Playstation 4 Rezime - diskusija, info, slike, video

46.000 din

PS4, Playstation 4, Konzole, ComputerLand Games

Ajde jos neko da postavi cisto da potvrdimo. :smiley:

Tesko da ce kostati sam 15.000 vise nego vita ^^

@padawan i to sto kazes 500€+ a posle da dobijes svoje pare neces sigurno ali ces morati da platis razliku da dobijes ps4. Ovo sam skoro pa ubedjen u srbiji to mora tako.

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Pa ako je preoder,to je to moze samo niza cena,nikako visa
Ko uzima najbolje da trazi napismeno neki ugovor kad placa
Bez ugovora nikako,napismeno i to je to
Sa ugovorom je 100 posto sigurno
Procito sam negde da ce proizvodnja krenuti u septembru,sa cak milion jedinica mesecno

Sa njima sam imao pozitivno iskustvo. Narucio sam poslednju gitaru za ps2 pre godinu dana, ali nije imao dodatak za wifi, pa sam morao da vratim. a novac mi uplatili na racun:rock:

Posto je u Madjarskoj pdv 27 posto,to mu dodje oko 320 evra bez pdv-a
Mali,zgodan za svercovanje
Naostrio se Sony,ne znam sta ceka MS sa odgovorom
Proizvodice ga Foxcon,cak milion kom. mesecno(prosto neverovarno,al ajde)
MS ako se brzo ne opasulji ce us…ere motku

Ja i dalje ne mogu da verujem da ce ta cena biti kod nas u Srbiji :frowning:
Ali 'ajde da budem optimista

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Ali daj nama 27% i njihov standard… Niko se ne bi zalio. :slight_smile: Znas breb koje su dazbine drzavi na zarade? Uzme ti tacno pola… A korumpirane inspekcije podsticu da ljudi rade na crno ili prijavljeni na minimalac. Mislim, u neuredjenoj drzavi kakva je nasa, tesko da ce nas “samo” 18% PDV-a izvuci, a o EU mozemo samo da sanjamo, dok Hrvatska ulazi za 15 dana. Nije sve bajka ali prednosti su daleko vece od mana. Pa nismo mi Island pa da nam ne treba EU. Da ne pricam da ti je otvoreno trziste rada u celoj EU, u odnosu na to, sve ostalo je nebitno. Nemoj da te neko laze samo da je ovde bolje jer nije pa i da ukinu PDV u potpunosti ovo je raspad od drzave.

Obrati samo paznju na jedan od benefita

ja ću biti pesimista (optimista s iskustvom) i tvrdim da im je to navlakuša, samo da se ljudi upecaju, a posle će im tražiti još para, pa gde prodje, prodje … računaće na to da mađarska veza neće moži da podmiri totalno tražnju, pa kome se “zapali dupe”, on će da grune još 50-70 evra preko…

Vrlo verovatno, zvuci suvise dobro da bi bilo istinito.

Sony je izgleda vec sada omogucio ono o cemu je pricao na konferenciji kada je predstavio nov OS. Pretpostavljam da vecina ovde igra piratsku verziju Last of US, pa ne zna za ovu foru. Meni je bilo cudno kada sam video da igra zauzima 135 mb, ali to je zapravo samo installer. Igra se skida tek kada se pokrene installer, i ne moze da se skida u pozadini dok vi nesto drugo igrate, kao standardna PSN igra, sto je vrlo glupo, pomislio sam. Kad ono, moze da se pocne igra, iako je skinut samo deo…

pa ako ti je dozvolio da igras na 72% a igra je velika 37GB, bas i nije nesto, ako uzmemo u obzir da moras nonstop da gledas Joela i Ellie, non stop. Mogli su download bar da naprave da izgleda kao defragmentacija diska na windows 98, jer vece zaraze od toga nema :smiley: :smiley:

Hahaha. Nisam siguran na koliko je dozvolio, iskljucio sam se negde izmedju 30 i 70% da ne gledam glupu sliku na ekranu :smiley:

Igra je zapravo 26 GB. Verovatno je ostatak multilanguage, koji vama stize u paketu sa retail piratskom verzijom, jer jezik biras pre skidanja.

Opa, neko ce da uziva danas! :slight_smile:

Dobro je cuti da je igra 26gb, to ce mnogo manje da boli od 40-tak koliko si me plasio. Kad ja krenem da je skidam (daj boze tamo negde za vikend, ako MASINA STIGNE), mozda ce joj na ovom mom skromnom downloadu trebati ‘samo’ 2 dana… Ne da sam u zurbi, mozda ostavim LoU za kasnije.

