Final Fantasy XIII

Published by: Square Enix
Developed by: Square Enix
Genre: J-RPG
Release Date: 9. mart 2010.
Available On: Xbox 360, [URL=“”]PlayStation 3

[SIZE=2]In Final Fantasy XIII, players will embark on a journey through the cityworld of Cocoon and the outerworld of Pulse, encountering and fighting alongside a diverse group of allies. Execute powerful attacks with weapons and magic, and summon the enigmatic Eidolons with an evolved Active Time Battle system. Experience seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and in-game cinematics. Do you have the courage to face your destiny?[/SIZE]

Character renders: Lightning, Snow Villiers, Oerba Dia Vanille, Serah Farron, Sazh Katzroy, Hope Estheim, Oerba Yun Fang, Cid Raines
[URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”]

(1. je FMV, ostalo je in-engine)
[URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”] [URL=“”]

Bice samo engleski voice acting sa lip sync-om.
Ako ste lenji postoji auto-battle opcija (iako, to nije win button)
Igra ce biti na 3 diska.
14.01.2010. - Rad na engleskoj verziji je zavrsen - igra je gotova. Ceka se mastering i igra stize 9. marta.
02.03.2010 - scene release od Allstars-a i fix za disk 1&2

I ovo ce biti za Xbox? Kul :smiley:

obozavam final fantasy i jedva cekam da ovo izadje…mada su je najavili tek za sledecu jesen…inace, sada bas igram 12ku na ps2…a predhodno sam presao sve delove, racunajuci i one za NES :slight_smile:

Nikad nisam posvetio dovoljnu paznju Final Fantasy igrama a znam dosta ljudi koji se kunu u njih.No ovaj novi cu probati mozda upali.

Kakva je grafika sigurno cu igrati. 3 diska… wow!

dobro znas li da je mart mesec treci mesec u godini sto nije jesen?

A sad da nagadjam. Video si US trailer u kome pise “3.9.2010.” i mislis da je septembar jer ne znas da amerikanci pisu mesec/dan/godina, a ne dan/mesec/godina kao evropljani.
Ako je tako onda recimo da mozes poceti vristati od srece da ce “poraniti” 6 meseci od onoga sto si planirao :stuck_out_tongue:

FINAL FANTASY XIII – The Time Has Come – PlayStation.Blog
ovde mozes naci EU verziju tog announcement trailera tj. samo je datum na kraju prilagodjen na evropski sistem :stuck_out_tongue:

Inace mislio sam da (ni) ovde nema FF fanova ali pogresio sam :slight_smile:


nemaš brige uskoro će forum biti wide. Spoiler tagovi rade a clicky varijantu ćemo ugraditi na novom forumu svakako. I rad sa albumima i attachmentima će biti još lakši.

Što se tiče FFXIII i mene zanima kako će finalna igra izgledati na boxu. Nije da sam zapaljen nešto puno na J-RPG , prvenstveno zbog šablonskih priča i karaktera, kao i battle sistema koji dolaze u paketu. Nadam se da će novi FF doneti osveženje.

Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, Final Fantasy XIII, ovo ce biti srecna nova godina :slight_smile:

Itekako a jos i Alan Wake ,Crackdown 2,Fable III,Halo: Reach… pa onda ako nas zacaci i Natal jaooo.A takodje sledeca godina ce biti bogata dobrim multiplatform igrama tako da …

Nego igrao sam nesto malo FFXII da li ce borbeni sistem u novom nastavku bitno da se razlikuje?

Najbolje da pogledas JP demo, i dva TGS09 demo-a da vidis kako funkcionise igra.

  • Nema random encontera ali ima battle transition kada se priblizis protivniku. Klasicno se prelazi u battle mode kao i kod vecine JRPG-a, a ne tipa kao Oblivion.

