Wave 4

Za slucaj da neko nije nasao tutorial kako da pokrene wave 4 igre (za sada samo “Cars Race o Rama”) na 1.6 firmware-u:

1: You need your Activate.iso file! http://www.jungleflasher.net/files/activate.rar

2: Once you have the activate.iso file, you wanna drag and drop or save it to your desktop.

3: Insert a DVD+R DL into your dvd burner.

4: Now open up Activate.iso with any burning software you use. (I.E. Imgburn, Clonecd, etc… I personally use Imgburn… )

5: Now in your burning program go into your write setting tab and make sure your layerbreak is set to the Calculate Optimal setting. Also check your booktype for DVD+R DL and make sure its on the DVD-ROM setting and that your write speed is at 2.4x.

6: Start Burn!

7: As soon as the burn starts a message will pop saying, “that the image is small enough for a regular DVD R, do you want to continue anyway?”
(You wanna choose yes because burned to a regular DVDR the Activate.iso wont work!!!)

8: Next another message will pop saying, “even though the image is small enough to fit into one layer its best to write in both layers, do wou wanna go away from the norm and write in only one layer?” (Now I wanna stress…READ THIS MESSAGE CAREFULLY!!!)

Choosing “Yes” will cause all data to be wrttin into the first layer.

Choosing “No” will cause data to be writing into both layers.


9: It will burn then finish…

10: Insert the Activate.iso disk into your xbox 360. It will read for a little longer than usual then finally it will say “Play DVD”. Press “A” on your controller and a video should pop saying, “Play this disk in an xbox 360 console“.
This is how you know you’ve burned the iso sucessfully!!

11: Now just eject the Activate.iso disk and insert your unstealthed, modified or Hybrid disk and it will load!!!

Ja ovo jos nisam probao, morace da izadje neka dobra wave 4 igra, tako da ne znam da li radi

pa izgleda da ce forza3 pal biti wawe 4 nisam siguran

Ne, Forza 3 nije wave 4

Ma nemoj te ljudi opet sa ovim. Ona igra sto je “navodno” wave 4 je obican nukeovan rip. Kako je moguce da su igre posle njega nisu wave 4?

Ovo da je pod nekim bozanskim uslovima istina utice samo na 1.6 jer 1.51 nema striktno zakljucamu video particiju…

da, sasvim je moguce da je netacna informacija za wave 4, videcemo kako se budu pojavljivale nove igre. Postavio sam objasnjenje za 1.6 za slucaj da stvarno dolazi wave 4.

ok, posto je potvrdjeno na www.360mods.net sajtu, mislim da wave4 ipak stize:

Once again, Microsoft has started including the most recent major Dashboard Update on new game discs. This time it is the recent Summer/Fall 09 update which brings the NXE dash to 8498, closing the exploit used for the Free60 JTAG/SMC XeLL (Linux homebrew) hack. The first game confirmed to have this update on the disc is Cars Race-O-Rama. They added the new update into the video partition on the disc, which makes the partition larger than it always has been on older games. Previously there were 3 known good sizes for the video partition, they were known as wave1, wave2 and wave3. One of the security features in all iXtreme firmware from 1.0 to the current version 1.6 is a check on the size of the video partition to make sure it matches one of the 3 waves. The firmware will not boot any game that does not match, this is done to prevent booting bad backups and getting banned on Live. Since this new game has a larger video partition that does not match any of the 3 known waves, it does not boot.

This new game with the larger video partition is the start of “wave4” and our hacked firmware will need to be updated to accept this new size as a good value. The ETA for this new firmware is unknown. All drives will need to be updated to the new firmware once it’s released in order to play backups of new games! *

If the switch from wave2 to wave3 last year is any indication, there will be short cross-over period starting now where new games being released will be a mix of wave3 and wave4. After that it’s safe to assume all new games will be wave4 going forward.

  • c4e knew this day was coming after the same thing happened last year with the introduction of wave3 games, so he coded a workaround into iXtreme 1.6 that allows “one shot” booting of non-stealth or unknown sized discs (new waves). To do this you use the 0800 disc (activate.iso) that is available on this site and is also included with the iXtreme 1.6 firmware. Additional details on usage are in the iXtreme 1.6 README file. Obviously this method is not safe for Xbox Live and should be used offline only and at your own risk.

