The Witcher 3 Konferencija veceras

Ja trenutno citam mac sudbine :slight_smile: I ja sam mislio da je igra uradjena po knjigama i da su verovatno nesto dodali. Samo pocetak prvog dela knjige , kada se Geralt bori sa strigom ima veze sa igricom.

Da intro iz keca :smiley:

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Sezon burz ( season of storms ) tako se zove najnovija knjiga napisana 2013. MIslim da jos nije prevedena na engleski.

Treba pogledati :smiley:

Kako dobro izgleda igra, neverovatno. Nikad nisam igrao prva dva dela, ali mislim da cu morati drugi da odigram :slight_smile:

Ako nekoga zanima cena:

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Xbox One £139.99 PC £129.99 PS4 £139.99 ili $149.99

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Collector’s Edition

The Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition brings Witcher fans the fruit of our hard work and passion–what we think is the most artistically complete game figure ever made for a collector’s edition of a game. Forged of supreme-quality materials and containing exclusive content straight from the developers, The Witcher 3 Collector’s Edition is every Witcher fan’s dream come true.

Collector’s Edition contains:
The standard edition of the game, containing: the official soundtrack, a beautiful and detailed map of the in-game world, unique stickers, and the developer-created “Witcher Universe - The Compendium”
A giant, 33x24x26 cm, 100% hand painted, Polystone figure of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin
An exclusive, collector grade Witcher medallion
A one of a kind SteelBook ™
A two-hundred page artbook, containing breathtaking art from the game
Huge outer and inner Collector’s Boxes you can store your Witcher merchandise in!

I sebe nazivas gamerom? :stuck_out_tongue: Obavezno odigraj, ako ni zbog cega drugog, barem zbog savegamea, jer se prenose izbori iz prvog dela u drugi i iz drugog u treci.

Drugi deo je fenomenalan :smiley: Ja sam ga odigra zato sto sam igru dobio dzabe, ali ubrzo sam se zarazio :smiley:

CD Projekt RED & Summer Conference 2014

Cuo sam da dizes kredit pocetkom 2015 krivac je ova igra tacnije collector’s ed. respect Milane pravi gamer :slight_smile:

Hahahahahahahahaa… Bas si duhovit :stuck_out_tongue:

Evo jedan podatak o igri tj. razgovor s developerom koji nam je to pojasnio

The list of new gameplay features were hidden in a single frame right at the end of the trailer and revealed details about the new game such as being able to fight whilst on horse back and a new crossbow weapon as well as horse racing also being available in game.

The Witcher 3 hidden message*at the end of the Witcher 3 trailer reads:

“We’ve missed you!
“Today you got a look at the third trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. We hope you liked it!
“There’s so much more in this game that is’s just impossible to show everything withing two and a half minutes. Still we tried
“More importantly we just showed you some of the main characters
“Geralt’s close friends and some of the last witchers remaining in the world – Vesemir, Eskel and Lambert – will play a big part in the game, as well their famous fortress Kaer Morhen.
“You also got a glimpse of the renowned bard Dandelion and the sorceress Triss Merigold.
“Emhyr var Emreis, Emperor of Nilfgaard, the most powerful man in the world of The Witcher also made an appearance. Recognize his voice?
“And then there was Ciri!
“And Yennefer!
“By the way, if you’re new to the series, don’t worry, the game will introduce you into all you need to know, and you’ll start loving (and hating!) characters in no time!
“Also, you’ve been asking us many questions about gameplay features and we’re finally ready to answer some of them – so here it goes:
“Yes, you will be able to fight while on horseback
“The crossbow. Yup, Geralt can use ranged weapon. Because sometimes monsters fly and you can’t reach them.
“Remember swimming and sailing. You’ll be able to dive and search for a lot of hidden stuff too. There’s a whole underwater world to discover.
“Horse racing anyone?
“You also got to hear more music from the game. This particular track was composed by Marcin Przybyłowicz & Percival. We’d love to hear your feedback. Fire away in the comments or on the game’s Facebook/Twitter/forums. Remember, we’re always listening, even if we’re not getting back to you.
“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Team, CD PROJEKT RED
“PS. If you’re still waiting for more (you are, right?), please be patient. We’re just warming up.
“PPS. Have you seen the Collector’s Edition video? What do you think about the figure?
“PPPS. We’ve just announced a closed multiplayer beta of The Witcher Adventure Game ——– & let the guys —— you.”

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A jbg matori, ne moze sve da se stigne. Znam ja za Witchera odavno, ali me nije privlacilo to, no kako dobro izgleda treci, moracu da odigram prva dva pod obavezno.

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I ja (na moju žalost) spadam među te koji nisu prešli ni W1 ni W2, doduše dvojku sam bio započeo na X360 kada sam ga imao, al’ mi nije nešto igra držala pažnju, pa sam je i ubrzo batalio. Moraću joj dati drugu šansu al’ na PC-u ovaj put da vidim valja li stvarno…

Послато с’ моје Нексус Пет’це

Veruj mi da grafika i broj FPS-a mogu mnogo da promene dozivljaj u igri. Neke igre koje mi se nisu svidele na konzoli ili na starom kompu sa 25 fps-a, itekako su dobro ispale na 60 fps-a :slight_smile:

Tako da treba probati, a ja cu W1 poceti ovih dana.

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Isti slucaj i sa mnom…

Sent From: “Neitherworld, Peaceful Pines”

Sve je to lepo, FPS 60, rezolucija koja razbija plafon, a graficka za W3 ce da kosta kao PS4 i X1 zajedno, da ne pominjem CPU :smiley:

Konacno Ciri! Ucinilo mi se da je to ona na pola trejlera i yennefer zajedno sa triss. Girl fight! :smiley:

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Ma da, kako da ne…

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Ima to da leti na mojoj novoj GTX780 (samo da je još uzmem hehe :D) samo tako!

Послато с’ моје Нексус Пет’це

A cena joj je prava sitnica :smiley: