Project Scorpio shouldn't cost $700, nor $399

Analiticari predvidjaju cenu Scorpio-a od 700$

Analysts pinpoint Project Scorpio’s cost as low as $399 and as high as $700, and we think both of these are wrong. Here’s why

Now that Microsoft has confirmed it’s new 4K-ready Project Scorpio console can indeed hit native 4K 60FPS at Ultra preset, there’s been lots of speculation on how much the system will cost. Leading game analysts toss out their predictions, and we weigh each price point to see what makes sense.

First we have the outlandish $700 price prediction from IDC’s Lewis Ward, who predicts Scorpio must ship at $700 for Microsoft to make any money. “I estimate the basic hardware will cost around $650, so if Microsoft wants any kind of margin at all, Scorpio will have to retail for $700 or more,” Lewis told Games The analyst justifies his prediction by pointing at Alienware’s VR-ready Aurora PC, which sports an RX 480 GPU and Intel i5-7400, which somehow equates Project Scorpio’s specs. “If you look at the Alienware Aurora, which is a solid VR-ready PC, that currently costs about $1,000. I think Scorpio will come in below that, but how much below is unknowable at this point.” Let’s start with this one. First of all, the Alienware Aurora PC uses discrete hardware designed for a PC platform. Every component is separated and can be swapped out. Of course we can’t equate highly customized consoles with dedicated desktops given the nature of the massive advantage discrete hardware has over custom console-grade components. But Microsoft has done something unprecedented with Scorpio’s Jaguar CPU and Polaris-derived GPU by customizing the hardware on a silicon level to essentially make it their own. They’ve taken AMD’s Jaguar microprocessor and Radeon Polaris graphics technology and tweaked both into a supercharged form capable of achieving native 4K gaming at 60FPS. The 16nm SoC has the console’s powerful and efficient Scorpio Engine serving as the heart of the system itself.

Now Project Scorpio’s 6TFLOP GPU is derived from AMD’s Polaris architecture, and has been directly compared to AMD’s Radeon RX 480 and for good reason: Scorpio’s customized GPU has quite similar perf to the RX 480 in terms of specs. Scorpio’s GPU has more Compute Units, at 40 CU, and has a smidgen more TFLOP power, but the RX 480 has a higher core clock at 1266MHz versus Scorpio’s 1172MHz. And, of course, the Scorpio’s GPU is 16nm FinFET versus the RX 480’s 14nm FinFET, but both are still Polaris. But remember, we can’t exactly compare like for like here considering one component is a dedicated desktop-grade video card, and the other is a super-customized chip designed to work in its own self-contained environment. Comparing Scorpio’s CPU to the CPU inside of the $1000 Alienware Aurora is even trickier. But in terms of specs, the console features an extremely customized 8-Core CPU “Jaguar evolved” x86 CPU at 2.3GHz of frequency. The Aurora’s 14nm Intel i5 7400 CPU has 4-cores and 4 threads at 3.00GHz frequency and 6MB cache versus Scorpio’s 4MB L2 cache. And the Core i5-7400 has a max TurboBoost frequency of 3.50GHz.

It just doesn’t add up

So where am I going with all of this? The analyst’s reasoning behind a $700 price point is based on the components used in Scorpio, and he uses an Alienware Aurora PC with specific internals as a basis for pricing. But the components just don’t match up, not really, and they never will because one is a dedicated desktop and the other is a console machine that requires highly scaled hardware. Microsoft has essentially taken the kind of components found in a PS4 Pro and customized them in such a way that’s never been done before in a console, creating an extremely efficient and synergized platform whose parts are all harmonized on a software and hardware level. Realistically speaking, there’s no real way a Polaris GPU and Jaguar CPU should be able to support native 4K 60FPS, but Microsoft has achieved it by unifiying enhanced hardware and software in an intelligent, flexible design. Scorpio has been customized on the silicon level, but the robust software pipeline is the yin to the console hardware’s yang; the system ensures that games don’t waste any power and only use the resources they need. The system marries efficiency, flexibility, scalability and raw power in such a way that facilitates surprising, almost magical results. As Digital Foundry’s Richard Leadbetter says, Scorpio achieves this harmony with something called the Hovis Method. “It turns out efficiency in the Scorpio design isn’t just baked in at the silicon level–it’s there throughout the entire box. Microsoft has implemented what it’s dubbed the Hovis method, named after the guy who came up with the concept. The Hovis method means this: every single Scorpio engine processor that comes off the production line has its own power characteristics…because every piece of silicon is ever so slightly different. Rather than apply the usual one-size-fits-all power delivery system, every Scorpio motherboard is balanced with its specific processor. This helps keep heat down and ensures peak efficiency.”

