{MT} Deathloop

Problem ovde je sto igru trenutno review bombuju, zbog tehnickih problema na PC-u… igra mozda jeste overhyped ali nikako 4.4 od 10. :smile:

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Slazem se donekle da gusi ali sa druge strane treba da ubace neke dodatne elemente koji ce te naterati da koristis lepezu mogucnosti a ne da skontam da je silence smg OP i to je to od ‘‘sarenolikog’’ gameplaya. :rofl: Meni je to problem, sto je balans los i neke stvari su OP, ako je to u sklopu dizajna a ne greska onda bi trebali da to nekako limitraju ili podstaknu igraca da istrazuje i koristi i druge opcije. Ovako to totalno izostane jer je dovoljno da headshotujes likove i trcis naokolo. :rofl: Postane jebeni Serius Sam. :rofl:

@ph1beropt Zato sam i naveo Steam kao primer jer imaju ‘‘najbolji’’ sistem gde ocenu daje samo onaj ko poseduje igru. Drasticna je razlika izmedju 9-10 i 6-7. Ono na meti je jasno svima da je review bomb u pitanju. :smiley:

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Estetika i vristece boje 60-tih su super i zaista u dobroj meri izvlaci stvar, svidece ti se.

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PC gaming… :roll_eyes:

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Moram da se slozim sa vecinom ovih zamerki. Ne znam na cemu su svi ti revieweri koji su dali 10/10, ali je igra daleko od savrsene tacke u “bad” segmentu.

So I think I’m almost at the end with most of the leads wrapped up, so I’m gonna post some spoiler free impressions (there will be loose references to other games, but no big spoilers or anything, and unmarked Deathloop stuff is all in or shortly after the tutorial ). Time for the hot takes.

I think this is one of Arkane’s best and most fun overall packages, but as an immersive sim it is probably their weakest game, at least amongst their output since Dishonored. It is almost universally a step down from Dishonored/Dishonored2/Death of the Outsider/Prey/Mooncrash in all the core immersive sim gameplay elements.

It feels like Arkane had a great concept for the metastructure of the game, I.e. the whole looping mechanic, gradual accrual of knowledge, asymmetric multiplayer, punishments for death, and then had to compromise on other imsim elements to make a game that was tolerable within that structure.

My biggest complaints follow:


Level design:

Size of the overall world. It’s small. 4 areas, each with a couple more substantive sub areas and a few other buildings or structures strewn around. The environments change from time period to time period, but it’s really not enough. You’ll be in the same areas over and over again. They all play out in exactly the same way, with enemies in the same spots each loop, even if they change modestly throughout the day. And you’ll see these environments so frequently that quickly it becomes tiring. For comparison, Dishonored 2 was around 7 or levels I think, each of which was extremely substantive. Small worlds are fine in concept, but the difference between Blackreef and Deus Ex Prague is night and day.

> Relatedly, no or very few elaborate or big levels. There is no ‘Crack in the Slab’ Stilton manor equivalent. There is nothing to rival Clockwork Mansion or Prague’s Palisade. There’s hardly anything that rivals some of the better levels in Deus Ex 1 in terms of how expansive and involved some of the levels get. Of course, I think this is by design. If you have to repeatedly go to certain locations over and over, it would suck to have to re-infiltrate a complex level. But it still doesn’t change the result which is that this is some of the blandest, smallest scope level design I’ve seen from Arkane.

> A lack of connection between the overworld and more sectioned off levels in meaningful ways. Related to the above, because you need to dip in and out of multiple objectives sometimes in the same area, you can’t have it so that the player needs to travel through, say, an extensive sewer network to get to an objective. But this is a shame, because some of the best parts of Deus Ex MD were figuring out how all the buildings in Prague would connect to each other or to the sewers or both, or even stuff like how some of the areas in Prey would loop back on each other, and the exterior stuff.

> A homogeneity of environmental art and design. It’s all the same. The exterior landscapes are all rock and grass and shoreline. The architecture and interiors all have that nice retro aesthetic, but its used basically everywhere in urban areas, and in non urban areas everything is just drab grey World War II style bunker with ruined cars and debris. Every level in Dishonored 2 has a distinctive visual aesthetic, and are believable and meaningful locations within the world they comprise. By comparison, deathloop is a lot of urban buildings (with some occasional standouts), and a lot of samey undergrounds.

The Loadout system and general player progression:

Neutered powers. There are only a handful of powers. This is a stark downgrade from Dishonored. Complete loss of all the coolest stuff like time control, possession of animals and humans, augmented vision, rats, shadow walking, clones. Or compared with Prey (which maybe had too many powers, especially the alien powers). It just feels like an overcorrection. Then in Deathloop you end up with blink and invisibility. Blink was the default in Dishonored, so assuming you want at least parity (and you probably do since so much of the level design takes advantage of blink), you have one slot which you will probably want to use with invisibility because it is just so damn broken and general use, while a lot of the other powers are extremely contextual or require you to be lucky with RNG to get the modifiers (again, which you can only use a limited number of) to make them useful. The real loss here is the ability to string together a massive number of powers in some sort of cold and calculated ballad of death, like some of the stealthgamerbr videos. It just feels unnecessarily limiting coming off of prior games which had extreme freedom and you felt more and more powerful as you acquired more powers.

