/SIZE]
Bice DLC kostim za Noela, a sta drugo nego Ezio is AssCreed Revelations

Ako vas interesuje muzika iz igre, postavljen je preview vec i za drugi CD na FF13-2 Music

I evo jedan novi battle trailer…

Famitsu je dao 40/40 ocenu za FFXIII-2 sto nije cudo s obzirom da su dali 39/40 za FFXIII.
Evo i jedan poduži trailercic historia cruxa/okoline i preview na engleskom.
Sledeceg petka izlazi kod japanaca pa ce biti i streamova ako nekog intersuje. Engleska verzija 3. februara.

Dobro evo i Chocolina (item merchant)

Mnogo sam otkinuo na ovu igru! :smiley:

Auuuu Bice ovo Dobroo. :slight_smile:

Main menu, FF13 story recap, settings, cactuar, Yeul, Caius and Yeul

[URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”]

FF13-2 Guided Tour (neka vrsta preview-a)


igra sutra izlazi u japanu :stuck_out_tongue:
Streamovanje je vec pocelo. Ako neko hoce spoilere…
Tales Square. - FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 part1 part 1
Tales Square. - FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 part2 part 2
Za sad prva 3 sata igre (pocinje od 17. minuta na part 1)

Bez spoilovanja cu samo da kazem da NE ocekujete vise krajeva. Ima mali dodatak ako uradite apsolutno sve u igri ali sam kraj kao kraj je jedan. Sve ostalo sto zovu “krajem” su samo bonus scene vecih desavanja u igri koje mozete otkljucati nakon zavrsavanja igre…prakticno prevremeni game over sa cutsceneom koji je ponekad skroz retardiran.

Extractovao sam sto sam mogao i ovaj put ima svega 2.85GB videa na x360 verziji. Opet su bink ali ovaj put 720p, a ne 576p kao u FF13. Intro i outro CGI su mnogo bolje kompresovani i lepi za gledanje ali svi ostali su opet gadni, macroblocking je odvratan. Na svu srecu jedva da ima nesto uradjeno u video file formi tako da nije problem - skoro pa sve scene su ovaj put in-engine. Najvise videa cete se nagledati ako upalite FF13 story recap.

Ima novih lokacija, ali ima i rehashovanih iz FF13. Smeta mi samo sto kad odes na neko mesto u “petoj” godini i pada kisa, 295 godina kasnije kad se vratis nista se nije promenilo osim sto je sad sve prekriveno snegom…

Ako niste igrali FF13 mozda bi bilo bolje i da ga ne igrate sad vec jer ima video recap cele igre u FF13-2. Zasto? FF13-2 ima puno bogatiji gameplay i ranije vam pokazu i daju fore pa se igrate, a ne da imate tutorial od 40 sati (FF13 je prakticno tutorial sve do chaptera 10 od 13)

edit: i ne bi bilo lepo da neko napise sta je kraj 13-2. Suzdrzite se ako ste ga videli, verovatno sam jedan od retkih kome se svidja hahahahahahaha
leta_jp ima sad vec skoro skroz kompletiranu igru - Tales Square. - Videos

nisi trebao ni da kazes za putovanje kroz vreme… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

o.O huh?
pa cela igra se vrti oko toga. Vremenske kapije povezuju svaki nivo lol … “historia crux”. To je poznato vec pola godine iz informacija, slika i trailera…

btw konkretan primer koji sam ja naveo je public :stuck_out_tongue:
E3 gameplay demo-trailer-presentation = Bresha Ruins AF005
Nico Nico prezentacija decembar = Bresha Ruins AF300

nisam provalio… :confused:
mislio sam to je portal izmedju nekih svetova nesto ali nisam imao predstavu da je putovanje kroz vreme… :confused:

Informacija za sve fanove koji bi da probaju FF XIII-2 pre 3 februara a pritom nisu ni japanci niti imaju jtag-ovan box, demo ce biti dostupan na Live od 11 Januara.

demo, order-2-console
Po obicaju gold-only za pocetak, ali moze se nabaviti i na…druge…nacine kao i obicno.
Nisam ga jos probao ali cujem da je Atlas demo tj. ono sto je bilo i na E3 prosle godine.

Izgleda je region locked, dobijem this offer is not valid in your region.

evo jos 15 min i ja sam ga nabavio. kad ga ubacim na usb prijavicu dal radi

Ako sa sajta onda nije cudo jer je to US link

Mada zaista je E3 demo, Bresha Ruins po hiljaditi put lol (i radi bez problema pc->usb->console).

Nisi javio da li radi? :slight_smile:

Maltene isto izgleda kao XIII, samo sam upalio da vidim jel radi i odigrao 10-ak min, cekam zvanicni datum pa da krenem da cepam, dobro je da su krenule igre, 2 meseca je proslo.