Polaris GPU, Jaguar CPU + customization = lower cost

So how does this tie into the console’s cost? Since Scorpio uses a Jaguar CPU and Polaris-grade GPU, the system could be quite cheaper than my original $599 prediction. Since Scorpio has a nice memory bump to 12GB GDDR5 RAM alongside a vapor chamber cooling assembly, I still don’t think it’ll cost $399, as Webdush Securities analyst Michael Pachter predicts. But it certainly could cost a lot less than $700. “The price will matter, and if it is over $400, it might be a tough comparison to the PS4 Pro,” Pachter told “If it is $400 or less, they should start to gain some share… 4K TV owners who are gamers will gravitate to a 4K console. That will become a more meaningful niche this holiday, as 4K TVs are pretty consistently priced under $1000.” Yes, Microsoft will have some trouble convincing gamers to gravitate away from PlayStation’s dominance. However, Scorpio does something that PS4 Pro can’t: native 4K 60FPS and more dynamic VR and AR experiences. Scorpio also guarantees that every original Xbox One game will run better out of the box. Scorpio also guarantees super-sampling for all Xbox One games in 1080p, and further tightens dynamic resolution trade offs in titles like Halo 5 and Doom.

Despite the beefier specs, Scorpio represents a power play on Microsoft’s part, a move that could pull more developers into its unified console-PC slipstream and afford more exclusive content. Devs that use DirectX 12 in their games will be attracted to the DX12 API built into Scorpio’s GPU, which alleviates CPU workloads by half in DX12 games like Battlefront, Battlefield 1, Gears of War 4, etc. That extra CPU power can then be used to further optimize the game in various ways. Plus Scorpio gives devs access to 3GB of extra GDDR5 RAM–a total of 8GB of Scorpio’s total 12GB of memory–to do with as they please; this extra memory can be used in a multitude of different ways, even serving as an IO cache to boost loading times in 1080p Xbox One games. But is Pachter’s $400 estimate accurate? I don’t think so. I think Microsoft does want to compete with PS4 Pro, no question, but it just seems too cheap for all that work. And I believe the Xbox One S still stands as a contender against PS4 Pro. Scorpio is probably one of the most intricately planned console ever made, and Microsoft pulled lots of hardware tricks to get the system in its current shape. It definitely represents a step beyond PS4 Pro, and the price tag should be adjusted accordingly. I’ve already outlined why I think Project Scorpio won’t be $399 here, so be sure to check out all my thoughts on the subject. “Scorpio will be a premium console. It will cost more than S, obviously, this is how we are building it up,” Microsoft’s Phil Spencer said. “We have not announced the pricing yet, but want to make sure that the investment we are making in the product of Scorpio goes hand in hand with the requirement of high-end consumer and that means a higher price.”[/quote]


Sve preko 500$ ce im biti previsoko za kupce, mozda u pocetku sa 500$ nece zaradjivati ali ako postingnu prodatim par desetina miliona konzola svakako hoce.
700$ je bas previsoka cena i verujem da odbija 50% potencijalnih kupaca.

Svesni su da je sony daleko ispred njih. Para imaju, tako da u startu i mogu da prodaju sa gubicima na hardveru, tako da… 399$

Kako predvidjaju kada u samom naslovu teme piše “shouldn’t cost 700$”. I tekst nije los, ima cool edukativni deo sa Hovis metodom, ali je malo besmislen sa analiticko prediktivne tacke gledista jer Alienware PC kosta bar duplo vise od ekvivalentnog no-name PC racunara. I toliko kosta sada, a ne krajem 2017.

Tkodje, sledeca recenca prosto nije istina, osim za nekoliko indie igara i 1st party eskluziva

Zavisi od toga o kojoj igri uopste pricamo, koji je nivo detalja u igri itd. Ovakva recenica bi imala smisla ako bi Scorpio sve igre gurao u 4K 60fps sto je out of the question i potpuni nonsens jer ne znamo ni kakve ce igre postojati u narednih 2-3 godine koliko ce Scorpio biti aktuelan niti postoji neka klauzula kojom MS moze da uslovi developere da izbacuju graficki siromasnije igre kako bi mogle da dostignu ovaj cilj. Naprotiv dilema je uvek bila 60 fps VS 4K, a sa Pro konzolom, nemamo zapravo cesto ni jedno ni drugo vec 30fps locked uz 4K checkerboard iluziju.

Ovo su sve misljenja, mozemo i bilo ko od nas da napise takav tekst. Nisu nikakvi izvori. Mislim da ce kostati izmedju 400-500e i da je to daleko normalniji price-range koji treba razmatrati. Sve iznad toga bilo bi suludo. Ne svidja mi se izjava Spencera da “high end consumer market means a higher price”, da li se to odnosi na higher od S konzole sto je toliko stupidno i mr obvious diplomatsko korporativni odgovor koji ne otkriva nista, ili na nasa ocekivanja pricinga sto bi vec bilo tipican Microsoftski fail, pa kada vide da ne ide i da jos vise zaostaje za Sony-jem spustice za jedno godinu dana na razumnu cifru. Meni ta poslednja recenica vuce na 500$, na zalost.

Kakve ima veze sta pise u naslovu?
Ja sam to napisao sta sam procitao/zakljucio iz celokuplog clanka, a nisam prevodio naslov clanka.


BTW. evo npr ovo:

Ja očekujem 500e na izlasku i mislim da je to najrealnija cijena u odnosu na ps4 pro


Delimo isto misljenje. To je i moja neko ocekivanje 500e.

