Alan Wake 2 - Release Date Trailer - 17.10.2023



Its Max Payne :grinning:

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Aha Sam Lake. :grinning:

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Koja fora :smiley: Ali ima easter egg za Max Payne u Alan Wake-u u onom drugom chapteru gde su u stanu u New York-u i stoji neko pismo koje čita baš glasom Max Payne-a. Takođe sam video i u Quantum Break na jednoj tabli u onom univerzitetu cela tabla ispisana nekim beleškama od Alana Wake-a. Baš imam screenshot toga negde u konzoli.

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Sam Lake nije pravo ime, zar ne.

Sami Antero Järvi ne zvuči tako catchy. :grinning:


Super, manje plasatike i Ä‘ubreta :man_shrugging:


Siguran sam da im je bas to bilo u glavi :grin:


Nešto malo manje od 4700 dinara po današnjem kursu preko Argentine.

Videćemo šta će biti do oktobra :grinning:

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Iz vesti je ocigledno da na taj nacin spustaju troskove i omogucavaju nizu cenu.

PC verzija je 50$, standardno niza za rojalti koji uzmu MS i Sony.

Mada ako je krekuju na vreme mozda uzmem za 0 rsd :confused:

Unlock exclusive content with the Alan Wake 2 Deluxe Edition.

  • Expansion Pass
  • Night Springs Expansion
  • Lake House Expansion
  • Crimson Windbreaker for Saga
  • Celebrity Suit for Alan
  • Lantern Charm for Saga
  • Parliament Shotgun Skin for Alan
  • Nordic Shotgun Skin for Saga (part of the expansion pass)

nesto lepo i imteresantno da izadje posle toliko vremena :slight_smile:


Jes da su sve slike iz trailer-a ali lepo izgledaju.

ovaj bas ume da proda naslov

In my time here at Remedy, over 28 years now, I have been fortunate to be able to take part in the creation of several games I’m hugely proud of, but I have never been quite as thrilled as I am now about the game we are making and the vision behind it. There has almost been this fever and hunger, madness even, a drive to push every aspect of this story-focused experience not just a step but a leap forward, taking the foundation of what we have done before, the story, the interactive storytelling, the mix of different mediums, filmed live-action footage, the cast of larger than life characters, the worldbuilding, the atmosphere, the mystery, quirky humor, nightmarish horror of both psychological and supernatural nature, everything, pushing it all as far as I have been able to imagine. I feel that we, together with my very talented colleagues, have given everything we got to this game. This is Remedy’s most ambitious creation so far.

Daj odmah pre order zbog lagane suze koja mi je kanula iz levog oka nakon procitanog teksta :joy:

kad je sam lake lagao ikada, sem laznog imena

stvarno ste…

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Fino ovo izgleda iako moram da priznam originalna igra mi nije bila ni priblizno toliko dobra koliko je hvale i kakve je silne ocene pobrala, doduse fina ideja ali igra kao igra onako pristojna, solidna ali nista vise od toga.
Recimo Control mi je bila dosta bolja igra.

Moram priznati, i meni takodje. Mada ima dobru stivenkingovsku atmosferu, Control mi je bio na kraju ludja igra sa boljom akcijom.

Ali prema ovim najavama 2 deo ce biti ludnica, jedva cekam.