NFS neće imati DLC-ove i mikrotransakcije; lock-ovan na 30fps na konzolama

Prosto ne mogu da verujem da se EA(!!!) odlucio na ovakav potez. :ruk:

If you’re anxiously awaiting the upcoming Need for Speed, this isn’t the best week to be a fan. Yesterday it was announced that the game’s PC release was being pushed back, and now there’s even more bad news. Luckily, there is a little bit of good news to go along with it.

Let’s start with the bad. While the PC release of the game is being pushed back in order to free up the framerate, the Need for Speed FAQ confirms that the framerate on the console versions may leave something to be desired. Both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game will be locked to 30FPS.

“We always look to maximize the game technology with the platform technology for the experience we’re building, which is why the game will run at 30FPS on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4,” the FAQ reads. ” By doing this we ensure that your gameplay experience remains incredibly smooth and allows you to experience the high speed, adrenaline-fueled gameplay that you’ve come to expect from the Need for Speed series.”

The good news is that unlike many modern racing games, Need for Speed won’t be loaded with paid DLC from the start. “We plan to release a series of free content updates for Need for Speed. We currently have no plans for any paid DLC,” the FAQ reads. This does leave room for things to change later, but at least the entry on microtransactions is clearer, flatly stating that the game won’t have them.

If your favorite aspect of this type of game is collecting every car available, you’ll be out of luck, as you’re limited to just five. The FAQ says that this is done with the goal of forming a “bond and relationship” between players and their cars.

“You will have a five-car garage — if you fill all your spaces, you can choose to sell and purchase a new car, or continue to max out your current ride through the extensive performance upgrades available to you so you can take on anyone on the streets,” the FAQ reads.

Need for Speed will be released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 3 in North America and November 5 worldwide. The PC version was originally slated for the same date, but now only has a vague target of the spring of 2016.

Source: Need For Speed Locked At 30FPS On Consoles | Digital Trends

Ali je i dalje online only, bice crappy launch u stilu Diabla 3 i Simcity 4, i da ne pricamo da ce serveri biti prepuni, uglavnom offline i jednostavno dok EA kaze da ce staviti offline mod ljudi ce vec preci na neku drugu igru.

Ajd SimCity, al Diablo je Blizzard.

Kakve to ima veze sto je Blizzard? I oni imaju uzasne launchove Warlords of Dreanor je bio uzasan, DDOS-ovi i que 1000+ na vecim serverima dok Diablo 3 je imao cuveni Error 37.

Nijedna igra koja je online only nema stabilan launch, i uvek ce biti nekih momenata gde ce server biti preoptereceni, samo sto ce EA i njihovi serveri jos gore raditi.

Ovde pricamo o NFS a ti ubacujes Blizzard-ove fejlove. Nema veze sa temom.

Sto volim unapred taj hejt za EA, nista se nije desilo, ali ti znas da ce da fejluju i da budu jos gori. Ja sam protivnik online only, ali lepo da sacekamo i vidimo kako ce raditi i kakav ce launch biti.

Ja sam samo dao primer kako su online only igre uvek lose i nemaju apsolutno nikakvu prednost u odnosu na online i offline igre. Ja stavrno ne mogu da se setim ni jedne igre koja je imala “uspesan” launch bez nekih vecih ili manjih problema EA ili ne. I to sto je online only znaci da igra nece moci ni da se pokrene ako ti ( korisnik ) ili server nisu online.

Ja samo cekam da odbace online only ostalo sto se tice dodatnog sadrzaja cool, lepo je sto malo smanjuju sa DLC-ovima.