The Witcher 3 dev thinks its free DLC plan should be 'industry standard'

The 16th DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, New Game Plus mode, was free - as were the 15 other pieces of DLC that came before it. Not every piece of extra content for the game will be free (there’s still two paid DLC packs coming), but CD Projekt RED co-founder Marcin Iwinski would like to see the practice become more common among studios, and hopes that his studio’s game can be a case study in doing right by your audience.

“I’d like to extend my thanks to all the gamers who played our game and gave these DLCs a try,” Iwinski said on a recent post to the Witcher website. He stated that nothing makes a developer happier than seeing people have fun with what was created, and called out the free structure in which the DLC was offered as something that should continue. “I would really like to see such initiatives become an industry standard rather than an exception to the general rule, and I hope that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has set a good example.”

The idea of DLC has been contentious and divisive since the days when The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion offered horse armor. In its best moments, DLC is seen as a way to get more out of a game and experience things you might not otherwise. In its worst moments, it’s seen as greedy milking of customers and exploitative marketing. Can’t say I’d be sad to see less of the latter and more of the former opinion running around on the Internet - provided that it’s earned of course.

Sve su u pravu, al da se ne lazemo onih 16 free DLC-ova su samo skinovi, nekoliko armor setova(najvisi level onaj Skellige lvl 16 sto i nije lose jer je na pola jer mislim da svi kad zavrse budu oko 30-tog levela) i nekoliko kratkih questova. Fool’s gold je bio smesan, A Skellige’s Most Wanted je bio dobar contract po meni.

Sisanje i brijanje i New Game+ nisu ni trebali da budu DLC-ovi po meni. Svaka im cast al mislim da se nisu nesto pretrgli.

Ali je super promena u odnosu na druge izdavace i developere kakve DLC-ove izbacuju.

Po meni sve ovo je trebalo da bude dio standardne igre, nego su eto kzdvojili par nekih sitnica i dali ih naknadno besplatno cisto da ispadne da se razlikuju od drugih. Mada opet ima i onih koji naplacuju takve gluposti.

btw skellige armor set postoji u dvoje varijante, 16 i 41 lvl

Pa to u New game plus :smiley:

I default armor sa pocetka igre ima armor 160 u ng+ kolko sam cuo :smiley:

To je poenta, napravili su foru kao e ovo je dzabe. Ali lose je sto drugi takve stvari naplacuju. A pazi Season pass za 2 ekspanzije od kojih ce prva biti 10 sati a druga 20 sati je ovde 25 CAD, znaci oko 17 jevreja. To je potez, 17 evra za 30 sati dodatnog igranja.

A onda imas full cenu za igre tipe The Do Not Order 1866 koje traje 7 sati. Completionist 10 sati, lolcina.

1886 a ne 1866 lol :smiley:

to da, to su vec prave ekspanzije. Po manjoj cijeni dobijes vise gameplaya nego da kupis neku full price igru.

Sta zna dete sta je 20 godina.