Haha bas tako! Nekad sam umeo satima da sedim i gledam one kockice kako se redjaju… good times. :smiley:

Pa nece ti trebati bas 2 dana, recimo ako mozes da pokrenes igru na 50%, to je samo 13gb, pa bi mogao da skidas preko noci pa da igras vec popodne. Nije lose sto su ubacili tu mogucnost, za vas sa sporijim konekcijama. Kad smo vec kod toga mogao bi i malo da je pojacas, are you coming to the future with me Noodle? :smiley:

Moj omiljeni citat je ovaj biser Williama Gibsona:

“The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.”

Sony details PS4 PlayStation Plus changes

Auto-updates no longer behind paywall, PS4 social features free, Sony confirms. “We’re trying to be as balanced and as fair as we possibly can.”

Sony has detailed some of the changes due to be implemented to PlayStation Plus with the arrival of PlayStation 4, telling that both auto-updates and the “social features of PS4” will not require a PlayStation Plus subscription to access.
Catch-up TV and online movie services will continue to be free to all PS4 users, although an additional fee may be required to access back-catalogue PS3 titles once the Gaikai streaming service is introduced next year.
A PlayStation Plus account will also be required to access PS4’s online multiplayer functionality – something Sony says will allow it to “invest significantly” in PlayStation Network to help lower downtimes and improve its performance.
“It is time to charge, but it is time to charge and still continue to deliver phenomenal value,” SCEE UK & Ireland MD Fergal Gara told during E3.
"A PlayStation Plus subscriber for PlayStation 4 comes away with a hell of a lot. First of all, the subscription applies across all three platforms [PS4, PS3 & PS Vita], so if you have the three platforms then you have an instant game collection on all three. So that’s hugely powerful in its own right. But it is true to say that the online multiplayer element for PS4, you do require the subscription in order to [make use] of that.
“If you choose not to subscribe we are still gating relatively little in many senses, so access to online catch-up TV and online movie services sit outside of the gate, for example. The social features of PS4 and PS4 games sit out of the subscription service… things like auto-updates on PS4 sit outside of PlayStation Plus, so we’re trying to be as balanced and as fair as we possibly can. If you choose to pay the subscription, yes, you get one important element of modern-day gameplay, but you also get fantastic value in games, including the PlayStation Plus Edition of DriveClub.”
Auto-update functionality had previously only been available to PS Plus subscribers on PS3, and though it isn’t yet clear what Gara means by PS4’s “social features”, it’s possible he could be referring to the console’s broadcasting and video upload features.
The service seems relatively more open than Microsoft’s Xbox LIVE service, too, which blocks users from accessing services like Netflix and 4OD unless they’re an Xbox LIVE Gold subscriber.
Whether PlayStation Plus users will be required to pay an additional fee for access to PS3 title streaming through Gaikai, however, is still undecided.
“In short, we haven’t decided,” said Gara when asked whether the firm plans to introduce additional PlayStation Plus tiers to accommodate backwards-compatibility streaming. "The Gaikai developments are exciting. The Remote Play feature which we’re particularly excited about not just benefits PS4 but PS Vita - that uses some Gaikai technology.
"But secondly, the full cloud gaming service comes a bit later – we announced that 2014 will start to see that introduced for PS3 titles in the US, and we’ll start to see a gradual increase in consoles, titles, devices and countries involved as we go forward, so there is a plan there to bring the PlayStation experience to more devices out of the cloud using the Gaikai that will broaden over time.
“Will that be part of PlayStation Plus? I genuinely don’t know. Will that require some other, different charging mechanism? Perhaps. We just haven’t sat down to answer that question yet.”
PlayStation 4 launches worldwide this Christmas.

Izvor: Sony details PS4 PlayStation Plus changes -

Deluje kao solidna ponuda :slight_smile:

S tim sto ce PS+ verzija Drive Club-a biti neka LITE verzija. deluje ok, sta ja znam, mislim lets be real, ovo je Xbox LIVE sistem i nacin online servis, sto je naravno dobro.

Ne svidja mi se trend da daju besplatno osiromasene verzije, kao sto je npr samo single player od Uncharteda 3. Sta je sledece, dace samo pola igre? Nesto kao kada MMORPG postane free to play gde ti fali pola opcija?

A vec je najavljeno da ce dati “osiromasenu” verziju Driver Club-a… Sta ce sve da izbace, to ce vreme pokazati…

Igra je zapravo 26 GB. Verovatno je ostatak multilanguage,

Jeste, na mom 2504 mi je DUPLEX verzija, od 32 ili koliko već beše GB, i u jednom folderu sa AudioStreamovima možeš da pobrišeš italijanski, španski, nemaćki i ostale, ostane taman kao što ti skidaš, oko 25-26 GB … i ne utiče na igru.

Inače, sviDŽa mi se ova fora što ne moraš da čekaš full download … :slight_smile: :slight_smile: