Sony: PlayStation Neo Isn’t A Shift To Regular Hardware Upgrades Like Mobile/PC
Sony Interactive Entertainment President Andrew House has today revealed more info about the PlayStation Neo during Sony’s Investor Day in Tokyo.
He mentioned that this is the first time that Sony will ever offer a hardware upgrade in the middle of a PlayStation’s life cycle. Although, he went on to say that this doesn’t mean that they’re going to do
regular upgrades like we’ve come to know in the PC and Mobile industry. Nor does it mean that we’ll see a generation hardware change.
He went on to explain that the mobile business is very different with users upgrading their hardware every one or two years, which he doesn’t think will ever be the case in the console business, where we know the cycle as being at least five or six years. He does believe that there is potential and that’s why the latest and greatest technology can be introduced in the middle of a life cycle. The key factor for Sony will still be the important of the customer, which Sony intends to ensure stays a “one console world” with the same software for both the PS4 and PS4 Neo.