> Limited builds and a feeling of a lack of progression in passive abilities. Same point basically applies here. It’s hard to feel like you are becoming a better and more capable character when you can only choose 4 perks (again, of which double jump is heavily encouraged. I would guess the whole reason for all this load out nonsense is that it is in facilitation of the multiplayer. Tbh I would much rather singleplayer mode allow you to just remove this altogether, or buff invaders to a power level comparable to your own in multiplayer.

The AI:

It’s not realistic or punishing; no difficulty settings. I think this is an inevitability with how punishing repeated deaths can potentially be, and this was probably a conscious choice after some degree of excessive frustration. Quick save would mitigate this, but obviously you can’t have that because you need to have the multiplayer component. This is probably the least of my issues.

The Worldbuilding:

Lack of environmental storytelling. There’s basically none. There are some rooms, some props, and some time-sensitive events which I guess kind of count. But it’s very difficult to get a feel of ‘what sort of person lives here’ etc. from a lot of the internal environments. Prey was exceptional at this, where you could piece together what was important to certain crew members at a very personal level, and reconstruct sequences of events. Deus Ex is great at this too.

> Lack of interesting lore. Maybe I’m just missing it, but Prey and Dishonored had interesting notes and book excerpts that gave you some insight into what the broader world was like, and it feels like there’s comparatively a lack of this here.

> Characters and visionaries not contextualized within the world. The antagonists and targets in Dishonored were central to a linear story. The NPCs in Prey had interesting motivations that had you always guessing. The visionaries by comparison, for the most part feel like tropes, with one or two core character traits that are never really given any expansion. Stuff like “they’re the scientist. They do the science.” Or “they’re the rich one. They brag”. Julianna is probably the exception here as I’m still wondering about her as a character.


But in spite of all this the game is a lot of fun. The music is great, the dialogue is campy and sometimes hilarious, the combat feels good and fluid, the aesthetics are killer, all the metastructural systems are fascinating and the risk/reward the looping and lack of quick saves adds a lot of fun.

It’s just that it feels to me so much weaker as an immersive sim, and I’m now extremely hesitant about these design sensibilities and dumbing down as they may apply to Redfall, which seems to be leaning a lot into these parts of Deathloop I didn’t like. If I had to give a game that it feels on par with as an immersive sim, Deathloop feels like Cyberpunk 2077, though I think the decisions were much more deliberate in Deathloop’s case given other systems, and born out of a lack of understanding of what makes the genre great in CDPR’s case.

All in all, at first I felt the reviews were extremely overhyped, but in retrospect, assuming they’re reviewing the game as an overall experience and not as an immersive sim first and foremost, I can kind of understand that reception.

For me it’s a solid 8, as a 9/10 aesthetics and moment to moment action dragged down by a 6 or 7/10 in terms of my above issues.

Anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Ha, lik se nešto žali pa onda “it’s fun”. Overt thinking.

Ti u nekom drugom kontekstu rece da stvari nisu crno bele. :slight_smile: Stvari mogu biit i zabavne i nesavrsene u isto vreme.

Ja sa zasada nisam mnogo daleko odmakao, tek sam dobio mogucnost da infusujem iteme, ali sam doziveo svoj prvi neprijatan timeloop momenat kada sam zbog nepaznje poginuo nakon ubijanja Vizionara i equipovanja njegovog slaba, na koji metar do izlaza. Sledeci run je bio mnogo kraci i u Rambo stilu. :muscle:

Dobro da Chaos sistem predstavlja validnu alternativu, ali su zone i dalje jako male, AI prilicno slab a neprijatelji prelaki za ubijanje. Prakticno nema velike koristi od sunjanja, osim sto je ubijanje iz zasede vise cool i nosi manji rizik od smrti usled swarmovanja unezverenih Eternalista.

Moram da izrazim krajnju rezignaciju sto su igre postale ovako prekomplikovane. Nije dovoljno sto su u sve moguce igre ubacili RPG elemente, nego sada i ova nelinearna sranja (pre toga, moderna su bila open world sranja). Vec se nazire timeloop trend u 2022. Da nije toga, ovo bi mogao da bude tako dobar moderan Bioshock. Dishonored 2 mi je bio dosta bolji, sve u svemu, iako nisam neki fan ni stealth igara generalno.

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Nesto mi nije krivo sto je vremenska ekskluziva za PS. Iskreno ne vidim ovde nista posebno. Izmesali zanrove i igre koje su ranije radili i kao e’o vam nova igra :joy:

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Ma lik napiše čitav sastav o manama, na kraju kaže solidna osmica, 9 za art ali mi je 6 kada nemam pametnija posla. Neka piše ko šta hoće, koga briga, samo nekako uvek isto “saplitanje” ili je “nemaš pojma šta pričaš kritika je rekla svoje” ili “nemaju kritičari pojma, sada ću ja da vam kažem ovako i ovako”.

