Microsoft reveals six separate Windows 10 Editions will launch this summer

Microsoft has finally revealed the multiple editions it’ll be making available of its new Windows 10 operating system when it launches later this summer.
A total of six different Windows 10 SKUs will be available when the OS officially launches: Home, Mobile, Pro, Enterprise, Education, and Mobile Enterprise. Unfortunately, Microsoft has not disclosed the standalone pricing for each SKU, nor what each edition will feature and licensing specifics. Fortunately, Microsoft will be offering a free upgrade to Windows 10 for those who are running a machine with Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows Phone 8.1 for the first year of availability.
Here’s the Windows 10 SKUs Microsoft announced today:
Windows 10 Home: This is the consumer-focused desktop edition. It will offer a familiar and personal experience for PCs, tablets, and 2-in-1s and will include core features like Edge browser, Cortana integration, Music and Video apps, free Photos, Maps, Mail, and Calendar, and Windows Hello face-recognition/iris/fingerprint log-in capabilities. Those use Windows 10 Home on devices with screen sizes of 10.1 inches or less will also be able to receive Universal Office apps for free.
Windows 10 Pro: Mobile workers, tech enthusiasts, and other power users are being targeted for this SKU. Pro and Enterprise users can opt for Windows Update for Business which allows admins to opt to not receive all feature and security updates as soon as they become available.
Windows 10 Enterprise: Volume-licensing customers will be able to pick up this version of Windows 10. It’ll allow users to gain access to the Long Term Servicing Branch of Windows 10, which they can opt to receive security fixes only and no new features from Microsoft as they roll out.
Windows 10 Education: Staff, administrators, students, and teachers will be able to receive this version of Windows 10 through academic Volume Licensing. Microsoft says there will be paths for schools and students to upgrade from Windows 10 Home and Pro, although no information on how exactly that’ll occur has been detailed.
Windows 10 Mobile: This Windows SKU is designed for Windows Phones and small Intel- and ARM-based tablets. The core Windows 10 features are included as well as free Universal Office apps and Continuum for Phone support.
Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise: This version is for volume licensing customers only as it incorporates the latest security and feature updates to Windows 10 once they’re available.
A total of four main SKUs were made available for Windows 8: Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro, Windows RT, and Windows 8 Enterprise. With the announcement of six different SKUs, it’s obvious Microsoft wants to branch its next operating system to as many devices as possible, which could very well make it much easier to integrate many of its features. But one question still remains: Will we be able to stream our Xbox One games to all of these Windows 10 SKUs?

Windows 10 Pro here i come. Borderless prozori, pa znate li vi koliko sam ja to cekao? :smiley: Nadam se da nece cekati do jeseni za proper folk verziju.

Nikada mi nece biti jasno cemu toliko razlicitih verzija? Siguran sam da to sve moze da bude u jednoj. Cak sam siguran da ima u jednoj ali ajde da bude da je sareno!

Nije ni meni jasno ali ocigledno je da im odgovara jer ljudi kupuju razne verzije. Kod mene na poslu, vecina ljudi ima W7 Professional, dok bi logicno bilo da imaju Enterprise verziju. Go figure.

Ma na kraju ce sve da se svede na plafon dve verzije. Jedna najjeftinija koju ce kupovati budzetski korisnici i koje ce deliti uz brend racunare i ona najaca koja bude, bilo da je platili ili ce biti piraterija. A piratsku ce naravno svi da koriste najbolju. Posto kada je vec dzabe daj najacu verziju. Tako uvek bude.

Pa ne znam da li je iko primetio, ali sustinski i ima dve verzije. Odmah eliminisite Mobile i Mobile Enterprise verzije jer je to zapravo ono sto se trenutno zove Windows Phone, s tim sto ce Enterprise verzija biti za firme. Takodje, eliminisite obican Enterprise, koji je takodje za firme. Education verzija se verovatno nece ni kupovati, nego ce se deliti preko DreamSpark programa (studenti ce razumeti o cemu pricam). Sta je ostalo? Ostale su Home i Pro verzije, i to je to.
EDIT: Home verzija za ljude koji komp koriste samo za internet, muziku, filmove, i eventualno Office, a Pro za korisnike koji traze malo vise.


Windows 10 bi trebalo da bude os koji ce zameniti sedmicu konacno, i biti dostojan svog imena. M$ je gigant koji se ne sali, ne skupljaju dzaba najtalentovanije ljude po svetu iz it industrije.

Evo ovo mi ide na ku*ac:

_Windows 10 Home: This is the consumer-focused desktop edition. It will offer a familiar and personal experience for PCs,** tablets,** and 2-in-1s and will include core features…

_NE. NE. NE MS majku vam je*em. Jel umeju od sedmice da naprave normalan desktop windows bez tablet muda i sarmi?

Nemoj da brines, receno je da nece biti kao osmica, nego ces pri instalaciji da biras u kom modu ce se instalirati OS (touch mode i keyboard+mouse mode). Tako ce valjda na tabletima plocice biti dostupne jako lako (moguce da misle na pritisak Start dugmeta), a na desktopima ce se na pritisak Start dugmeta paliti Start meni. A ako bas zelis, mozes i ti da pristupis plocicama, ali nesto zaobilazno. Dakle, bez brige. Oni prosto prave jedan OS, koji ce se drukcije ponasati u zavisnosti od uredjaja na kome radi.

Ako bude takva instalacija, onda super, nemam brige. Samo da ne bude opet windows 8.

Da li neko poseduje asus transformer sa windows 8 da li je upoznat sa update-om za njega? Tab je vrlo mocan, imas portabilni windows sa tuchom, stvarno nesto sto je must have. Merkam ga pa reko winX ima da bude pravo cudo na njemu.

Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

Htio sam ga ja uzeti. Odustao kad sam vidio da se za trecinu para moze uzeti kinez koji gura wintel, i da se ne isplati uzimati sada. Za godinu dana uzimam wintel tablet, kada se malo probistri trziste i ostanu malo kvalitetniji proizvodjaci (i modeli).