Kako nije uradio? Ako to žele, razvojni timovi čije su igre već izašle, mogu da patchuju igre za Pro. Sve igre koje izađu posle oktobra moraju imati i Pro mode. Ista priča će verovatno biti i sa MS i Scorpio.
Mass Effect 4 ce na pro da radi isto kao na standardnom samo sa malo lepsom grafikom… A realno bi mogao da radi sa lepsom gradikom i 60 fps-a a ne i dalje na 30…
Nisam baš pratio za Mass Effect, jer je to jedan od serijala koji me ne interesuju preterano, ali da li su to EA ili Bioware zaista rekli, ili to nagađaš?
I sony i Bioware
Mass Effect: Andromeda Is 30 FPS on PS4 and PS4 Pro
There won’t be a frame rate difference, EA confirms.
Mass Effect: Andromeda will run at 30 FPS across both PlayStation 4 and the new PlayStation 4 Pro.
Producer Fabrice Condominas shared the detail in an interview with GameSpot this evening at the PlayStation Meeting. The PS4 Pro is more powerful than the existing model. It is in theory capable of delivering higher frame rates, but that won’t be the case here, apparently.
It’s also worth noting that what we saw of Andromeda today was a pre-alpha build, so it’s possible optimization efforts in the future could lead to better performance.
Earlier in the evening, Jason Connell of Sucker Punch Productions told GameSpot during a roundtable interview that Infamous: Second Son and First Light’s PS4 Pro versions will run at the same frame rate as the standard PS4 versions.
Higher frame rates for multiplayer games specifically can make a difference for gameplay. It remains to be seen, however, if Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1’s PS4 Pro editions will run at a higher frame rate than their standard edition cousins.
For more on Andromeda, which comes out in 2017 also for Xbox One and PC, check out some new PS4 Pro footage from the PlayStation Meeting embedded above.
The PS4 Pro launches in November for $400. Next week, Sony will launch the PS4 Slim, priced at $300.
WTF bro
Biće interesantno videti kakve će biti razlike između svih verzija igara. DF sigurno trlja ruke
Jedan od najdosadnijih serijala za mene, pored Dragon Age Nekako mi Bioware ne leži.
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