The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Ako neko odluci da kupi s GOG-a Witcher 3, preload je sad live, dakle imate 8 dana da skinete. Vjerujem da ce i narodna verzija uskoro biti “online”, pa ce se samo cekati krek :smiley:

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Nije da sam nesto pratio, al retko kad okace preloadovane varijante. Jer to preloadovano klijent(steam, gog, sta vec) pecuje na dan izlaska, nije najobicnije dodavanje 2,3 fajla koje fale, barem ja tako kontam.

Mislio sam da ovako nesto nikad necu napisati, ali ovo na XO izgleda fantasticno. Drago mi je zbog vas, XO gejmeri :smiley:

Grandmaster prenecemo ti utiske kada je budemo igrali :slight_smile:

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Haip iz ril bojz.

Ne moze covjek ni iskren biti vise, bez da ga odmah ne troluju :smiley:

Uglv igracu kad i vi, pa mozemo razmjenjivati utiske :stuck_out_tongue:

Pffff, dominacija zesca. Ovo je konacna verzija i drugacije izgleda od klipova koje smo gledali prethodnih dana, makar se meni tako cini. Recimo Geralt nije komentarisao ranije kao u ovom klipu, tipa “die” kad je u kombatu sa nekim i slicno.

Sutra ujutro od 7 ( ne znam po cijem vremenu ) se dize embargo na review-e pa cemo da vidimo sta kazu neki od review sajtova.

Preorderovano je vise od milion kopija btw.


Gamespot - 10/10
[INDENT]The Witcher 3 is always in a crescendo, crafting battle scenarios that constantly one-up the last, until you reach the explosive finale and recover in the glow of the game’s quiet denouement. But while the grand clashes are captivating, it is the moments between conflicts, when you drink with the local clans and bask in a trobairitz’s song, that are truly inspiring
[/INDENT]Gameinformer - 9.75/10
[INDENT]The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt encompasses what I hope is the future of RPGs. It stands out for its wonderful writing, variety of quests and things to do in the world, and how your choices have impact in interesting ways. Usually something is sacrificed when creating a world this ambitious, but everything felt right on cue. I still think about some of my choices and how intriguing they turned out – for better or worse.
[/INDENT]IGN - 9.3/10
[INDENT]Though the straightforward and fetch-quest-heavy main story overstays its welcome, the option of joyfully adventuring through a rich, expansive open world was always there for me when I’d start to burn out. Even if the plot isn’t terribly interesting, the many characters who play a part in it are, and along with the excellent combat and RPG gameplay, they elevate The Witcher 3 to a plane few other RPGs inhabit.
[/INDENT]GameTrailers - 9.8

Gamereactor UK - 9/10

Kotaku - YES

Gamesradar - 4/5

Ausgamers - 10/10

Impulsegamer - 5/5

Play3 - 9/10 (german)

GamePro - 92 (german)

PC Games - 90 % (german)

XGN.NL - 9.5 (dutch) - 9/10 (french)

Telegraph - 5/5 - 8.5 (polish)

Metro - 9/10

Mediocre loša igra sa ****** grafikom :stuck_out_tongue:

Al’ Poljaci dali najnizu ocjenu :smiley:

Mediocre loša igra sa ****** grafikom

Pitaj elitu s’ Bench-a šta misle o “novoj” grafici :smiley:

Bilo jedno 3x do sada na forumu :stuck_out_tongue:

aw :frowning:

Auh kakav downgrade, -5/10, would not play!!! Iskreno, zabole me vise. Preteruju. Mene samo nervira sto marketniski timovi reklamiraju jedno, pa posle bace sav teret na dev timove ne bi li nekako ispunili nasa ocekivanja. No, ovo su odlicne ocene. Valjda ce i skeptici dati sansu igri. Ko zna, mozda gameplay vredi nesto :stuck_out_tongue:

Iskreno, meni grafika deluje skroz dobro. Nije na nivou koji je prvenstveno bio prikazan ali uopste mi nece smetati, niti ce mi kvariti celokupni uzitak.

Pazite ljudi, ovo su sve PS4 rivjuovi. Za sad nema nijednog PC rivjua. PC verzija se i dalje radi. Za sad takodje nije vidjeno kako izgleda PC UI.

Emel je dao trojku za PC verziju na poll-u :frowning:

A i PC korisnici su zahtevniji, spustice ocenu za 3.9% na metacriticu zbog downgradea.