XBOX One rezime - diskusija, info, slike, video - Vol. 2

Idemo dalje sve znate, sve isto kao i u Vol.1

Zanimljivo :slight_smile:

Mislim da se o tome pricalo pre skoro godinu Dana Kao Xbox bez Kinect ce dobiti gpu update

Ne misle na to. Verovatno mislis na povecanje GPU snage za 10%, ali to je vec uradjeno pre godinu dana.

Izgleda da se MS udružio sa Evrovizijom radi promocije Xbox One…

Za one koji ne znaju nemački, na nalepnici piše: “Zvanična konzola Evrovizije”… Ovo mi deluje tako random, ali i u isto vremeno nekako logično. Znači, možemo da očekujemo i neke reklame u vezi sa MS proizvodima tokom Evrovizije… Well, now I’ve seen it all… :smiley:

Btw, obavezan GIF za Evroviziju:

Koliko daleko su samo spremni da idu haha, now I’ve seen everything!

Ajoj kakav FAIL.

Secam se kako se Angry Joe sprdao sa nalepnicom na USA izdanju za “oficijalnu NFL konzolu”, ali ovo je… neshvatljiv nivo ludila. Sta je slece, oficijalna konzola Angele Merkel?

Hey, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. Right? :smiley:

Xbox One won’t be getting Windows 10 integration until after summer

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has clarified when Xbox One will be getting Windows 10—or, more accurately, he’s clarified when it won’t be getting the new OS.

Microsoft had previously stated that the console wouldn’t see the company’s latest operating system until it had been rolled out on PC, but with that launch currently pegged for sometime this summer, it hadn’t been clear when exactly Xbox One owners could expect see the upgrade.

In response to a tweet from a fan asking for more specifics, Spencer has provided the first definitive answer on timing, but it’s still relatively open-ended.That means the new Windows 10–based system software would arrive on Xbox One in fall at the earliest, but it could theoretically be much longer than that, too. Microsoft does have a history of rolling out major updates to their consoles in November and October, so that might be an obvious candidate.

Also unclear is how exactly Windows 10 might alter the standard Xbox experience. When the plan was first announced, Spencer made it clear that players wouldn’t be “using Excel on the Xbox, but Microsoft is making it easier to port experiences from PC over to Xbox where they make sense.”

Special edition of Halo: The Master Chief Collection Xbox One bundle on the way

For a limited time, Xbox fans in the U.S. can get their hands on an Xbox One Special Edition Halo: The Master Chief Collection Bundle featuring a sleek, Cirrus White Xbox One console and wireless controller. The bundle also comes packed with a digital download code for Halo: The Master Chief Collection – the essential Halo fan experience that features the Master Chief’s complete story through four free Halo games: Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo 3 and Halo 4. Best of all, it’s all available for ERP $349 in the U.S.

The Xbox One Special Edition Halo: The Master Chief Collection Bundle will be available later this month in very limited quantities and for a limited time at participating U.S. retailers while supplies last – so once they’re all gone, they’re all gone!

Microsoft E3 konferencija ce trajati sat i po vremena. Ako me pamcenje dobro sluzi, prethodnih godina je trajala sat vremena, tako da me ovo raduje.

Cekaj ovaj beli je isti kao u sunset bandlu.

I meni se to cini :smiley:

Naravno da je isti, zašto bi bio drugačiji!?

Zadnjih nekoliko godina, (4 ili 5, koliko redovno pratim) je uvek trajala 90 min. Ne znam za bas ranije

Fala bogu, nasli su ljudi nacin da u trenutnoj verziji Windows 10 izbace bilo sta xbox one related. Nadam se da ce moci i u final verziji.

Bravo, ustedeli su 10 MB.

Bravo, nije stvar u prostoru uopste. Win 10 na xboxu? Nemam nista protiv. Xbox One aplikacije na Windowsu, cemu? Ako neko to hoce, nek se skine tih 10 mb sto kazes. Al sta ce obicnom korisniku xbox one na windowsu po default-u?

To ti je ona aplikacija kao Steam, i jos ima i opcije koje Steam nema, tipa DVR, da snimas svoje gejming sesije.

Izgleda da MS sprema XO kontroler sa stabdardbim 3.5 mm oriključkom za slušalice. Hallelujah! Nema više adaptera i gluposti. :slight_smile: