The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

evo krece akcija, mada sve smo ovo vidjeli u onom gameplayu od 45 min

Neću da gledam, neću da gledam, neću da gledam, neću da gledam, neću da gledamā€¦ :smiley:

Ali sto se posprdase ljudi sa Jenifer, nema gameplay videa a da neko ne prokomentarise ime :smiley:

Na kraju bice da ONE i PS4 verzija izgledaju bolje nego sto se ocekuje, makar na osnovu ovih par minutaā€¦

Okacio sam prije nego sto sam vidio tvoj post. Iskreno, ostavio si samo link, mislio sam da je neka glupa pezenterija u pitanju pa nisam ni otvarao :smiley: Iduci put ubaci fino u HTML kod, da se ljudski vidi, bar supermoderator ne treba biti lijen :stuck_out_tongue:

Tapatalkā€¦ Meni prikazuje kao video, normalno a vama izgleda kako link.

Zaključak iz Poljskog opisa igre (časopis CD Action).

Even though I saw some bugs, I think the game is better at release than TW1 or TW2. My analytical mind found a ton of technical glitches to mention, but the game is really fantastic overall. However, the third Witcher is not by any means a perfect game. Itā€™s too big and ambitious, so bugs were sort of a given. Itā€™s still a fantastic RPG though.

  • Tons of slavic references and a great story
  • No one does side quests better
  • Impossible to get bored
  • The size of the world
  • Great graphics
  • Ciri plays great
  • You have to get used to the combat
  • The crossbow is useless
  • Some glitches here and there regarding the combat and exploration
  • There are some bugs and glitches to fix, but there are not as many as naysayers were thinking


The bad:

  • There are 3 main hairstyles you can choose from (more will come from the free DLC), but whenever you choose anything but the default, the hair will clip through your armor. Whether this is fixed in the day one patch is unknown.

  • Sometimes during the cutscenes Geraltā€™s hair spazzes out and goes wild even if there is no wind.

  • The fighting system is mediocre

  • The graphics were downgraded ( god damn review hate squad, am I rite? -N.), but not a ton. The most noticeable thing was that during previews Igni started a fire on grass and ground nearby, in the retail version the effect is gone.

  • Some animations are extremely awkward and unintuitive (you can do a ā€œdashā€ but you never go where you want to go, ā€œthe movement feels unnatural, or maybe even theatrical, it looks as if the game was designed to look flashy but there was no ā€œoomphā€ behind itā€). You need a couple of hours to get used to it.

  • The crossbow is an extremely useless tool- a reviewer mentions that he tried to shoot a golem with it and he did a critical hit that dealt 1 (ONE) point of damage- while even the extremely weak light attack did over a hundred. He acknowledges that it sort of makes sense when fighting a stone creature, but the crossbow never deals enough damage to become useful.

  • Horseback fighting is clunky and frustrating to use- more often than not Geralt attacks on the opposite side that you wanted.

  • AI is clunky as well- they circle around Geralt but they never seem to move that often, so you can roll out of danger, drink a couple of potions and be back in full health with AI not really reacting to it properly

  • A mini-boss fight was extremely easy- you could just roll around and hit him while following in a circle and the AI was clueless; Geralt even has a lot of invincibility frames when rolling so when the mini-boss hit his neck while rolling- he did no damage.

  • Ragdoll is extremely bad- the monsters or people you kill ā€œlose around 90% of their weightā€ when they die and they swirl around Geraltā€™s feet or shoot out in the air

  • Climbing and jumping is clunky- even a fall from a medium height causes you to lose half your health

  • Swimming is OK, but it feels like swimming in jello and is sort of slow

The good:

  • A lot of references to Polish culture and literature (Dziady by Adam Mickiewicz etc.), tons of Polish folklore

  • Great voice acting

  • Great humor and dialogues

  • Fantastic side quests, best ever written in a game (no fetch quests like ā€œkill 20 monstersā€ etc.)

  • The graphics are really good (the reviewer compares it to DA:I) and runs really well on PC

  • Fantastic design of monsters- each fight is different and each monster is different

  • Even 3 enemies are a potential danger if youā€™re not careful


Swimming is OK, but it feels like swimming in jello and is sort of slow

Ipak sam bio u pravu u predhodnom postu :wink:

Kad cujem bad ragdoll uvijek pomislim na Bloodborne. Toliko je lose odradjen da je to strasno.

U sustini nista od navedenog me ne brine. Ima nekih glupih stvari kao sto su naveli plivanje npr. Pa u realnosti plivanje i treba da bude sporo, ne znam u cemu je tu problem.

Glavne stvari su pozitivne- prica, side questovi, grafika, dizajn neprijatelja itd. Za mene i vise nego dovoljno.

Btw je li moguce da sve ovo dolazi uz igru? Mozda uz pre order

Nisam čitao opÅ”irniji tekst iz ovog opisa, ali na osnovu ovog prvog dela se može zaključiti da je igra remek delo. Samim tim Å”to kažu da su side questovi najbolji ikad viđeni u video igrama i da je grafika odlična, kao i da je nemoguće da vam igra dosadi se može zaključiti o kakvoj igri je reč. U minusima vidim samo da ima bagova, Å”to verujem da će kroz patcheve reÅ”iti, tako da jedini minus je Å”to se treba naviknuti na combat.

Sto se tice combat sistema, potajno sam se nadao da ce dosta toga preuzeti od GOW i PoP na primerā€¦ Od toga ipak nista :frowning:

Sada sam provjerio, sve ono iznad stize uz standard edition. Dakle ne mora da se preorderuje.

Obozavam kad stave mapu i neku knjizicu uz cd a da to nije manual. Mada takodje sam bas nikakve srece kada je to u pitanju, desavalo se da narucim neki special edition gdje stizu mape i slicni dodaci i na kraju mi ne stigne :smiley:

stavicu onu sliku u pocetni post

Mene brine taj kombat samo, deluje kljakavo iz onog opsirnijeg teksta. Da ne spominjem AI, to developeri skoro uvek u****.

Sometimes during the cutscenes Geraltā€™s hair spazzes out and goes wild even if there is no wind.

Dovoljno da me odvrati od kupovine.


Ostali da se ugledaju na njih. Sve ovo uz standardnu ediciju.


Ja sam u ozbiljnoj dilemi da li da uzmem igru za PS4 preko share-a, disk verziju ili da gusarim na PC-uā€¦

Ja sam vec odlucio da uzmem disk verziju jer volim taj dodatni sadrzaj tipa mapa, soundtrack i knjizice. Problem je sto je vrijednost eura strasno pala u poslednjih nekoliko mjesci, tako da mi se sada uopste ne isplati da narucim iz Velike Britanije. Jedino da sacekam neko vrijeme da cijena malo padne, iskoristim one poene (imam oko 5 funti na nalogu kao poklon od njih hahha) i nabavim ga za pristojnu cijenu.

Ma mogu ja da uzmem disk verziju preko IÅ”tvana za 45ā‚¬, nije to problem, nego se sve nećkam iz prostog razloga Å”to izlazi i za PCā€¦

Da mogu da nadjem za te pare uzeo bih ga iste sekunde.

Đarma je majka, Ŕta da ti kažem :slight_smile: