Final Fantasy XIII-2

Izdavač: Square Enix
Razvojni tim: Square Enix
Žanr: J-RPG
Datum izlaska: 03.02.2012 EU || 31.01.2012 US ||15.12.2011 JP
Platforma: Xbox 360, [URL=“”]PlayStation 3

_Cocoon – a utopia in the sky. Its inhabitants believed their world a paradise. Under the Sanctum’s rule, Cocoon had long known peace and prosperity. Mankind was blessed by its protectors, the benevolent fal’Cie, and believed that tranquil days would continue forever. Their tranquillity was shattered with the discovery of one hostile fal’Cie.

The moment that fal’Cie from Pulse - the feared and detested lowerworld - awoke from its slumber, peace on Cocoon came to an end. Fal’Cie curse humans, turning them into magic-wielding servants. They become l’Cie - chosen of the fal’Cie. Those branded with the mark of a l’Cie carry the burden of either fulfilling their Focus or facing a fate harsher than death itself. A prayer for redemption.

A wish to protect the world. A promise to challenge destiny. After thirteen days of fates intertwined, the battle begins…

Set several years after Lightning and the others saved Cocoon, some survivors have decided to start over by rebuilding on Gran Pulse. Lightning, however, is nowhere to be found and thought dead by many, but Serah believes otherwise. When her town is suddenly overrun by monsters, a mysterious man named Noel appears to save her. Together, the two set off to find Lightning…_

FF XIII-2 je najavljen na FNC konferenciji 18. januara. 2011.

  • The story of FFXIII-2 will take place in Gran Pulse after the ending of FFXIII
  • The main plot will begin like the FFXIII Episode 1: Corridor of Memory booklet that came with the Japanese Xbox 360 version of FFXIII International but further expanded
  • The story will be more dark and mysterious
  • The story will focus on the Goddess Etro, who was one of the three Goddesses created by God Buniberzei, in order to world to search and destroy his mother Muin
  • This game will not have the modern pop style setting like in Final Fantasy X-2
  • The battle system will be an evolved version of the ATB system from FFXIII
  • The development team will incorporate opinions from both the domestic and foreign players, from characters, story to user interface

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– 28 Aug 2011, XX:XX –
‘Quest for Lightning’ trailer (PAX2011)

– 02 Sep 2011, XX:XX –
**How does FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 begin and how does Lightning fit into the story? **
Noel is from the future where he’s the last surviving human of his time.
Lightning is a knight for the goddess Etro who’s tasked with protecting her temple in Valhalla.
more @ SQUARE ENIX | Die offizielle Webseite von SQUARE ENIX

– 07 Sep 2011, XX:XX –
CEDEC 2011 animation panel
Speaking at Japan’s CEDEC conference, Square Enix mobile business senior manager Takashi Tokita spoke of the late Yoshinori Kanada. Kanada was a storyboard artist who, among other things, worked on Final Fantasy XIII. One board in particular was for a scene that didn’t make it into the game. According to Tokita, its omission was something director Motomu Toriyama regretted as he quite liked the scene. Not this time, however. The scene, in which Odin holds Lightning, will be included in the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII-2.

– 08 Sep 2011, XX:XX –
Historia Crux Q&A (“time-travel” mechanic)

Screenshots 8. septembar

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– TGS 2011 –
X360 i PS3 verzije trailera na engleskom

**Oktobar 2011.
**New York Comic Con 2011 trailer (uglavnom kompilacija vec vidjenih scena)

**27. oktobar 2011
**Dengeki PlayStation has the scoop this week, among other things.

As detailed in the magazine, Sazh’s role in the game is not yet clear, but director Toriyama says that he is working to better Gran Pulse.

Dengeki also has a bit on XIII-’s casino and Time Labyrinth system.

The casino exists in a large city known as Xanadu. Both chocobo racing and slot machines await you in this Gold Saucer-esque land.

