Trebam puno pomoci oko azuriranja dashboarda.

Ok, upalih xbox posle duuugo vremena, Auroru sam azurirao (preko njihovog automatskog sistema), sad bi trebao dashboard, ja sam trenutno na 16537.
Koliko vidim to je dosta star dashboard tako da bi definitivno trebao raditi update.
Ne secam se kako sam ranije to radio, mislim da je isto bilo nesto automatsko ali koliko vidim sve se promenilo i ja nemam blage odakle da pocnem. Molim za pomoc.

Dobio resenje. Postavicu u citat, svi verujem razumete engleski. Ova metoda bukvalno sve odradi za korisnika.

If you are having issues with xebuild/xebuild gui, try this http://www.realmodsc…dated-j-runner/. If using a wired network connection, on both xbox, and computer, I would recommend running dashlaunch installer on the console with the updserv option enabled. On the computer, dont run J-Runner, as this doesnt work since I updated it for some wierd reason. Just go into the Xebuild folder, open command window there(ctrl + shift + right click, should be on the menu) and then type into the command line xebuild update -f 17511. This will do everything for you, and when the console reboots, it will have the avatar update, and the latest kernel, and dashlaunch installed. Make sure you have your HDD connected when doing this. :slight_smile:

Bullet,pa gde si ti,nema te? Dosao si kada se pojavio problem. Not nice of you :slight_smile:
Salimo se malo,lepo je videti nekog od starih kada navrati.

Evo mudrujem. :slight_smile:
Ma davno nisam u konzolnim vodama, hteo sam danas malo da sredim konzolu da mladja sestra moze igrati Minecraft, a i slabo sam po forumima, vecinski me se nadje na Steamu i tako tim platformama. :slight_smile:

Briga me za ostale forume, ako ovde ne budes aktivniji… znaj da imam tvoju ip adresu…
Usledice update na windows 10 :wink: