Nintendo NX izlazi u Martu 2017 širom sveta

Nintendo: Outlook for fiscal year ending March 31, 2017

For Nintendo 3DS, we will release Pokémon Sun/Pokémon Moon globally in winter of 2016 (holiday 2016 in the U.S. and late 2016 in Europe). These are the latest titles from the Pokémon series, which has sold 200 million units worldwide since the first title from the series released 20 years ago. We will also release a number of titles includingKirby: Planet Robobot and Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Strongly anticipated titles from third-party publishers are also scheduled for release. With the release of these titles, we will re-energize the platform and aim to expand our reach globally to a broad audience, including female and younger consumer demographics.

For our dedicated video game platform business, Nintendo is currently developing a gaming platform codenamed “NX” with a brand-new concept. NX will be launched in March 2017 globally.

As for amiibo, we will continue to expand the product lineup in order to maintain momentum. At the same time, we will aim to further expand sales by offering new gaming experiences with the use of amiibo. For our content download business, we will continue to offer appealing additional download content that enhance the characteristics of each game. We believe this will keep games actively played and maintain their popularity. Also, for our smart device business, followingMiitomo, we will continuously release new apps in order to expand the revenue base as a business.

Based on these efforts, we project, for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, net sales of 500.0 billion yen, an operating income of 45.0 billion yen, an ordinary income of 45.0 billion yen and profit attributable to owners of parent of 35.0 billion yen. Unit sales of the major products used for the forecast are listed on page 15 under the heading of “(5) Consolidated sales units, number of new titles, and sales units forecast” in the “Others” section. Exchange rate assumptions for the major currencies used for the forecasts are 110 yen per U.S. dollar and 125 yen per euro.

Nintendo Earnings Report (PDF)

Interesantno. To verovatno znači da neće biti NX na E3, možda bude na TGS, mada i u to sumnjam.

Au, nisam siguran koliko je ovo dobro za Nintendo…konzola koja ne izlazi u vreme praznika…

Koliko duge vec kruze glasine o NX-u jedan bi pomislio da ce koznola izaci za 2-3 meseca, a ne u martu. Verovatno neke naknadne promene.

Sve zavisi od toga kakva je konzola. Da, navikli smo da konzole izlaze krajem godine, ali postoje glasine da bi i PS4K mogao da izađe oko Marta 2017… Definitivno nas očekuju interesantna vremena, pitanje je da li će biti dobra ili loša, ali će sigurno biti interesantna.

Uz to, kad uzmeš u obzir da će Zelda biti jedina igriva igra na E3 od Nintenda, zaista moraš da se zapitaš šta smeraju. Možda će na E3 da najave nove igre, a da one budu igrive na TGS ili tako negde.

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Nesto nisam upucen, jesu li hakovali WiiU? Da mi ga je vala uzeti radi MH i jos par igara, me happy…

Jesu, ali nije baš User friendly, jer ti treba jedan od originalnih diskova za Wii U da bi mogao da koristiš exploit kojim možeš da učitavaš ISO fajlove igara. Rade na softverskom rešenju, mada niko ništa nije rekao već par meseci.

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Jesu li potvrdili da će uopšte biti na E3? Pod tim mislim da će imati svoj booth. Prethodnih godina su radili samo Nintendo Direct stream?

Uvek su imali svoj Booth na Show Floor, gde su mogle da se igraju igre, bez obzira na to da li su imali konferenciju ili ne. Prošle i pretprošle godine su čak održali Nintendo World Championships na E3. Tako da su oni uvek tamo, samo u poslednjih par godina su odlučili da im je blje da imaju Direct.

Ah da, nisu imali klasične konferencije kao MS i Sony.

Ako Nintendo nema svoj Booth ne idem na E3.

Salim se, ne idem u svakom slucaju.

Svake godine dobijem invite tj early registration i samo sebi kažem “Next year!” i tako u loopu.

Malo novosti

We are nearly three years into the newest generation of gaming consoles, and already there has been a whirlwind of conversation about systems that could succeed the existing ones. Nintendo has already stepped forward and announced their new console, NX, which will launch during March 2017.

Nintendo continues to drip out a few details here and there about their feelings about the new console, NX, and the ambiguous talk they’re using is actually quite exciting. Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima talked about his feelings about the current lineup of software that is coming out during the beginning months of NX’s life-cycle, as well as the complexity involved with pricing the new system.

“It’s something very new. The hardware, the software lineup, all of it is something I’d like to play for the first time myself…It’s true there is a certain expectation for the prices of Nintendo consoles. Our developers put a lot into them, but we can not sell at a loss. The final price is determined by balancing these two conflicting ideas. I don’t believe it’s as simple as ‘because this is a new platform, we can make it more expensive,’” Kimishima via NeoGaf.

Many new gaming consoles debut with a hefty price tag, as the PS4 released with a $399 price and Xbox One launched with a $499 price. Since then the console’s prices have decreased, but many are wondering where Nintendo’s NX will be priced at.

The release time frame of March 2017 for NX has garnered a large amount of attention to gamers, developers and industry pundits. Many believe it’s a mistake for the system to miss the holiday season of 2016, but Nintendo’s reasoning for the timing seems fair and smart.

“It’s for the purposes of our game development schedule. When people finish the launch titles, they’ll want things to buy in spring, on summer break, at Christmas. As such, it’s not simply a question of when the hardware’s ready; rather, we need to ensure our software lineup is also in a good place,” Kimishima said.

Nintendo NX isn’t going to be at E3 2016, as that has already been confirmed by the company. Zelda will be on display at the show, so gamers will have to wait until after E3 to learn more about NX.