Final Fantasy XIII-2

Takodje. Meni je FF najbolji serijal na svetu a FFXIII mi je za sada najbolja igra…

Lightning’s house…pricali su ranije kako su izbacili njenu kucu iz igre (FF13) ali je artwork ostao i konacno je prikazan.
pic sauce: FF13??? : ???
text sauce:

Istina da ovo nije 13-2 vest, ali ko zna, mozda ce ubaciti u ovu igru.

evo trunke nade da ce FFv13 izaci i na Xbox 360,ja sam se odusevio ovome,a kad budem saznao da stvarno izlazi slogiracu se…

FF Versus XIII sur 360 ? Possible - Test and Troll -

Mada trenutno nema ni traga od Versusa na ESRB…ni kao PS3 only, a i pomalo je retardirana cela ova recenica od samog pocetka “Player controls four different characters in a battle team composed of three characters”

…vidi se da su pisali francuzi jer ESRB ovakve recenice ne sklapa.

cuti nadam se… :smiley:


Sledi malo spoilera ako niste zavrsili FF13

Set a few years after Lightning and the others saved Cocoon, some survivors have decided to start over by rebuilding on Gran Pulse. Lightning, however, is nowhere to be found and thought dead by many, but Serah believes otherwise. When her town is suddenly overrun by monsters, a mysterious man named Noel appears to save her. Together, the two set off to find Lightning…

Nadam se da cemo dobiti vise na E3 :slight_smile:

Fino. :smiley:

Evo jos malo haha teaser pred redovan trailer na E3
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - GameSpot Exclusive E3 Teaser Trailer (PlayStation 3) - GameSpot Video

Onaj Noel je ko neki Tidus obucen ko Yuna lol (ili ako cemo po FF13, kao Fang). Moogle je gadan. Neko dete koje ne znam da li je musko ili zensko, “cinematic action” = quicktime events??? , Pulseworker u timu?? (recruitanje?) , neka mini igra (unstable rift) …

Samo da bude manje linearna igra i da budu teze i bolje odradjenje borbe, to je sve sto trazim, ostalo je sve bilo vrhunski u FFXIII.

Towns…quicktime events…dialogue choices…

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edit: dosta infoa o igri @ SQUARE ENIX | Die offizielle Webseite von SQUARE ENIX

ma samo da budu ponovo gradovi u igri i da ima nekih boljih sporednih misija a ne da ih vecina bude lov

Bice vise krajeva…koji prijatan šok.

Linearity is addressed in multiple ways. The new dialog tree implemented allows player to converse with NPCs with multiple outcomes and they’ll be reducing the amount of cutscenes used to break up the narrative focusing on more interactive storytelling. Standing still at certain locations can trigger dynamic cutscenes but they won’t be stopping you if you want to proceed. They want players to explore and trigger cutscenes by themselves rather than force them upon people. The Live Trigger system gives you multiple ways to tackle your current objective. These can include performing tasks which could for example make an upcoming boss battle easier or even avoid it completely. Branching paths remove the linear corridors you were forced to follow in the original and side quests will finally return including plenty of dungeons to explore. The key theme being introduced into this title is choice and freedom, and that these choices will impact the story. With this comes the startling announcement that FFXIII-2 will contain multiple endings. How many endings are possible hasn’t been revealed yet but it’s still a great departure from what we’ve seen before, even if it has been done countless times in other titles.

Several new gameplay features were revealed yesterday including QTE’s, Mog Clock and the ability to jump and although the battle system remains largely unchanged, there are a few more tweaks. Serah won’t be able to summon Eidolons as she isn’t a l’cie anymore but she can instead call monsters to her aid as a third party member. They refused to go into further detail but it’s apparently much deeper in application than described so far. Another complaint addressed was the lack of plenty of mini-games usually found in Final Fantasy titles. Apparently they will be featured in XIII-2 but no details have been revealed. A re-designed game map will also be included. No details on the leveling system have been given yet. Toriyama also said that they plan to allow you to play the game multiple times but when asked whether this meant a “New Game +” type system with characters experience and items carried over, he said they preferred to offer an alternative system to that.

ovo je smesno. uzeci u obzir kakvi su svetovi u FF serijalu, da li to znaci da cemo na svakoj lokacij ostaviti igru u idle modu 2-3 minuta ne bi li se mozda ukljucio cutscene? Square je odlepio ljudi…

Ubacili su quick time eventove u borbu? Nisu normalni, prave God of War od FF. Daj boze da bar prica bude dobra kao u FFXIII.

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FFXIII-2: Multiple endings confirmed, inspired by RDR, HD towns “too boring” | VG247
Toriyama added that it had been inspired by Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption in making FFXIII-2, saying there would be side missions in the RPG, “a bit like in Red Dead Redemption.”

“Among the millions of games that came out last year, Red Dead Redemption was adored by a lot of Japanese developers, including ourselves,” he continued.
Our game is not as open-field as that game, obviously. We did take some inspirations, however. For example, missions can happen anywhere rather than having to go to a certain shrine, or base or something, and that’s from them. In this game you see lots and lots of chocobos and you can ride them. The kind of feeling you get as you ride the chocobo, it’s a bit like the way you ride a horse."

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Osecam da ce biti ovo jos bolji 13… :smiley:

Gamespot ima ekskluzivno pravo na direct-feed footage E3 demoa kao sto je imao i teaser i trailer kao timed-exclusive.

Cist gameplay, cuje se sav zvuk pa tako i vrlo cudna muzika + rap lolol
Final Fantasy XIII-2 -Live Trigger and Atlas Fight Gameplay Movie (PlayStation 3) - GameSpot Video
Final Fantasy XIII-2 -Track Down Atlas Gameplay Movie (PlayStation 3) - GameSpot Video
Final Fantasy XIII-2 -Paradox Alpha Fight Gameplay Movie (PlayStation 3) - GameSpot Video
Final Fantasy XIII-2 E3 2011 Stage Demo (Xbox 360) - GameSpot Video



Sve su ovo odlicne stvari, pa cak i quicktime events imajuci u vidu koliko dugi cinematici u FFu mogu da budu.