@padawan sve stoji, mogu biti. Nekako, ovaj lik je otišao u restoran i celo vreme kukao o jelu koje je naručio, da bi na kraju rekao “e baš sam se lepo najeo, skoro uživao”. Da je ostalo na kritici, bio bi dosledniji.


Moras shvatiti, ovo je za njega dupli tj trostruki udarac. Ms, Arcane, PS5 exclusive. :rofl:

Hm, moze biti, mada mislim da vecinu asocira i na nesto manju tezinu koja bi trebalo da bude direktna posledica prenosenja. Ali, te “podzanrove” i varijacije bi vec trebalo da pokriva “-like”. Sto rece Kajl Bosman, nije rogue, nego rogue like. Lite samo donosi dodatnu konfuziju i pomalo je cringe.

Super uputstvo za specijalne moci

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Come On Reaction GIF

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Inace, meni Chaos pristup pocinje da se svidja. Ovde je definitivno validan izbor. Sad kada sam infuseovao Karnesis, sve manje strpljenja imam za stealth, health stationa i municije sasvim dovoljno, brze traje run, a i zabavnije je. Ko voli beskonacno smaranje u beskonacnoj petlji, pretpostavljam da ce odabrati stealth :smiley:

Brute force pristup je u ranijim Arcane igrama nekako je bio nerealisticno neandertalski. Ovde je imas mali playground da se igras sa mocima, sve se ionako resetuje posle prelaska, nije strasno ni ako umres, pod uslovom da nisi vec pokupio nesto sto ti treba.

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Da. Lepo je covek srocio argumentaciju, razumem sta oce da kaze. Igra je zabavna a gameplay fleksibilan (jej!), al iz ugla imerzivnosti svet je sitan i relativno neupecatljiv u odnosu na ranije Arkaneove naslove. Got it.

Upravo. Moze biti da samo ubedjujem sebe da je tako jer sam bukvalno sinoc uzeo igru, no videcemo… :sweat_smile:

Shvatam sta oces da kazes, u neku ruku nema potrebe za tom distinkcijom, mada nije lose ni znati kroz samo jednu rec dal je igra bas hardcore ili te ipak malo drzi za ruku.

S druge strane, danas su prakticno sve rogue-like igre zapravo lite. Tako da maltene nije bitno.

Od sada i nadalje, sranja all the way down :smiley: :smiley:


Kad smo vec kod sranja, danas sam se bacio na malo ozbiljniji grind, pronasao sam jedan “loopcic” gde se isplati svaki run, uvek napadne Djulijana koja ostavlja iza sebe random slabove i nadogradnje za iste (da ne moras da ubijas bosove), i relativno lako je doci do glavnog bosa misije koji ostavlja invisibility. Za svaki slab - tj moc, imate 4 nadogradnje, sa dva aktivna slota da izaberete. I tako, kao u najboljim danima dark soulsa, nakupilo se tu residiuma i nadogradnji. Treba nekako povezati sada runove i pobiti u okviru jednog dana sve bosove, i to je game over, gotova cela igra. Koliko bi to bilo bolje linearno iskustvo, a ne samo besomucno ponavljanje istih zona da bi na kraju antiklimakticno poslednji put redom pobio bosove koje si vec ubio 10x ranije i znas sve nivoe napamet.

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Igra je odlicna, Arkane je stvarno studio koji zasad ne pravi greske. Sto vise igram vise uzivam, ali i vidim sve vise mana. Intrigantna situacija kako su mediji reagovali na ovu igru. Jedna od najcudnijih situacija koje sam ja video do sada. Igra je vrhunska, ali definitivno nije liga The Last of Us Part 2, Red Dead 2, Breath of the Wild, HL Alyx (sve 10/10). O svim ovim igrama pricamo i diskutujemo i godinama nakon njihovog izlaska. Ne vidim da ce za Deathloop biti ista situacija.

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To su igre sa 93-4 na metacriticu, ovde je slucaj da je samo nekoliko velikih sajtova dalo perfect score. Sigurno velikim delom da konto interesantne mehanike.

Upalih sinoć, odigrao praktično tek tutorial (do skakanja kroz prozor).

Prezentacija i atmosfera su baš šarmantni i puni karaktera, više puta me zasmejali, 10/10. Misterija oko toga šta se dešava me naravno odmah zgrabila.

Ostaje da se vidi kako će mi leći groundhog day postavka.

Al moram da kritikujem igru zbog jednog baš amaterskog propusta – tri puta sam restartovao misleći da imam bag jer razgovaraju kolt i džulijana al samo njegov glas čujem. Ne bi mi sto godina palo na pamet da njen glas treba kroz džojped da se čuje! A ja, naravno, ugasio tu opciju u ps5 opcijama prvi dan.

Jel se stvarno niko tamo nije setio da ima (verovatno gomila) igrača koji su uradili isto i da treba automatski da prebaci na tv zvučnik ako registruje ugašen mikrofon na džojpedu?! Neverovatno.

Sem toga, odličan prvi utisak. :+1: