Red Dead Redemption 2 preorders i predownload dostupni na Xbox store

Normal Edition. $60

Special Edition. $80

Ultimate Edition. $99

Preorder bonus

The Pre-Order Bonuses for Red Dead Redemption 2 include the War Horse, Outlaw Survival Kit and Cash Bonus for Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode. War Horse: This handsome iron-grey-colored Ardennes War Horse can always be relied on in the heat of the battle. With greater courage and stamina than the average steed, this is a horse that knows how to keep its head under fire. The War Horse is available in Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode. The Outlaw Survival Kit: The Outlaw Survival Kit contains a collection of key supplies for enduring the rigors of life on the frontier, including items to replenish Health, Dead Eye and more. The Outlaw Survival Kit is available in Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode. Cash Bonus for Red Dead Redemption 2 Story Mode: The Van der Linde gang is always looking for ways to make more money and bring in new supplies. This in-game cash bonus will give Arthur Morgan enough to buy a weapon, some food, a handful of useful items and ammunition.

Collectors Box