Ohoooo, nisam znao da je potvrdjeno? Cudno. Nikad ne nih rekao jer je dosta igara izaslo posle cars i treba da izadje a nisu wave 4. Sta ces. Barem mi je drugi xbox flashovan sa 1.51 tako da me bas briga. Svakako bi trebali svi koji su na 1,6 da predju na 1.7 kad izadje jer ja bih crkao da moram stalno pre nego sto krenem da igram neku igru moram da ubacim activation disk :rolleyes:

A i kao sto pise nije sigurno na live ici sa activation diskom iz nekog razloga. Ovde se nista sustinski ne menja osim video particije tako da nebi trebalo da je neki problem za jungle team :smiley:

Ne znam zasto ljudi vole samo procitati sta neki Paja kaze i vrte dalje po celom internetu bez razmisljanja.
Vidite svi jasno ZASTO je Cars nukovan. “Scena” ima svoja pravila i u njih spada i velicina arhiva pa release moze dobiti nuke i zbog toga, a cak ima i ogranicenje u davanju naziva. Od toga sto je 93MB jedan deo ne cini igru losom vec ne zadovoljava uslove “scene” …a takav nuke nama ljigavcima koji razmenjujemo igre to ne igra nikakvu ulogu…ugh
edit…izgleda da dzabe pisem
A sam wave4 …jbg :frowning:

Cars iako je wave 4 i dalje je nukeovan jer fali cela jedna arhiva koja je zamenjena fake-om kao i za halo odst french verziju

Hm, jel ovaj Cars uopšte vredno zezanja, barem sad u početku?

ne…sacekaj da izbace novi firmware

Ma znate sta? Ako ja budem mogao da igram sve sto sam do sada mogao i da vise ni jedna igra ne izadje wave3,ja imam igara dok mi Xbox ne crkne:D Mogu svi da se uvate za rucice pa lagano u Mississippi ili ako vise vole u okean,slobodno.ako pak nece,nek se obese svi ispred MS-a tamo da ih ceo svet vidi!STOKE!:D:D:D kakav hate!:smiley:

Jer sigurno da se igraju wave 4 igre na live-u preko activate.iso:confused:

Da… ja igram tekken preko live i radi sve super…

E,i kakav je Tekken?

Ma meni uopste nece.Ubacim activate.iso i pise ono put it in your xbox 360 console i posle ubacim tekken i izadje mi samo onaj xbox 360 screen.
Znaci tako sam popizdeo sto nece, a 2 dvd-a sam potrosio na to.

Activate.iso image se reze na +R DL disk ali samo na prvi layer (imgburn pita da li da reze samo na prvi ili da podeli)

Kada ubacis u xbox taj disk treba da sacekas samo da se pojavi “play dvd” i mozes ga odma izvaditi (ne moras ga i pokretati) i staviti wave4 igru.
Taj activate disk samo kaze fw-u da ne radi proveru video particije diska koja je uvek ista na svim diskovima za svoj wave, pa je zbog toga i zastitna mera u fw-u da ne prima igre ako se ona razlikuje (posto je najverovatnije los rip tada ili je novi wave za koji ce svakako updateovati fw uskoro). Video particija se proverava od wave 3 na dalje jer se od onda tamo gura update

Ukoliko ti to ne radi onda jednostavno nemas 1.6 fw :smiley:

Jaoooooooooooo, ja sam rezao na oba layer-a.E u pitchku materinu.
EDIT: Da nije mozda do dvd drive u xbox-u, imam Benq.

Jer treba da rezem activate.iso na jedan layer ili na oba.Sad je izaso GTA 4:Episodes from Liberty City pa mi treba brz odgovor od nekoga ko je to vec radio.
P.S. Znam za dugme edit ali onda niko ne bi registrovao da sam editovao:D

Imas 1500 tutorial-a na xbox360iso… Treba da narezes na 1 layer… Samo pusti normalno da se reze i kad ti iskoci boxovi da li hoces… statisni oba puta yes…