Time Labyrinth is a new game mechanic. This is a sort of dungeon-like area, which will be mandatory for story progression. Floors will disappear beneath you as you advance, gathering crystals to solve the puzzles involving clock faces. Fear not, however, as the story dungeons will be made simple, according to Toriyama. Ones related to side quests, however, will be much more difficult.

**Gigantic Casino Xanadu
Can be seen floating in the sky, but the time period it is in is unknown.

Slot Machines: You can buy coins to spend on these machines with gil. Conversely doing well will allow you to earn prizes.

Chocobo Races: Here you can have the chocobos you’ve captured in battle race. There are five categories, with the top one having big prizes.

Chocobos have “Racing Points.” When these points hit 0 the chocobo must retire. Pressing the right button at the right time when a race starts gives you a start dash.

**Minigame “Time Labirynth”
**You’ll encounter these in the course of the story, but there are also optional ones.

“Vanishing Floor”: Every time you get off a floor panel it disappears. The stage is composed of a series of floor panels and crystals. The objective is to gather all the crystals.

“Crystal Bond”: Where you must link crystals of the same shape and color with each other.

“Clock’s Needle”: Where numbered crystals appear floating over a giant clock’s dial. Details are unknown.

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[SIZE=5]23. novembar 2011. - CGI trailer[/SIZE]

In an interview with Famitsu, the Final Fantasy XIII-2 team said the game’s story is between 30 and 40 hours long.

[SIZE=5]30. novembar 2011. - Enh. Battle trailer[/SIZE]
Bice DLC kostim za Noela, a sta drugo nego Ezio is AssCreed Revelations

Ako vas interesuje muzika iz igre, postavljen je preview na FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 オリジナル・サウンドトラック | SQUARE ENIX

Enh. Battle trailer


Extra brate obradovao si me…

Sledece zime i odmah najavljen za Xbox 360…

p.s. Dal ce da bude objavljen i FF Versus XIII za 360…

Ekstra :slight_smile: Vracaju se jos i Lightning i nadam se jos koji lik iz XIII.

Ja sam se nameracio da predjem ovaj obicni XIII al nije mi nista specijalno. Nisam ljubitelj tih japanaca i V dio FF mi je ubjedljivo najbolji (PSX) ne znam zasto. Dosao sam do 2 diska a ovaj XIII-2 cu skinuti cisto zbog moje kolekcije :slight_smile:

Da ona mi je definitivno najomiljeniji zenski lik ne samo u FF nego uopste u igrackom svetu,bice sigurno i Hope,Snow,Sasz,nadam se jos neki likovi…

I od ove igre ocekujem neki preokret,da nece biti linearnosti i da ce ponovo biti u principu starijih FF npr 12…Nadam se da ce da bude manje tehnologije i da ce se svet vratiti malo vise u proslost,vitezovi,kraljevi,trgovci itd…Moj zakljucak na osnovu Lightening outfita je da ce se vratiti vreme u igri…

Prvi pasus, zadnja recenica - stavi spojler, pokvarices nekme igru :smiley:

upravu si,ispravljeno…ako budem imao para uzimam original… :slight_smile:

Versus je i dalje PS3 ekskluziva.
18.01 je odrzana FNC konferencija, prikazan je trailer za FF13-2, Agito 13 (preimenovan sad u Type 0), Kingdom Hearts 3D, Dissidia 2 i Versus 13.
Versusov trailer je 7 minuta sa dosta gameplaya i na kraju stoji “For Playstation” tako da je i dalje samo za PS3, ali daleko je jos release :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
Sutra ce pustiti zvanicno trailer za FF13-2, a za ostale nabrojane igre onog tamo cetvrtka - 27. januara.

A jel se zna datum izlaska za Versus XIII??

Uff, ovo ce da bude bombona, XIII-ticu sam peglao ceo jul prosle godine, nastavak se zeljno iscekuje :smiley:

@Archer Mac
slobodno linkuj, što više informacija, to bolje :slight_smile:

Za FFXIII vs čekamo E3 pa da vidimo da li će biti tapšanja po ramenu :smiley:

U poslednjem interviewu pre ove konferencije su rekli da najverovatnije nece biti 2011.