Mislim svi će imati izbor što se tiče xone porodice,npr imaš stariji tv i nisi opsjednut detaljima onda za 240e uzmeš xone s a ako igraš stalno i hoćeš maksimum od igara uzmeš scorpio za 499e a sve igre rade i ms ubira prihod od prodaje softvera

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@SlobeX Zato mi je prvo u planu da nabavim neki dobar 55" 10bitni HDR TV. Trenutno mi je u planu ovaj novi sony-jev model iz 2017, 55" XE 8005, nadje se za nesto jacih 1500e. Dok ovaj stariji iz 2016 55" XD 8005 dodje 1000e.

Zavisi kako definises realno. Pro je cini mi se jos uvek 400e, i ta cena od 500e nije previsoka ako gledamo striktno iz pozicije hardvera, ali jeste ako MS ima iole ambicija da se priblizi Sony-ju, pitanje je da li bi im u ovom trenutku pomogla cak i identicna cena zbog toga sto dosta zaostaju za Sonyjem u jedinom departmanu koji je stvarno bitan a to su igre. Sticem utisak da je Scorpio vise pokusaj MS-a da ostane u trci i zadrzi status quo nego sto je oziljan napad na konkurenciju, ali vreme ce naravno pokazati.

Aha, ok. :slight_smile: U svakom slucaju 700$ je suludo jer nema govora o tome da je konzola maltene duplo jaca nego Pro. Mozda 30% jaca, sto nije zanemarljivo, ali cena od 700$ apsolutno ne moze biti opravdana i pomalo je apsurdno da uopste diskutujemo o tome kada je jasno da ga niko ne bi zeleo po toj ceni. Nije to bas novi iphone, iako bi Spener to mozda zeleo, ali sve preko 500$ bi bilo samoubistvo, dok je i ta cena samo vrlo privremena.

$399, barem osnovni model od 1TB.
Na E3 treba samo da kažu na kraju konferencije $399 i imaju drop mic momenat, hajp do Asgarda i nazad. Ako idu sa $499 onda se obraćaju samo vatrenim Xbox fanovima koji žele upgrade.

Kada smo kod 4K native igara, sigurno znamo da će sledeća Forza biti native 4K. Pitanje je da li će Gran Turismo Sport biti 4K nativno ili checkerboard. Za ostale igre možemo tek kada budu objavljene.


Potpuno se slazem, sa cenom od 399$ vec pozitivan hajp ce odlicno uokviriti i odrzati do izlaska. Iako bi hardverski gledano cena od 499$ bila razumljiva, plasim se da ce to odbiti mnoge i okrenuti hajp u nepovoljnom i nise smeru.

Cena od 700$ je totalna nebuloza.

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Bude li 399$…


500€ za ovakvu masinu nije mnogo, bar meni to deluje kao sasvim solidna cifra… Sa druge strane u potpunosti si u pravu, MS jeste zvanicno rekao da dev timove nece da teraju da rade igre za obe konzole, kao ni to da sve radi nekom maksimumu… Medjutim, ako igre tipa destiny 2, cod, AC koje izlaze za konzole i PC, onda ce lako da teksture i sve ostalo portuju na skorpiona i pro. Ako igra ima 4K HDR podrsku za PC, zasto onda ne moze da sve to ima i na skorpionu i pro? Prosto, niko nikoga nece da tera, ali ako vec rade sve za PC, sto to ne odrade za konzole? Naravno, lepse ce da radi i izgleda igra na skorpionu, jer je dosta mocnija konola+DX12 integracija u cipu ce sigurno da doprinesu do brzeg ocitavanja igre, ali i brzeg i boljeg rada same igre i opterecenja koje ce konzola da ima, laksa optimizacija… Cekamo E3 ili nesto pre gde ce napokon da nam pokazu sta konzola realno moze i koje benefite ce imati u igrama u poredjenju sa pro-om… U svakom slucaju, niko nece da tera dev tim da igra radi u 4K, ali to isto vazi i za pro… Mozda ce igre da imaju neki vid busta kao na pro ili nesto sasvim trece, jedino mozemo da cekamo :smiley:


A mozda bude i neka sredina od 449$ :relaxed: za osnovni model, sto i ne bi bilo lose na kraju…


GT: S nece biti nativnih 2160p(4K), raditi ce u nativnih 1800p + 360p upscaling(checkerboard) i 60fps.

SS sa sluzbene GT: S stranice:

Iskreno, couldnt care less. Pokusali su da nas navataju na tu pricu kao da je uopste bitno da li je nativnih ili ne. Checkerboard toliko dobro radi da ti maltene i ne treba nativnih 4K.

Tebe su bogami navatali na tu pricu ako.mene secanje dobro sluzi… Ipak je 4K buducnost… Jedva cekam poredjenje za destiny 2 ili RDR, cisto da vidimo kako ce da se pokaze na konzolama…

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399, ne smeju preko toga. Ako bude cena ta, Marko gts, i ti i dalje budes forsirao pcmr… batice…imacemo problem. Narocito ako budes nastavio da pises “ORUZIJE”…

Onda ce pro morati da padne na 299, a to samo ide u korist nama…

(ovo vazi i za korisnika “Zoruleeee”)

" oruzje"