Starcraft 2 Legacy Of The Void Beta počije 23. Marta

Legacy of the Void Beta Preview

The StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Beta is on the way, and with only two weeks left until its launch we wanted to take a look at the goals and expectations around the multiplayer beta. As you are likely aware, we’ve been trying to be as open as possible with the status of our development, and strongly believe that the increased cooperation between developers and players is beneficial to StarCraft II. To be clear, our goal for this expansion is to work together with all of you to make Legacy of the Void as awesome as possible.

For this reason, we decided to start the beta sooner than we normally would have in the past. This should provide ample time for feedback and iteration. However, this naturally results in a few things:

• Some things at the start of the beta will feel more rough than usual.
• We will be missing some units, improvements, features, etc.
• The beta will run for a longer period of time than usual.
• We will need your play-testing support, as well as the feedback about your experiences in the beta, in order to really work together on this expansion.

Please focus your feedback with these points in mind. We are truly excited to get everyone more involved in the development process.

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Prijavio se ja pre neki dan. Videcemo sada sta ce sa time biti. Ma da nesto ne verujem da ce bas mene da odaberu :slight_smile:
Ovo mi je jedna od omiljenih igara. Inace obozavam MP igre ali ovde mi ne ide pa to ti je! Operu me svaki put kao budalu. Ma uzas.

Mislim da je kljuc u brzini. :smiley:

Ma da, znam da je to. Gledao sam njihova takmicenja i sve vezano za to. Starcraft igram od prvog dela jos od 1998god.
Svi sto igraju online su ludilo brzi. Toliko se daleko otislo u svemu da oni tacno znaju u kojoj sekundi sta stave da se gradi ili radi upgrade.
Ili tipa ako do minut i 45sec ne uradis to i to. Pozdravi se! Uz to naravno da svi koriste precice na tastaturi.
Mora se ekstremno brzo igrati. To na zalost nije moj stil. Ja volim polako, volim da razvijam jedinice da vidim sta sve ima i tako.
Za takve sporace nema mesta! :slight_smile:

ovakav nacin igranja vec zalazi u deki domen patologije