S obzirom da je Versus “velika” igra kao i 13-2, ne verujem da ce iste fiskalne godine izdati obe. Sledece zime (11/12) se ocekuje XIII-2. Fiskalna godina im pocinje od aprila tako da je Versus realno ocekivati krajem kalendarske 2012 za japan i onda nesto kasnije i engleska verzija…naravno ako su dovoljno odmakli sa razvojem, a bio bi red vec. Ovaj pasus je moja spekulacija, ono prvo je cinjenica :woot:

Posto imam green light, ovde mozete videti sve trailere uhvacene sa live-streama osim Dissidia 2 trailer koji osim nesto malo Yune ne pokazuje nista novo.
Trailer za 13-2 je sad vec i zvanicno pusten, uskoro cu ga stavit u prvi post, ali moze se videti i na glavnoj stranici igre koja je vec linkovana u nazivu :stuck_out_tongue: Ostali traileri ce zvanicno bit 27. januara…Versusov je bas dobar :stuck_out_tongue:

najvise me nerviraju kada objave igru 5 godina pre izlaska…Neka objave lepo 2 meseca pre izlaska i kraj…

hvala za video…Light u drugom izdanju hmm,opet je lepa ili lepsa… XD

Nisam bio u mogucnosti da probam FF na next genu (ne da mi se da bacim 3 diska na jednu igru),mada kad ovo izadje ako vi drustvo kazete da valja pucu i 6 :stuck_out_tongue:

Ne moras da bacis tri diska, mozes jedan. :wink:
Ako se jos dobro secam podela chaptera po diskovima je 1-4, 5-9 i 10-13. Prvi disk ima oko 7-8 sati gameplaya? Tako nesto, manje je od 10.
Problem moze biti sto se sloboda izbora partya omogucava tek u ch10, a u ch11 i nakon zavrstetka ch13 je moguce slobodno ici po Pulseu i raditi sporedne misije (koje su idi tamo i ubi to). Do pre ch11 je sve poprilicno linearno.

Nema backtracking tako da kad zavrsis jedan disk, vise se ne vracas na njega.

Diskovi idu ovako:
Prvi disk - kada crashujete u onu pustinju, nisam siguran da li je 4-i ili 5-i chapter, negde do 6-og 7-og sata.
Drugi disk - od toga, pa do bossa na onom letecem brodu - negde oko 20 sati gameplaya, tu vas pusta da birate likove
Treci disk - odatle pa do kraja igre - ide se u onu ravan, Pulse, ili kako vec.

meni je zanimljivo odradjen,prva dva diska kao Akcioni RPG,a u trecem disku se vise javlja taj RPG element…

Jel je uspeo neko da ubije LONG GUI-a??? Sem mene :stuck_out_tongue: XD

Evo i najnovijih informacija o igri :slight_smile:

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIII-2 producer Yoshinori Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama revealed some latest info on the game in this week’s Dengeki magazine.

* The story of FFXIII-2 will take place in Gran Pulse after the ending of FFXIII
* The main plot will begin like the FFXIII Episode 1: Corridor of Memory booklet that came with the Japanese Xbox 360 version of FFXIII International but further expanded
* Besides the protagonist Lightning, other FFXIII characters will make unexpected appearance somewhere in the game, and some will have major changes
* Some of the events from the first game will be carried over and reflected in this game
* The story will be more dark and mysterious
* The story will focus on the Goddess Etro, who was one of the three Goddesses created by God Buniberzei, in order to world to search and destroy his mother Muin
* This game will not have the modern pop style setting like in Final Fantasy X-2
* The battle system will be an evolved version of the ATB system from FFXIII
* The development team will incorporate opinions from both the domestic and foreign players, from characters, story to user interface
* The game may have difficulty setting at the beginning

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Nakon Dengeki-a, evo i Famitsu interview. Spoilerast je ako niste presli FF13.

