K:PS5 slim

Kupujem ps5 slim disk verzija nov ili korišten sa originalnom kutijom.Ponude u pm

The End Is Near


Copycat :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:



Kako da igram wukong nemam pc ni pleyku :frowning:

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Posle 50 igara koje nisi mogao da igras Wukong je kap koja je prelila casu :sweat_smile:


zato sto je 3rd party studio u pitanju :joy:

Strpi se malo, dolazi i na box, nisi džabe kupio tri :grin:


Da, jos malo, kada si Xbox owner, 2-3 godine je nista. Naucis se strpljenju i zahvalnosti na gamepass indy igrama. Vreme radi za tebe :sweat_smile:

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Ni jedna druga nije ovoliko must have

The title from Chinese developer Game Science has already sold more than 10 million copies across the globe as of August 23, which is only three days after its release. The new single-player RPG has also shattered records on Steam as it became the most-played single-player game in the platforms history with more than 2.4 million concurrent players, and still remains the #1 top-selling game. With all this popularity around Black Myth Wukong it begs the question - where is the Xbox release?

A recent Forbes article dives into this question and states that Black Myth Wukong is suffering from the same fate as Baldur’s Gate 3, which was development issues related to Microsoft’s low-end console, the Xbox Series S. Game Science actually addressed this back in June when fans noticed the Xbox logo was removed from Black Myth Wukong’s marketing material.

Read more: Microsoft officially responds to Black Myth Wukong releasing on Xbox

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Kajem se sto sam kliknuo na link.

  • we remain focused on making Xbox the best platform for gamers, and great games are at the center of that

Pa oni su masteri obrnute psihologije, sve sto kazu je u stvari suprotno :sweat_smile:

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Mnogo je kume

Koja je po tebi realna cena?

Bolje probaj da zasebno prodaš konzolu samo. Sumnjam da će neko da ti da 500 eura zbog igrica.

Iskreno necu da ti spustam cenu jer nisam kupac, al nadam se da pratis cene konzola. Od igrica ove u celofanu mozes dobiti koji dinar vise, ostale ne vrede nesto.
Novi disk slim je 460 sad , pa se po tome recimo namestaj. Ne treba da dajes za dzabe, al mislim da ces po ovoj ceni bas tesko prodati.

Jel mozes da slikas ulaz za usb gde se puni dzojstik sa prednje strane?

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Kakva je to fora ? Da bude auuuuu al je ogrebano, 330 eura plafon :joy:

Uopste nije fora jazavac :grinning:

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Ja sam prodao PS5 + 5 igara na disku (sve eksklizive) za 400e. To je bilo prosle godine.

Jbg al ti nisi slikao prednji port od USB-a gde puniš džojstik. Možda si mogao više da uzmeš :joy: