Final Fantasy XIII-2

Ova Serah i Noel mi jako lice na Fang i Vanille iz FFXIII :slight_smile:

Ahahahahahahahhah,kako covece? :smiley:

Noel da, ali Serah lici na Serah iz FFXIII :smiley:

Zanima me jer se prica u nastavcima nastavlja ili je svaki deo za sebe i odakle da pocne XIII?

voleo bi da skinem ff jer sam se nalozio na ovakve igre :stuck_out_tongue:

Svaki FF je prica za sebe. Ako postoji npr FF13-2 ili FF10-2,oni su nastavci od FF13 i FF10.

[SIZE=“5”]Final Fantasy Fabula Nova Cristalis[/SIZE] obuhvata FF13,FF versus 13,FF13-2, i do skoro je bio FF Agito 13 (preimenovan u Type 0,on vise ne spada u Fabula Nova Cristalis)…Svi oni su igra za sebe ali imaju neku zajednicku pricu o nekim bogovima.



“FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 is slated for a January 2012 release for North America. Be excited!” (isto i za evropu)

daleko je to! :smiley:

[SIZE=3]**Paddra Ruins Schreenshots:


– 28 Aug 2011, XX:XX –
‘Quest for Lightning’ trailer (PAX2011)

– 02 Sep 2011, XX:XX –
**How does FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 begin and how does Lightning fit into the story? **
Noel is from the future where he’s the last surviving human of his time.
Lightning is a knight for the goddess Etro who’s tasked with protecting her temple in Valhalla.
more @ SQUARE ENIX | Die offizielle Webseite von SQUARE ENIX

– 07 Sep 2011, XX:XX –
CEDEC 2011 animation panel
Speaking at Japan’s CEDEC conference, Square Enix mobile business senior manager Takashi Tokita spoke of the late Yoshinori Kanada. Kanada was a storyboard artist who, among other things, worked on Final Fantasy XIII. One board in particular was for a scene that didn’t make it into the game. According to Tokita, its omission was something director Motomu Toriyama regretted as he quite liked the scene. Not this time, however. The scene, in which Odin holds Lightning, will be included in the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII-2.

– 08 Sep 2011, XX:XX –
Historia Crux Q&A (“time-travel” mechanic)

Veliki sam obozavatelj FF serijala.
Nakon sto me je FFXIII izneverio…Tesko da se nesto radujem ovom delu,i sumnjam da cu je igrati cim izadje.
A i FFX-2 je bio glupost za mene.
Ali nema smisla uporedjivati FFX-2 i FFXIII-2.
Steta sto nisu napravili FFXII-2 (FFXII mi je omiljen deo).

meni je ff 9-ka ostavila najbolji utisak i jedna od najboljih igara sa sony keca. ff 13 ne moze da se poredi sa predhodnim delovima ali opet lepo iskustvo :slight_smile: nadam se da ce i 13-2 biti podjednako dobar ko i ff 13 :slight_smile:

A jos ako/kad opale i FF13-3 lol
Square Enix registers Final Fantasy XIII-3 domain, renews Final Fantasy Versus XIII trademark — Gematsu

Square registered through their regular domain service, Corporation Service Company, whom they also used to register the domains [URL=“”] and [URL=“”]

A ja bih FF8-2 :stuck_out_tongue:

inace, nazad na 13-2

As for the game’s length, Toriyama explains that it’s slightly shorter than XIII in terms of volume, but many new gameplay elements have been added including the Historia Crux system, Fragments, and mini games.

TGS 2011

Release Dates:
JP - 15.12.2011.
US - 31.01.2012
EU - 03.02.2012

TGS 2011 trailer PS3ver (leaked)
TGS 2011 trailer X360ver explained in text, to be released soon

The DLC will come in two flavors to start with.

The first announced is a pre-order bonus for ordering from either Lawsons or HMV. This bonus provides you with special content for use in game but no details have been specified. The second will be post-release downloadable content but other than announcing that it’s in the works, Square hasn’t given us any details on it yet, except that it will allow players to enjoy the game to a greater depth.

