Xecuter fusion

Novo, ne zna se sta je ?! :hm


Može THANKS :slight_smile:

Procureo im je video…vidis da su ga odmah sklonili sa TX foruma

Pitam se hoce li ovo (sta god da je) moci da radi bez RGH?

meh, vec su ga malo preterali. mislim kad uradis RGH, sta drugo? ajde demon ako donese dva butabilna nanda, jedan za live, drugi za RGH sve smo resili. a i novi Durango ce uskoro

Ja mislim da bas zato i koriste, ovo malo sto je ostalo pre Durango-a da izmisle jos par “novih igracaka”, radi dodatne zarade, jer kad Durango izadje…

yup ovo bilo jos juce ujutru na TX sajt ja cap na link ono nepostojeca tema, leak od nekud jbg…

Sa TX foruma, slucajno je okaceno i ADMINI su obrisali temu. Duplikat Clipa je ovo.

Ja sam 7 meseci unapred znao da ce izaci CK3i novi mislim da sam @Akirisu rekao, ali ovo ne znam sta je mislim … :slight_smile:

Mozda neki FSD bez RGH-a :smiley:

Sta god da bude sigurno nece biti Free ili jeftino… TX je to :smiley:

onaj logo na pocetku identican kao kod mene na autu ali IDENTICAN :slight_smile:

Voziš Forda? :slight_smile:

xecuter official video

Mislim da sam ukapiro ! Ovo je poboljšana usavršenija verzija RGH poneka dodatna opcija a ne nešto novo i revolucijonarno .

Bas tako, cim izadje tutorijal azuriram i svi ce moci da imaju ovaj dashboard kernel :slight_smile:

malo vesti

o not mistake our silence as no progress on the Fusion project.

Things are progressing nicely and we have seen major advancements in the roadmap.

Here’s a little teaser, a piece of software that will become pretty famous in the coming months.

Note that this is an internal demo screenshot - the end result will be much different.

Može pojašnjenje ovog Fusion Sutupa koja je konkretna korist od ovoga ?

oglasio se Xecuter

Features of Xecuter Fusion as of v1.0.6

**+ Turns console into full devkit **
- Console has full devkit functionality
- Test kits have debugging and memory editing capabilities
- Partnernet has been blocked
- Slim devs that show up as test kits now show up as full devs

  • XEX security checks removed **
    • Region checks removed
    • Bounding path checks removed
    • Library version checks removed
    • Module import version checks removed
    • Media id checks removed
    • Module hash checks removed
  • XGD security removed **
    • Bypass xgd authentication, loads retail game disks
    • AP2.5 checks removed

**+ Run retail executables **

  • Executables checked with devkit rsa key, if signature fails it
    is loaded with retail encryption keys

    **+ Container security checks removed **

    • Rsa signature check removed
    • License checks removed
    • Arcade games run as full, even when extracted

    **+ Xbdm.xex **

    • Mounts all internal drives
    • Mounts Firmware folder
    • Hud.xex **
  • “Family Settings” changed to “Firmware Settings”, runs config manager on press

    **+ Dash.xex **

  • Games copied to the hard drive via the dashboard no longer require the disk to be in the drive to be played

    **+ Fusion added features **

    • Boot in safe mode by pressing eject to boot (dev only)
    • Loads alternate system files from Firmware\Kernel\
    • Both devkit and retail hardware/accessories work
    • Switch between retail or devkit system link encryption
    • Switch between retail or devkit system encryption
    • Bypass booting to dev launcher
    • Pair any dvd drive to console
    • Display cpukey, dvdkey and other important information
    • Both retail and devkit profiles can be used simultaneously
    • Multi disk games can be ran from hdd without problems
    • Trainer launcher accessible through hot-key launch
  • The custom boot animation has a small side effect where the console will take a bit longer to boot. The reason for this is that the animation does not start playing at first boot, rather it plays once the console is fully booted. It is being worked on and will be fixed soon.

  • Multi-Disk Games
    Multi disk games can now be run from the hard drive and still function properly when the game requests to switch disks. In order for Fusion to auto detect and switch to the next disk of a game, the game must be put into a special folder structure. Every disk for the game needs to be ripped to its own folder named disc1, disc2, etc. Each disk folder must be placed inside a folder just for that game.

Here is an example folder hierarchy:

\Battlefield 3\
\Battlefield 3\disc1\
\Battlefield 3\disc1.…
\Battlefield 3\disc2\
\Battlefield 3\disc2.…


Release Notes


**v1.0.6 **

  • Ported to retail consoles
  • Added XeKeys status to ConfigManager console info screen
  • Trainer launcher added, accessible through hot-key launch

**v1.0.5 **

  • Hdd load redone, now works 10x better
  • Arcade license patch fixed to work with all arcade games
  • Hud.xex button remaps now work when in dashboard
  • Kernel folder has been changed to Firmware
  • Neighborhood now maps a few more drives
  • Major code/patch revamp and clean up
  • Retail and devkit profiles can be used, all profiles written as dev
  • Games ripped to the hdd no longer need the disc in drive to play
  • Minimum version check on module imports removed
  • Removed hdd authentication checks, retail and dev hdds now work
  • Multi disk games can be ran from the hdd without problems
    v1.0.4 **
  • Changed hdd loader to be dynamic
  • Fixed a bug with HvxPeekPoke
  • Repurposed “Family Settings” in hud.xex to “Firmware Settings”
  • Added Config Manager to change fw settings
  • Xbdm.xex patched to show all drives in explorer
  • Xbdm.xex now mounts Kernel
  • Xex module hash checks removed
  • Fixed a dvd drive pairing bug in ConfigManager
  • Fixed a bug in xbdm.xex with mapping KERNEL:\
    v1.0.3 **
  • Hv extensions re-enabled
  • All XeKeys values unblocked
  • Syscall 0x75 is HvxPeekPoke(ULONGLONG Dst, ULONGLONG Src, DWORD Size)
  • Loads retail xex files
  • Loads retail game disc’s
  • Bypass xex version/media/bounding path/region checks
  • Xam/xbdm/bootanim.xex are loaded from Hdd:\Kernel\
  • Boot into recovery mode by eject press
  • Unsigned containers allowed
  • Unlicensed/unpackaged arcade games are full
  • Slim testkit bug fixed
  • Internal drive map always enabled

