Dakle neka ovo bude jedna tema za te razne glasine vezane za nadolazece igre i slicno.
Navodno na redditu procurele neke informacije vezane za novi nadolazeci Mass Effect, sad koliko su te tvrdnje istinite vreme ce pokazati, ali na osnovu onog trejlera koji se pojavio krajem prosle godine zvuci mi sasvim realno i moguce.
-Destroy ending is canon and you can create a mass effect choices save within the game or import legendary edition save. However your ending from LE will automatically be changed to destroy.
-No Shepard apperances whatsoever in the game. Some voice notes are in citadel shops such as ‘this is my favourite store’ etc. They will have lore references and stuff that are altered dependant on save state. For example, if your war assets from LE gained perfect destruction ending, Shepard’s life after the war is discussed, such as settling down with your love interest and having a ‘happy ending’.
-Protag can be turian or human
-companions i know of are are wrex but then grunt replaces him, liara, a salarian, there is more idk about
-Main story picks up 600 years or so after the reaper war. There is issues after 600 years because the relays are still not working properly. A solution was identified through Harbinger’s corpse, shortly after the war’s end. Harbinger has more advanced tech than other reapers and is capable of quick interstellar travel. First half of the game is spent trying to find Harbinger’s corpse, but lore wise Liara has been searching for 600 years. She is also know the asari head matriarch.
-First half of game culminates with finding it and restoring the relays. The relays are restored but due to some plot stuff i dont know about they are capable of limited intergalactic travel to andromeda.
-I don’t know much here, but andromeda team is helped by milky way team for something about the quarian ark and the benefactor or something, sorry i dont know a lot here