Just like the original and Episode Zero, Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be receiving it’s own online novella before release. Titled Final Fantasy XIII: Lost Report, it’s set during the events of the first game but through the eyes of Rygdea and Yaag Rosch. The six chaptered story will begin being released on the official website some time this month and will once again be for Japan only.

Hahah e meni je FF9 bio najaci do FF13… To je to svako ima svoj ukus, svaki deo FF-a je drugaciji od prethodnika… Ali bih voleo da se sa FF15 vratimo u doba kao sto je FF9… :smiley:

Square Enix je potvrdio da igra dolazi na jednom disku,za razliku od prethodnog dela koji je bio na 3 diska.

The Xbox 360 version of upcoming Japanese role-playing game Final Fantasy 13-2 comes on one disc, Square Enix has confirmed.

The Xbox 360 version Final Fantasy 13 came on three discs, forcing disc swapping.

Director Motomu Toriyama told Japanese magazine Famitsu (translated by Andriasang) that 13-2 actually has the same amount of volume as 13.

So how has Square Enix squeezed the game onto one Xbox 360 disc? Because the event scenes are real time, Toriyama said. This has the added bonus of event scenes showing your armour changes.

As expected, the PlayStation 3 version of FF13-2 comes on a single Blu-ray disc.

Meanwhile, Famitsu revealed new details on the hotly anticipated game.

13-2 will have quick time events, but apparently if you mess them up you won’t suffer a huge penalty. Clearing them grants only subtle benefits.

This time around the Crystarium growth chart does not limit the progress of characters. So, you can make yourself super powerful from the start.

And you can now switch your currently controlled character during battle. Battles do not end when your party leader dies, either.

23-09-2011 17:07
TGS 2011
Sa zakasnjenjem, X360 i PS3 verzije trailera na engleskom…

Oktobar 2011.
New York Comic Con 2011 trailer (uglavnom kompilacija vec vidjenih scena)

  1. oktobar 2011
    Dengeki PlayStation has the scoop this week, among other things.

As detailed in the magazine, Sazh’s role in the game is not yet clear, but director Toriyama says that he is working to better Gran Pulse.

Dengeki also has a bit on XIII-’s casino and Time Labyrinth system.

The casino exists in a large city known as Xanadu. Both chocobo racing and slot machines await you in this Gold Saucer-esque land.

Time Labyrinth is a new game mechanic. This is a sort of dungeon-like area, which will be mandatory for story progression. Floors will disappear beneath you as you advance, gathering crystals to solve the puzzles involving clock faces. Fear not, however, as the story dungeons will be made simple, according to Toriyama. Ones related to side quests, however, will be much more difficult.

**Gigantic Casino Xanadu
Can be seen floating in the sky, but the time period it is in is unknown.

Slot Machines: You can buy coins to spend on these machines with gil. Conversely doing well will allow you to earn prizes.

Chocobo Races: Here you can have the chocobos you’ve captured in battle race. There are five categories, with the top one having big prizes.

Chocobos have “Racing Points.” When these points hit 0 the chocobo must retire. Pressing the right button at the right time when a race starts gives you a start dash.

**Minigame “Time Labirynth”
**You’ll encounter these in the course of the story, but there are also optional ones.

“Vanishing Floor”: Every time you get off a floor panel it disappears. The stage is composed of a series of floor panels and crystals. The objective is to gather all the crystals.

“Crystal Bond”: Where you must link crystals of the same shape and color with each other.

“Clock’s Needle”: Where numbered crystals appear floating over a giant clock’s dial. Details are unknown.

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Japanske novine su igrale prvih 13 sati igre, info @ Japanese Press Plays Final Fantasy XIII-2 For Thirteen Hours –

Save se sada moze uraditi bilo gde!
XIII-2 has towns. There’s no transition from field to towns. You’ll just seamlessly enter areas of safety where people reside.
Recap of the original story (FF13) is an option on the main menu (with video clips included if you have a XIII save)

btw sorry sto je ovo “megathread” ali je nastao pola godine pre “pravila”. :stuck_out_tongue: