Playstation 4 Rezime - diskusija, info, slike, video - Vol. 2

S obzirom na veliki broj nadolazecih ekskluziva na PS4(The Last of Us 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Days Gone, The Last Guardian, Gran Turismo, Crash) sve vise se interesujem za ovu konzolu pa mi treba malo pojasnjenje:
PS4 konzola i PS4 Pro se razlikuju u tehnickim performansama, sve ove igre mogu da se igraju na obe konzole bez problema?(pretpostavljam ali da se proverim)
Koji jos igru iz treceg lica mozete da mi preporucite za PS4?(mislim na njihovu eskluzivu)
Da li postoji mogucnost dodavanja externog HD na PS4 kao na Xbox One?


Uvek je bilo, jos od vremena PS1. Velike i skupe ekskluzive vladaju konzolnim trziste i ljudi ih obozavaju, ulazu u brend, u viziju, na racun poverenja koje se gradi decenijama. I to se uvek isplati. Imaju pravi dream team od 1st party studija: ND, Santa Monica, Gorila, Polyphony, Quantic, Media Molecule… Bilo je nekog mismenadzmenta doduse, zatvarali su Liverpul i Evolution, lose su vodili tim Ico, pustili niz vodu Konami i Kojimu.

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Ne postoji mogucnost dodavanja externog na PS4, ali ima jos bolja mogucnost, to ti je promena internog diska, koji se promeni za 15-ak min sa svim driverima…

[quote]#PS4 Exclusive Ace Combat 7 Will Support PS4 Pro; Producer Talks Developing for PS4 & PlayStation VR

Ace Combat 7 is playable at PlayStation Experience with a new PlayStation VR demo, and Producer Kazutoki Kono gave DualShockers a few interesting details about PS4 Pro support, and balancing development between the traditional console experience and virtual reality.

Kono-san mentioned that the team intends to support PS4 Pro, but the game is still in development and isn’t fully optimized yet, so the way the power of the new hardware will be used is still not fully decided.

“We still don’t know what it’ll look like, but we do intend to do something.”
Asked how working on VR and PS4 Pro in addition to PS4 changes the development pipeline, Kono-san also explained that this is the first time the team works in Unreal Engine 4, and that enables developers to shift the pipelines and focus development and the experience on each platform, whether it’s a traditional flat-screen experience, or the PS4 Pro, or virtual reaility.

Allocating recources has become a lot easier due to the capabilities of the engine, which has mechanics in place that really streamline that process.

We also asked Kono-san if it’s challenging to push the visual quality on the PS4 and PS4 Pro, while at the same time supporting VR, which has to achieve a higher frame rate and render for both eyes.

He explained that the core direction between normal gameplay and the VR experience is the same, with an area of 100 x 100 Km on the maps, allowing players to immerse themselves in the game.

That said, the restrictions are different: with VR the game has to be locked at 60 FPS, so the other elements have to be worked around that fixed variable. On the other hand, on a flat screen at 1080p, the focus is more on the details. That’s why the main campaign and the PlayStation VR experience are being developed almost separately.

In case you missed it, the game’s story and characters were showcased yesterday in a really lovely trailer. We also have plenty of new screenshots, if you want to enjoy some really beautiful fighter jets.

Ace Combat 7 is scheduled to release in 2017, exclusively for PS4, including PlayStation VR support, even if the headset is entirely optional.[/quote]

Ako nekog interesuje, RDR je dodat na PS Now sa ekspanzijom, pa ako nekog interesuje:

Igra je dodata i na EU i na US PSN.

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Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary Limited Edition PS4 Announced in Japan

Square Enix and Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia announced that Japan is getting a special limited edition PS4 for Kingdom Hearts’ 15th anniversary releasing along side Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue.

The Jet Black Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary Edition PS4 is available for pre-order on he online Sony Store in Japan, and will also be available to order at the Sony Stores in Ginza, Nagoya, Osaka, and Tenjin, Fukuoka.

The 500GB model goes for 33,980 yen plus tax while the 1TB model goes for 38,980 yen plus tax. Those who are looking for just the top-cover alone can get it for 3,000 yen plus tax, but it’ll only be available for order until December 22 at 11:00pm JST.

The above is a look at the original theme for the Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary PS4 and a sample of its original design package.

The console comes with the following items:

• PlayStation 4 Jet Black 500GB/1TB console x 1
• Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary Top Cover x 1
• Original Design Package
• Wireless Controller (DualShock4) Jet Black x 1
• Monoaural Headset
• Power Cord
• HDMI Cable
• USB Cable

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8: Final Chapter Prologue releases in Japan on January 12, 2017. The game releases in North America and Europe on January 24, 2017.

Nisam znao da može gornji deo Slima da se menja. Dizajn mi je meh, ali je bolje od onih malih gluposti koje su bile za običan PS4.

Gledao sam jos ujutro meil ali nista.

Imam jedno pitanje: skinuo sam igru sa guest naloga, i sada je kupio na drugom nalogu, dakle imam prava na tu igru. Guest nalog izbrisao, ali sa naloga sa kojeg sam kupio igru ne mogu da pokrenem igru, nego nanovo skida istu igru? Ne bi bio problem da ne moram opet da skidam 55GB

Mislim da ti ne gine ponovno skidanje tih 55GB.

Veliki smor. Sa mojim netom, bice prekosutra.

Nisu isti jedan je US a drugi UK…

Cim je obrisao guest nalog sejvovi su otisli u nepovrat svakako…

I to potvrdjujem :slight_smile:

I je i nije tema za topic.

Uglavnom Mercedes sta reci, stavite odmah na 1.58 :smile:

Samo usporedba, ps4 slim vs ps2 slim:


Ne svidja mi se kod PS4 Slima sto ima zaobljene ivice, ali inace mi je lep. U pocetku mi nije bio, kao niti PRO. Sada kada ih gledam druga prica…

Je li igrao neko God of War 3 Remastered na ps4? Kako izgleda igra, isplati li se igrati zbog vizuelnog upgrade-a?

Nema neke velike razlike,ali ako nisi igrao pod obavezno…