Red Dead Redemption 2 trejler


HYPE, HYPE :sunglasses: :star_struck:
Jedva čekam 26.10. Nadam se da neće biti više odlaganja.

Spiderman u septembru pa onda ova igretina u oktobru, RIP money…

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U mom legal gaming delu zivota nisam uradio preorder igre.
Ovo ce biti prva…


Mene sve plasi kako ce ovo da radi na vanila Ps4. :slight_smile:

Ne znam sta te tu plasi. Nista posebno u ovom trejleru nisam video da bi opteretilo PS4. Cak u ovom momentu ima i mnogo graficki boljih igara nego ovo vidjeno u trejleru.

Cekamo taj gameplay pa da vidimo jel ima mesta za strah.

Da bi omogucili 4K u open world igri ne verujem da cemo biti bas oduvani na starim televizorima. Uncharted 4, Horizon i poslednji u nizu GoW podigli su prilicno standarde za grafiku. U svakom slucaju, bice ipak jedna od najlepsih igara to se vidi iz trejlera, a bice i klanje sa GoW i Spidermane-om za igru godine verovatno.

Od svega pomenutog jedino Horizon je full open world. Ostaje da vidimo mapu igre, naseljena mesta i broj npc-a… Ali garant će biti drastično veća mapa sa drastično više npc-a… Tako da vanila Xbox I PS4 koji su se mučili sa witcher 3, ovo će tek biti zabavno čekati da se očita igra :smiley:

Iskreno sumnjam da ce biti veca mapa negobu Witcheru. Ne ocekujem nista spektakularnije mnogo vise od toga. U tom rangu.
A da ce biti popin, bice na svakoj konzoli.

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Zbog toga ce biti velika steta ako je ne izbace i za PC posle… :confused:

Zavisi RDR 1 je bio i ostao konzolna ekskluziva.

Na konzolama je piraterija svedena na minimum(do izlaska novog hakovanog dash-a za PS4) + raditi igru za PC je nekoliko desetina puta slozenije nego za konzole… Tako da oni time sto igra ne izlazi za PC, sebi olaksavaju i ljude koji bi radili sve to za PC prebace na optimizaciju, pricu, mesta… I dobijas dosta kvalitetniju igru i jbg za njih dosta manje para :slight_smile: Mozda igra izadje za PC, ali kada ce to biti i da li, videcemo…

Ja vam garantujem da ce biti ista prica kao sa GTA V. Znaci sada verzija za ove konzole, zatim kraj 2019. pocetak 2020. za PC i onda 2021. next gen i tako u krug.

Dobra im fora da 1 igru 3 puta prodaju po punoj ceni te nemoraju nista drugo da izbacuju.


Ali prodaje igru…ne delove

Drugo je Horizon, God of War i sl jer su to ekskluzive i radjene i optimizovane za jedan sistem. Naletali smo na dosta multiplatform igara koje em izgledaju lose graficki, em ni ne rade kako treba. Mada videcemo. Ako mapa nije prevelika, onda kontam da ce da bude ok.

Opusteno sa tenzijama ljudi ne pravi ovo Ubisoft pa da bude 20 fps i 30 min loading screen, Rockstar je uvijek izbacivao vrhunske igre tako da mislim da nema razloga za brigu cak i za vanila ps4. :smiley:


Not impressed. Video sam jedno obaranje na pod i jedno pesnicenje, sve ostalo su cinematici.

We find all this in Red Dead 2, but we wanted to go further, by proposing more wilderness, cities too and that’s what we learned about GTA V that allowed us to evolve all that. And I think the thing we learned most about working on GTA V is to make the world more interactive. With GTA V, we realized a gigantic and immersive world, but with Red Dead Redemption 2, we wanted to go even further, to be able to touch things, to be able to pick up anything, to interact with them, to whether characters or animals. To be able to go beyond the facade of the world, to be able to feel it, that it is just the ground that is deformed by the mud, that the characters can slide along the slopes, to adapt and to adjust the changes of postures and of animations according to the ground, the situations, that they cross a bush climb a hill. We wanted the player to be as connected as possible to the world around him, with the utmost respect. This is something we would have liked to have done with GTA V already and that we could not integrate for various reasons: lack of time, technology that was not ready yet or what do I know yet. Being able to do it for Red Dead Redemption 2 was something that guided us through the entire development process.

So we had to evolve our “Ambiant Population System” so that these NPCs do something else than drop their cup of coffee and run away. So we had to create several types of NPCs, with different characters, more intimate, less neutral and not just aggressive. It was important for us to have different ways of thinking, whether it was a guard on a ranch or in a factory, they do not react in the same way. For example, if you start entering his home, he will know that you are breaking his property and will react accordingly according to your approach. Remember during the demo, the camper Arthur met at one point, he did not want any company. And this character has a different logic of the NPCs who react according to your attitude. The idea is that you can understand that there will be really different characters for each character that will be crossed in the game, so that this world remains unique, alive, organic.

For Red Dead Redemption 2, we tried to go further in the interiors. You can go into a house, open the drawers, take the jewelry in the drawers. Small things in even smaller things, so that the world is the deepest and most credible possible. From big coffers to small pockets in people’s jackets, you can steal everything, without ever knowing what you’re going to fall on. We tried to create a consistent world in which it is possible to jump and hold onto a train running at full speed, enter the cars, find a bag, open it and take what’s inside, come out the train without being spotted, all this will be possible.

Huh, hair grow in the game ?!

Yes quite ! The beard too. But this time, it’s only by subtraction. Not like in GTA V where you could go to the hairdresser and go out with a beard and even longer hair. You will have to wait for your beard to grow and ask you if you want to shave it, or just the chin, or the mustache. On the other hand, once it’s cut, you have to wait for her to push back to return to the barber’s

Pa jeste, no ne sigurno nekoliko desetina puta :slight_smile:
Verujem da se za konzole koriste isti graficki API-ji (DirectX, mozda Vulkan ne pratim toliko vise) kao i za PC. Ipak su to unutra NVIDIA ili AMD kartice?
Pogledaj samo game engine sto se prave za ‘sire’ narodne mase, Unity, Unreal, uz par tweekova vec mozes pokrenuti build na konzoli. A sta li tek Rockstar manijaci mogu :smiley:

Pitanje je samo da li su voljni i da li im se finansijski isplati da utrose pola godine-godinu dana za optimizaciju za PC.

Da se razumemo, nemam PS4 Pro, pa se bojim da ne bude novi Witcher :frowning: Na par mesta su mi frejmovi bas padali, da ne pricam o Assassins Creedu novom. (evo poklonio bih ga da mi nije vezan za PSN, ako postoji varijanta javite, ne salim se)

Nazalost izgleda da spadam u grupu ljudi gde 25-30 frejmova nije dovoljno. A vise volim konzole, damn… :sweat_smile:

Ja sam presao novi AC na slimu i nisam osjetio neke dropove mozda 2-3 puta u toku citave igre ali skoro da se i nije primjetilo. Kakav je npr bio Unity ovo je zlatno.