XeBuild 1.12 i Dashlaunch 3.12

XeBuild 1.12:
16747 kernel:
Changelog: http://pastebin.com/QXSfmKFM

Dashlaunch 3.12:
Changelog: http://pastebin.com/4A41eDcU

e da info od dashlaunch

dashlaunch V3.12

  • default behaviour of live block is now to use strong block rules (at least until ini is loaded)
  • fix compatibility issues with dashes created before AP25 was deployed (spoof the AP functions on older versions)
  • limit fakelive/autofake to 14717+ kernels
  • add export so plugins can find out where they were loaded from during dllMain() (it’s volatile, copy it in Main() if you need it!)
  • update 16547 patches to delay network bringup in xam until launch.xex loads
  • add trinity internal usb to hddkeepalive (for those that have a usb hdd hooked up there)
  • add 16747

Jel prvo moram da apdejtujem kernel pa dashlaunch ili je svejedno kojim redosledom to radim?

AKo pravis dashboard update sa poslednjim kernelom ovo se automacki ubacuje prilikom azuriranje J-runnera.
Ako si na starom dashboard 16547 nemas potrebe da azuriras.

Ja sam na 16203 jos uvek. Zbog toga pitam. Nije mi jasno, ako uradim apdejt dashboard-a, jel moram i dashlaunch posle toga ili obrnutim redosledom, ili nije ni potrebno raditi apdejt dashlaunch-a?

Update hackovanog dashboarda na poslednji 16747 nosi sve to u sebi novo, napisao sam ti to.
pogledaj tutorijale imas dva za azuriranje dashboarda procitaj dva puta pa kreni da pravis i obavezno postupno !

Sent by iPhone 5*

Ja sam juce uradio update na 16747 a dashlaunch mi ostao 3.09?
Jel mogu da uradim update na 3.12 da preko ftp prekopiram 3.12 preko 3.09 pa pokrenem iz file managera ili moram preko xexmenu i usb-a?

mozes odakle hoces