  • Pomeranje likova u borbi ne mozes kontrolisati, to je automatski, jedino biras akcije i svaka zahteva jedan ili vise blokova ATB gauge-a (velika linija podeljena na delove i iznad nje ja napisana akcija koju odaberes (i po sirini “dugmeta” te akcije vidis koliko ATB-a trosi). Punjeje linije je poprilicno brzo i akcenat je na fast paced borbi.


Battle system:
-Scene drives are obtained once a character masters his/her forte “role.”
-Casting low ranking spells consecutively is an effective way to build up chains.
-High-costing abilities do not always equate more damage.
-Auto-command is very clever, and will adapt to the battle as needed.
-Optimizing summons is done by utilizing the character’s forte “role.”
-“Buffed” summons are incredibly powerful. But that doesn’t mean that summons are the end-all to everything.

Highlights from Famitsu Interview: // famitsu je igri dao 39/40
-The battle system concept hasn’t changed since its inception.
-The concept of optima system (paradigm shift) didn’t exist in early development.
-Controlling all 3 characters at once exceeds a typical player’s ability, thus the inclusion of the AI system and optima.
-Each of the 3 members can be assigned up to 6 roles, so the number of possible combination for optima is quite big.
-The difficulty of battle differs with how optimas are setup in relations to the enemy.
-“Breaking” an enemy requires chains.
-RAV’s attacks rapidly build up the chain bar, but will result in faster draining chain meter. COM’s attacks build up the chain relatively slowly, but will result in chains degrading slowly.
-Building up chains with RAV while a COM character manages the chain bar regression rate is the typical way to break an enemy.
-You can set up to 6 optimas.
-In 13, enemies are purposely designed to be harder, and debuffing roles (SAB) are very important.
-Buffing/debuffing is a prerequisite to beating bosses. (You’ll be wiped out without using them)
-Haste is incredibly good. (virtually non-stop action!) //ubrzava ATB recharge naravno
-3 roles are unlocked for each characters in the beginning.
-There is no "turn-based " system. You can select between “slow” and “normal” to adjust the pacing of a battle.
-Summons level up with the summoner.
-Finishing moves in gestalt mode level up as you fight with them in battle.
-The spell “quake” and “full cure” uses TP (which is used for summons too) are very powerful, and are useful as crutches in battle.
-There are many missions, and half of those missions are more difficult than the final boss.
-The final boss will be a pushover if you decide to fight it after tackling side missions.
-Creating the ultimate weapons will take a very long time. (grinding implied)
-Since the project’s inception for the PS2, it has been 5 years in the making. But the final product is very well worth the time in development.

-Role levels starts from Level 0.
ENG - Commando, Ravager, Sentinel, Saboteur, Medic,Synergist
JP - Attacker, Blaster, Defender, Jammer, Healer, Enhancer
-Role bonuses during battles
COM—Physical and Magical Attack Stats increase
RAV—Chain Bonus increases
SEN—Physical and Magical Defence increase
MED—Healing Abilities and Healing Items are more effective
SYN—Stats Enhancing effects lasts longer
SAB—Accuracy of abilities that affect enemies (stats lowering or status causing) increases

Ne postoje klasicni leveli za likove vec se unapredjuju kroz kroz “Crystalium System” (koji pomalo lici na Sphere Grid iz FF10).

Game design, system:
-Time spent on Cocoon is story driven (linear?) while arriving at Pulse will allow players more freedom in movement.
-Gameplay changes drastically between Cocoon and Pulse.
-Battle difficulty can range from extremely hard to rather easy, depending on how you set up your optimas.
-Items that buff your party before battle are as rare as elixirs in previous games.
-Using libra is a fundamental strategy. // libra je “skeniranje” protivnika, sta su mu slabe tacke i opsti info
-Cocoon is designed to be like a futuristic version of a sword and magic world.
Weapons and machines are deliberately designed to incoporate both organic and non organic parts.

  • Pulse’s monsters are designed to be larger and stronger because of the harsher conditions. It also fits with the vastness of the whole world.
    They also call it “a monsters’ paradise”.

// FFXIII world preview book ukratko i famitsu info preveden sa japanskog.

Nikad nisam voleo RPG-eve, ali ovo ima da probam.
Grafika na nivou, samo me mrzi da gledam gameplay trailere, pa ne mogu zakljuciti kakav je gameplay.

Na SIGGRAPH-u je bio i FF13 tim i prikazali su malo kako je isao proces stvaranja filmica u igri i otkriveno je da im 9 sati cutscene. Malo manje od 9h ima Metal Gear Solid 4 :stuck_out_tongue:

6h je in-engine, ostalo je pre-rendered i trebalo im je 16 meseci da naprave sve :smiley:

edit: Pojavio se scene release za JP PS3 verziju od dobro nam poznate grupe HR…nista ne vredi ali velicina je ~38GB.
Famitsu je od Square Enixa procuo da ce Xbox verzija biti vise “kompresovana”. Sudeci po velicini igre na PS3 meni se jako cini da ce ovo biti 4 DVDa za xbox ili mozda 5 sto bi bilo jako blizu PS3 velicine.
FMV su radjeni u 1080p i ima lossless audio na PS3 (“kaze omot igre”) pa se ne bih cudio da na xboxu to bude “samo” 720p kako bi se ustedelo mesta.

potvrdjeno je da ce igra u verziji za xbox360 biti na 3 diska

"Yes, the game is on three DVDs for the 360," a Square-Enix representative said. "Players will only have to swap discs twice during their entire game."


Vec je linkovano u prvom postu :stuck_out_tongue: - >Last edited by Archer Mac; Yesterday at 15:01.

Interesantan deo intervjua sa režiserom Torijamom o linearnosti FFXIII

Final Fantasy XIII boss responds to review scores
Tuesday 16-Feb-2010 10:39 AM Director Toriyama-San says critics see the game \“from a western point of view\”

The key developers of Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XIII have revealed they \“try not to listen to the critics too much\” - and responded to criticism of the game’s linear nature.

Producer Yoshinori Kitase told CVG sister mag Xbox World 360: \"We try not to listen to the critics too much. Most of the criticisms have come because the first half of the game is very linear.

\“But we’ve got a story to tell, and it’s important the player can engage with the characters and the world they inhabit before letting them loose…\”

The game’s director Motomu Toriyama added: \“We think many reviewers are looking at Final Fantasy XIII from a western point of view. When you look at most Western RPGs, they just dump you in a big open world, and let you do whatever you like… [It] becomes very difficult to tell a compelling story when you’re given that much freedom.\”

They might have a point - reviewers don’t seem to be able to make up their mind on the title.

As reported by CVG, GamesMaster’s Final Fantasy XIII review gave the game a respectable 81%, but PSM3 was less enamoured, awarding just 70%.

However, the Official PlayStation Magazine’s Final Fantasy XIII review gave the game a 9/10, saying it \“makes the hours pass likes minutes\”.

Who’s getting it?
izvor CVG

Sta da nabavim ovo ili recimo Lost Oddysey ?

Taman dok se ne pojavi FFXIII možeš probati LO. Igra je po meni jedan od boljih jrpg-ova, posebno produkcija. Taman će ti biti uvod za FF od koga ćeš dobiti svega toga mnogo više.

LO…napravio ga Mistwalker na cijem celu je Hironobu Sakaguchi - tvorac Final Fantasy-a koji je napustio Square i osnovao Mistwalker…naravno da igra mora valjati ako si za JRPG! :smiley:

  1. mart - FF13
    16(USA)/26(EU) mart - Resonance of Fate

Lost Odyssey je jako dobra igra. krenuo sam da je igram kad je izasla, stao, i evo nastavio pre nekoliko dana, pri kraju drugog diska sam i mogu samo reci wow. Ima scena koje te mogu naterati da zaplaces…

Izgleda da igra nece biti u 720p nego u 576p rezoluciji. To sam procitao ovde XBOX360 ISO e sad da li je tacno to ne znam.