**Fusion added features **
- Boot in safe mode by pressing eject to boot (dev only)
- Loads alternate system files from Firmware\Kernel\
- Both devkit and retail hardware/accessories work
- Switch between retail or devkit system link encryption
- Switch between retail or devkit system encryption
- Bypass booting to dev launcher
- Pair any dvd drive to console
- Display cpukey, dvdkey and other important information
- Both retail and devkit profiles can be used simultaneously
- Multi disk games can be ran from hdd without problems
- Trainer launcher accessible through hot-key launch

Thanks & Greetz go out to who were directly or indirectly involved in the Fusion project.**

TheFallen93, Sonic-Iso, Xenon.7, Redline99, Tiros, c0z, l_oliveira, MODFREAKz, xorloser, k3rn3l, Podger, RF1911, tydye81 & RickyB82.


  1. Start by running
    FusionSetup.exe and fill in
    the required information for
    your console. SMC code can
    be extracted from 360 Flash
    Dump Tool, and imported with
    fusion. No other files are

Once the required
information has been fill
out, press Build, save your
new flash image, and wait
for confirmation it was
successfully created.

  1. Write the image you just made in step 1 to your console using
    NandPro or your nand flashing software of choice.

  2. Using ImgBurn or your iso writing software of choice, burn the
    provided bootdisk iso “Fusion Bootdisk v1.0.6.iso” to a CD-R. Once the
    disk has been burned, place it in your console’s dvd-drive and turn the
    console off.

  3. With your HDD connected, the fusion nand image flashed, and the boot
    disk in your console’s dvd-drive, power on your console. Within a few
    seconds you should see the boot disk install screen appear. The boot
    disk will take a few moments to copy required OS files and when it
    is done your console will reboot. When your console reboots it will
    boot to either the dashboard
    or the dev-launcher depending
    on the settings you specified
    when creating the nand image.
    Your console is now running
    Fusion v1.0.6, enjoy!

Sustinski koliko vidim samo je izgled izmenjen, funkcije su iste ko do sada na rgh ?

Jeste ali FUSION ne sluzi obicnim korisnicima nista specijalno, isto ima i RGLoader…

Pogledaj youtube :wink:

jos nesto

Main Advantages & Features

  • Retail Keys added in to allow use of anything that would work on a retail console. This includes hardware and software. Games like rockband require the retail keys to work.
    This was a problem in the past and therefore rockband was unable to be “backed up”.This also allows the user to use retail and XDK user profiles. Making it convenient instead of having to resign a profile to work with dev or vice versa. Your profiles will also get resigned but its resigned with retail keys.

  • System link. Our system link in fusion will allow you to system link between dev and retail with no problems. Ping limit also removed out of the box so no need to run an app to do this.

  • DVD Pairing. Tired of manually pairing your drive to the console? all you have to do once fusion is installed is pop the drive in and hit “Pair Drive”.You do not even need
    your dvd key from the keyvault or from the drive to perform this.

  • Custom Boot Animations. The current Animation is hardcoded at the moment. For future releases the end user will be able to fully customize the stock boot animation

  • Trainer Launcher. An SDK is being built for this. However, its currently ready and in place for use. Once the SDK is ready itll make it easier for users to make their own trainers
    and game hacks.

  • Multi Disc Game Support. Unlike previous rebooters and other hacked kernels. Our multidisc support works much better. Once finished with the first disc the console will automatically
    find the next disc and load it as long as its in the proper file structure.

  • Debug XEXs. Our kernel will run both retail and debug xexs. Even if the retail flag is not set in place. For example the leaked Forza 2 dev build on usenet and other developer beta games and apps.

  • Arcade Patch. This was previously attempted in rebooters and such like freeboot. However, it was never 100% perfect and didnt work for every game. This patch was redone for full compatibility.

  • Easier Access to DVD and CPU key. Tired of having to run xell every time you needed a cpukey? All you have to do now is go into Firmware Settings and you now have easy access to this info.

  • HDD Load. RGLoader uses something similar to this by loading the flash files from HDD. However, ours loads 10x faster. This means no lag or choppiness when running anything.

  • ISO Install of HDD files. Nuff said. Absolutely no need to install files to hdd manually. Once you install the flash image just run the iso in the console and itll install those files for you. This also means there is no need to go hunting for files.

  • Re-purposed Family Settings to “Firmware Settings”. Since we hackers most likely do not care much about family settings and restrictions… We went ahead and changed that over to our firmware settings tab. This is the option where you go to get your cpukey and other unique information that Xell or Xellous used to give you. All in all xell and xellous are no longer needed unless you plan to boot linux. Future release of fusion will allow linux booting.

  • XGD Auth bypassed. Load retail game discs on a XDK kernel. Aswell as all AP2.5 checks removed. No need for FCRT.BIN or any extra files for this.