Ne vidim u cemu je problem, i sada ga je mogao zeznuti, promeni sifru i vojla, ili se varam. Od uvek se pricalo da se gamesharing svodi na poverenju jedne i druge strane.
Daleko od toga da se svodi na poverenje, ni jedan sistem ne sme da se svede na to, pogotovu ne kod nas na brdovitom balkanu.
Svodio se na share posrednike koji su monetizovali ceo sistem i drzali sifre od accountova, i bavili se moderacijom u slucaju prevare. Ako ne sledis pravila, menja se sifra pa ti posle objasnjavaj zasto si zloupotrebio poverenje.
U sustini ti si u pravu, mogao je da zeza i ranije, ali sada je to mnogo jednostavno, bukvalno jedan klik na konzoli i od guesta nastane nosilac.
Lepo pise
Bit of a warning there is a 24-hour lock once you switch primary for that other console to become primary again. You may also want to reconsider who you gameshare now that they have the ability to deactivate your account from their system.
Evo linka ka izvoru: PS4 4.50 Allows You to Deactivate Primary System Remotely From Another PS4 - MP1st
Pa jedino sto ja vidim kao resenje jeste da ako si nosioc, svaki dan u odredjeno vreme deaktiviras/aktiviras account na konzoli, i onda tih 24 sata traje zauvek. A guest ne zna kad to radis, pa nece da sedi valjda 24 sata i klikce.
Jer kontam da svaki put kad deaktiviras/aktiviras account krece 24 hour lockdown. A lock ne vazi ako ja deaktiviram aktiviram na istom sistemu, da me veze za 24, sata, ali guesta sa drugom konzolom hoce svaki put.
Traljavo ali i dalje 30 eura nije 60
U stvari ovo je fantasticno. Sada sam tek skontao. Zapravo su ojacali share, pogotovu za iznajmljivanje accountova.
Elaboriraj deluje mi kao mindfuck, pa me mrzi da razmisljam na sto strana
Daleko od toga da se svodi na poverenje, ni jedan sistem ne sme da se svede na to, pogotovu ne kod nas na brdovitom balkanu.
Well, ceo sistem gamesharinga nije ni zamišljen da bude na ovaj način zloupotrebljen i crnoberzijanski izrabljivan, nego kao zgodna opcija da se igre dele između više konzoli u domaćinstvu ili između ljudi koji se poznaju.
Jasno, ali smo ga ipak “zloupotrebili” na opste zadovoljstvo.
Kada krece zvanicno update?
danas/sutra, ko kad dobije. ali mislim da se “pusta” danas
Nisam znao da ima promocija, gde je jedan mesec Plusa na UK Store 0.87GBP. Promocija traje do 13.03.
Promotional price valid from 27-02-2017 to 13-03-2017. At the end of the first month, this subscription automatically continues with a recurring monthly subscription fee of £5.99 which will be deducted from your wallet. If you want to prevent this, you can cancel your subscription prior to the end of the first month. Expand this section for further details.
Ja bas hteo napisati da sam uzeo mesec dana u nedelju, eto tako sto mi je ostalo u walletu, al sam poptuno zaboravio da prijavim
Tu ti jedino ostaje da se ne zeznes slucajno i ne deaktiviras automatski renewal do sledeceg meseca da ti ne bi skinuo 5 funti.
Ovde su ga samo nosioci ugasili…Primer imam 10 nosioca, pitaj boga ko je tu guest i koliko se puta promenuo…E sad guest moze da te deaktivira i odma promeni shifru, tako da ti sutra ne mozesh da vratish jel je shifra promenjena…Shto se iznajmljivanja tice isto, iznajmish nekom nosioca on promeni shifru i gotovo…
Trejdujes samo sa pouzdanim ljudima i to je to.Malo skuplje izadje ali je sigurno.
Pozdrav svima!
Moze li jedno onako noob pitanje? Citao sam temu i nigdje nema nista o tome.
Ako kupim ps4 u EU i odnesem ga u Kinu hocu li moci normalno da kupujem igre sa EU servera pod uslovom da kupujem EU bankovnim karticama (Visa, Master…)? Znam da kineski Pay pal nece da radi kao platno sredstvo za igre iz druge regije. Prije nego sto pitate - PSN nije blokiran u Kini.
Ps4 nema region lock, pa tako mozes otici i na Mars. Ako ima neta na marsu mozes i odatle da kupujes igre za EU, I radice ti najnormalnije
Ako su ti ovde prolazile platne kartice na PSN-u, prolazice i iz Kine, Visa i Master vaze globalno.
jel dobio neko update? ja sinoc igrao malo oko 8 i nisam dobio jos uvek.
EDIT: citam da je za sada krenuo samo u Kini, doduse od juce se vodi kao official.
Samiom tim da se negde vec pojavio evo finalni notes za 4.50
4.50 version of the main features of the upgrade
* You will be able to use the USB storage device to install the application or move the application from the PS4 host memory. The following conditions must be met for USB storage devices that can be used.
external hard drive
USB 3.0 or above
minimum capacity of 250GB, the maximum capacity of 8TB
* The shortcut menu is now easier to use. The party function, from the party to attend the party, have become more convenient.
* When using the remote control function on a Windows PC, Mac, Xperia Smartphone or Xperia Tablet, you can chat with a microphone in the game or party using the device’s microphone.
* You can now use the screenshots to customize the background image of your main picture and function screen.
* You can now display screenshots, such as [What’s New] screenshots, to the event. Press the SHARE key, select [Screen Capture], and select [Active] as the upload location. In addition, you can now mark the game and have played with the players.
* When you log on (PlayStationApp) and other applications, your status will be displayed as (mobile) even if it is not next to the PS4 host . This means you can communicate with friends.
* After the party is held, it can be changed to public or private. Select (Party)> [Party Settings]> [Party’s Privacy].
* PlayStation VR now supports Blu-ray 3D content.
* You can now publish GIF animations to events and social applications
* The PS4 that you first used to access the PlayStation Network will now be automatically certified as your favorite PS4.
* When creating a master account, the parent or guardian can now simply create a child account for the child.
* You can now upload or download saved data directly from the main screen. Move the alignment mark to the game, press the OPTIONS key, and then select [Upload / Download Save Data].
* You can now share screenshots with people on the PlayStation Network with related options. When you share with people, you can adjust your privacy settings at any time.
* You can now start (SHAREfactory) from the (interception picture album ). While viewing (interception of the photo album), press the OPTIONS key and select [Edit with SHAREfactory].
* You can change the color of your profile screen to match the cover image.
* When you report inappropriate content, you can preview the report before sending it
* Xperia (PS4 remote operation) design has been updated.
* When you receive a party invitation, you can quickly reply from (message) or (PS Messages) with the quick reply function.
* Your PS4 host profile The cover image on the screen can now be displayed in (PS Messages).
* The theater mode image quality on PlayStation VR has improved.
Nista za aktivaciju deaktivaciju profila
Sta si igrao do 4 ujutru crni profesore ? Umesto da mi pomognes da ubijem bossa ti se zamajavas sa mordorom, sram da te bude. pu!
Pa kad sam sve presao sam sigurno necu traziti pomoc za preostala dva bossa
Salio sam se malo
Doduse polako krece zasicenost. Ginuo sam na Pthumerian Descendantu zato sto nisam imao strpljenja. A ako batalis strpljenje, batali i Souls igre jer jedno bez drugog ne mere