Share. $5 a month (or $30 a year) nets you unlimited access to a bunch of EA games.
Today, EA revealed EA Access, an Xbox One-exclusive subscription service that grants players access to EA’s so-called Vault.
Subscribing to EA Access will cost $4.99 a month (or $29.99 a year), and since the program is technically in beta, only four games will initially be available: FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, Peggle 2, and Battlefield 4, “with more titles being added soon.”
Additionally, EA Access will also net subscribers 10 percent discounts on all EA digital content, which includes full games and DLC, as well as access to trials of new EA games nearly a week before they come out (with saves that copy over to the final game, should you choose to purchase it later). Games that will be eligible for early access and save copy-over are Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA Live 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Memberships can be purchased on Xbox Live, and will also be available at retail stores like GameStop and online destinations like Amazon. The subscription service will launch “soon,” according to EA, and will be available in North America and Europe.
Ovo super zvuči, 30$ na godinu dana i mogu odigram bilo šta što se u nalazi u EA Vaultu za X1. Većinu igara od EA nešto i ne igram, poput sportskih, ali NFS, Dragon Age, BF4 i slično mi je sasvim ok za ovu kintu. Ako me neko natera da mu pravim društvo u fifi, eto, mogu i to. Dopadaju mi se i popusti od 10% na sve DLC od njih. Nadam se da ubace BF Hardlines kada se pojavi ili ME4 u budućnosti.
Vrlo pametan potez MS. Bilo bi lepo da UbiSoft i Activision slede ovaj primer i naprave sličan servis.
Sta znam, ovo zvuci ok. Posebno ako hoces da odigras neku sp kampanju, a u vaultu bude vise takvih igara, sve za 5$ mesecno. Jos ako to bude radilo sa sharom na xo, a kad radi Gold live ne vidim razlog da ove nece, onda je najbolja opcija na godisnjem nivou se preplatiti za po 15$.
Čudno da su na ovaj način birali reči, kao “Mi znamo bolje od naših mušterija šta je dobro za njih” fazon. Mislim da je bolje ljudima ostaviti izbor da li tako nešto hoće ili ne. Na kraju krajeva, glasamo svojim novčanicima, tj ako vidimo da nam se isplati - ok, ako ne - nećemo trošiti pare.
Fino zamisljen projekat koji i nama siromasnima sa balkana mozemo ovo da priustimo samo mali je problem sto nevolim skoro nista sto izdaje ea a i malo mi je nemoguce da ce odmah cim izadje Dragon Age:Inquisition. da ga ubace u ovaj program iznajmljivanja verovatno tek godinu dana kasnije od izlazka bilo koje igre
Now je trenutno u papreno neisplativoj fazi i ne spominje se nigde u tekstu.
Oni porede sa PS+ servisom, ali to bi bilo adekvatno poredjenje samo sa Live Gold servisom. Ne vidim nikakvu prepreku da EA servis bude dostupan na obe konzole, pogotovu ako bude ukljucivao sve jace EA igre, to je nenormalno povoljna ponuda.
Oni ponekad daju i EA igre za Plus korisnike i to je ok. Ali ovde odmah imas u startu pristup sportskim, pucackim i rpg igrama, voznjama… Koji ce ko zna kad, za 2 godine da stignu za Plus korisnike.
Ne secam se da je FIFA ikada bila za Plus. PS4 je “indiestation”.
Bas dobra ponuda i uzasno los potez za Sony. Heh, izgleda da cemo ipak imati zanimljiviju utakmicu nego sto se cinilo.
A EA je od EA pass filozofije napravio takav zaokret da ce, ako ova stvar zazivi i ako stvarno ne budu neke slj igre nego najjaci njihovi naslovi, definitivno prestati da bude najomrazenija vec customer-centric kompanija.
No Xbox Live Gold subscription required to use EA Access
EA Access, the upcoming Xbox one-exclusive subscription service for various EA titles, will not require an active Xbox Live Gold membership to use, EA has confirmed.
“EA Access doesn’t require an Xbox Live Gold subscription,” an EA spokesperson told Polygon. “However, in order to use multiplayer functionality for games in the vault or EA games on Xbox One you’ll need a Gold subscription per usual.”
The service is available for either $4.99 a month or $29.99 a year, and offers access to four full titles during the beta: Madden NFL 25, FIFA 14, Battlefield 4 and Peggle 2. EA plans to add more titles in the future. As well as this, members also get 10 percent off the purchase of various EA titles, such as Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, and more.
Finally, being an EA Access member means that you can download and play certain upcoming EA titles up to five days before release. At the moment this includes: Madden NFL 15, NHL 15, FIFA 15, NBA LIVE 15, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. If you choose to purchase the game after launch then you can pick up from where you left off.
EA Access will not be available on PlayStation 4, following Sony’s decision not to support it. “We don’t think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer,” a Sony rep said last week.
A ovo sa PS now koji je papren mislim da ni to nece placati al ajde.
Vremenom ce dosta igara biti u biblioteci pa cemo moci da uzivamo po normalnoj ceni.
EA Access, the publisher’s new subscription-based service, is now officially out of beta and available for all Xbox One owners.
For $4.99 a month, or $29.99 a year, Xbox One owners will be able to access “The Vault,” a collection of EA games that are available to download and play for free. Currently four games are available, Battlefield 4, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, and Peggle 2, with EA promising that more titles will be added in the future.
As well as this, EA Access members will get 10 percent off various EA digital titles and DLC, and the opportunity to access new EA titles five days before their official release.
“We’re really thrilled to be working with the Xbox team on this project,” says Michael Lewis, Lead Producer for EA Access. “We think it’s a service gamers are really going to love, and the initial reception has been amazing.
“We’ve worked very closely with the team at Xbox to build EA Access,” Lewis added. “They’ve been absolutely amazing to work with, and I’d like to give a shout out to the whole team. We spent a lot of hours together, bonding on calls late at night, and at indecent hours of the morning. We’re all really excited to see this launch.”