Modern Warfare Trilogy izlazi sledeće nedelje... Za 360 i PS3?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Trilogy

Get hours of action packed, gun wielding fun with one of the best FPS franchises out there. In our minds, you cant go wrong with an epic single player storyline and classic multiplayer gameplay that lets you immerse yourself in dynamic battle scenes so you can fight your way out.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Trilogy contents

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2 + DLC 1 (Stimulus Package includes 5 maps), Modern Warfare 3

Best Buy listing

Activision: Čujemo da želite Modern Warfare Trilogy, e pa dobićete to što želite…
Ljudi: Aw yeah… Konačno, Modern warfare u 1080p/60fps na XO/PS4! Hell yeah!
Activison: Za PS3 i 360!
Ljudi: … Crickets…

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Wata fak je ovo bre ?! Najbolje da izbace sad i trilogiju za ps2 i wii …

Al tri igre za 30$ nije losa ponuda a stotine sati su pred tobom