Famitsu first asked for a recap of how the project came to be. The main reason they decided to make a sequel, said Toriyama, is that there was demand throughout the world. In addition to this, Toriyama and the development staff wanted to portray the Lightning character further. The original FFXIII ended with a lingering question: is Lightning really happy? Final Fantasy XIII-2 will come to a clear conclusion.

The “Episode i” after story novella that was included as a bonus with the first print run of the Japanese Xbox 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII serves as the prologue of XIII-2. Famitsu pointed out that Episode i shows the various characters from FFXIII returning to their normal lives. Does this mean that Lightning will be on her own? Also, Famitsu asked, will the purpose of Lightning’s new journey be to find a method of helping Vanille and Fang?

Regarding the latter point, Toriyama noted that being helped by the sacrifice of the two characters left a wound in the hearts of everyone. The story will of course show not just Lightning, but the other allies who were hurt by that, Toriyama assured. Additionally, there will be a number of new characters.

Similar to the Dengeki interview, Famitsu’s interviewers asked if there would be any Final Fantasy X-2 style dancing and singing in XIII-2. XIII-2 will have have a serious direction, Kitase replied. Toriyama noted that considering Vanille and Fang are gone and the world is in a state where Cocoon had fallen, there’s no way for the new story to be totally peaceful. XIII-2 will have a darker and more mysterious side over XIII.

Famitsu asked if XIII-2 will possibly being set in the dark world that Lightning is wandering around in at the end of the Episode i novella. Toriyama responded that the principal setting will be different from that of XIII, but he assured that the FFXIII world will be in the game in some form.

As part of the story of the original, Lightning has lost her l’Cie abilities (summons, casting magic, etc.). In response to this observation from Famitsu, Toriyama joked that perhaps Lightning has become an even more incredible existence than a l’Cie. Famitsu countered that she certainly has become sexier. Toriyama responded that even though she’s probably more explosed (I must be missing something here because she doesn’t look more exposed to me!), similar to the original, they’re valuing her refined and noble qualities. He added that her clothing has a more fantasy feel to it this time, and the design of her weapons and other such items will match.

Commenting on the trailer, Famitsu noted that there’s a scene which shows Lightning standing in front of what looks like an alter. That’s actually not an altar but a seat, corrected Toriyama, and it has great significance.

Famitsu also pointed out that when Lighthing and the mysterious new guy shown in the trailer line up back to back, they look like angel and devil. “Which is the angel and which is the devil?” joked Toriyama. He added, Lightning has a new mission this time, and as she attempts to fulfill this mission, she’ll end up in a confrontation with the guy. He’s a powerful character who can fight on equivalent ground with Lightning, the hero who saved the world.

One final point: if you have Final Fantasy XIII save data, you may want to hold on to it. The team is investigating the possibility of giving something to players who have save data in place. interpretacija, nista posebno novo, ali se cini kao da je to polovina interviewa jer u originalu ima vise.
Svakako ce neko prevesti sa vise smisla, ali evo jos nesto sto se moze izvuci odatle

  • Lightning will be a l’cie again / more than a l’cie, but this time she can choose her Focus, as well as the ability to travel through different worlds;
  • The team is working intensively on this project, the world will feel much more alive with homes and people in bigger abundance, also the traveling system has been changed.

Po meni su ovo lepe inovacije u nastavku. Svidja mi se fora sto ce moci save iz prethodnog dela da se iskoristi ( kapiram nesto slicno kao sa Sheppardom iz Me1 u Me2 ) a ako malo olaksaju putovanja, bio bih im zahvalan, to je jedna od retkih stvari koja me je nervirala kada sam radio one cieth stone missione, na kraju sam i odustao, ne odigravsi ih sve. Sto se tice promenljivog fokusa, ako lepo usklade pricu, moze svasta zanimljivo da ispadne, u svakom slucaju, to je jedna od igara za koju necu zaliti da dam kes cim se pojavi.