J-Runner novi program za kreiranje custom NAND-a


Best JTAG/RGH Nand App we’ve ever used - works where others failed. I threw in some official Demon features too

Eto sta rece cika Xecuter, deluje ok alatka jer ima u sebi sve sto treba da ima u jednom programu… videcemo kad izadje, za sada je u BETA fazi…

Demon i spoljni oscilator :slight_smile: na chipu koji omogucuje XENON i CORONA da Glitchuju bez HANA CHIP seta!! (pretpostavka da su ga stavili)

Inace Bitna stavka kod novog mod chipa koji podrzava Coronu, Xenon i ima jednu zicu manje za ugradnju ali ima spolje oscilatorno kolo koje korsti za Glitch a ne koristi HANA chip. Moguce je da ce biti na Demonu tako nesto jer oni nisu najavili novi modchip za te ploce.

Ovaj program ce biti zanimljiv svakako jos DEMON i XAIO 360 pa da vidimo zabavu.

Zanimljiv program da napravim lepu bazu NAND kljuceva od jtag-a i da izlistam konacno :slight_smile: samo kljuceve :slight_smile:

TX kopira pa rastura, uzmi skini AutoGG 0.9.2 samo su ispeglali GUI i voila imaju oni J-Runner…

licno i dalje mislim da je pesacki najpogodnije i najsigurnije, lepo nandpro pa multibuilder pa cepaj dalje…

To ti i bas nije pesacki, uradi to sve xebuild preko komandi, to moj tebra pesaka :slight_smile:
Jedino ako ga nisu od 0 radili i ako nisu integrisali nandpro kako treba… Verujem da je kopija jos nisam video ali po slici, jeste, xebuild GUI…

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hehe dobro jes’ multi sredjen da se ne ide bas pesacki :slight_smile: nego sam mislio u odnosu na j-runner da idemo vec proverenom metodom… sta znam mozda i ispeglali nesto bolje, videcemo kad puste…

video in action

GENERAL J-Runner in Action (Video) - Team Xecuter

evo od mene vesti, SOON

jrunner ready for release

i izasao :slight_smile: probacu ga popodne od prilike sad biznisujem na radnom mestu… :slight_smile:

J-Runner v0.1 Beta (256)

J-Runner is a simple all-in-one application that integrates with Xebuild to read/create and write xbox 360 nand images for the reset glitch and Jtag hack.
It has been developed with the end user in mind to make the entire process intuitive, simple and seamless from start to finish.

Integrated features:

  • CPU Key functions - Get key over http and integrated cpu key database
  • DashLaunch ini Creator
  • Automated file save feature - saves files from each console to a folder based on console serial
  • Automatic Remapping of bad blocks before creating ECC image (first 50 blocks)
  • Integrated image building functions with no reliance on python <
  • Read, write and compare nand images independent of nandpro
  • Automated update notification - always have the latest version, when available
    (requires Internet connection)
  • Patch nand (change DVD Key, Drive OSIG and region)
  • Manually alter Lock Down Values (for Xebuild use)
  • And lots more to find out

To do:

  • add lpt support for flashing coolrunner and reading/writing nand
  • add full 14717 support for slims/phats


  • .Net framework 4
  • Nand-X (with drivers installed)
  • CoolRunner (RGH Only)
  • Nand-X to CR programming cable (RGH Only)
  • Soldering Skills :wink:
    Brains :stuck_out_tongue:

How to use:
Read the included tutorial :wink:

Thanks :
To XeBuild creators for the awesome program
To Tiros and Gligli for their build.py script
An important person to me that without him i wouldn’t have made this app.
Martin_C, Redline99, Bliep4Ever and everyone that helped me create it with their invaluable info
and last but not least, the testers for … testing :slight_smile:

Also a big thanks to Team Xecuter for their support on this project

The author of J-Runner will not be held responsible for any damage to your 360 caused whilst using this application. Use this at your own risk! (Its a Beta afterall)

J-Runner v01 Beta (256).rar

Pa kada sam napisao sta su rekli, znaci za par sati max :slight_smile:

i jel ovo rešava problem dual CB?

ne to je software za podrsku u izvodjenju RGH na vec sposobnoj konzoli.

Iiiiii, nova verzija J-runnera sređuje 14717/719 konzole tako da je RGH ponovo moguć :slight_smile:

kao sto rekoh u drugoj temi gde si postovao isto ovo, nije za SVE **samo za SLIM **kome je odradjen MS update na 14717/14719 a nema cpu key, ko je imao cpu key mogao je da odradi update jos odavno

_If you have the 14717/14719 dash update on your slim and you were not able to dump your CPU KEY – you can now use the new J-Runner is released which includes the latest patches for 14719. The new build is 264 – so update now!

Also includes latest Dashboard with cOz’s fakelive patch and the latest xebuild.

We wanted to wait on releasing this as it can easily be patched if you don’t already have your CPU Key – we have been warning you for the last couple of weeks to get it NOW before it is blocked.

Thanks to some other guys who carelessly released the info without a thought to how it would affect the scene – many users may never have the chance to glitch their box if they weren’t able to read this info first as it was rushed out with no correct preparation. We were hoping to release at the same time as the RGH2.0 for Phats but that will now have to wait. (Still under heavy testing to make it as reliable as possible – its a much different install, unlike the slim where the process is the same as before)

Anyway, grab it asap and get your CPU Key NOW ! If you don’t get your CPU KEY before this is patched then you may never be able to glitch your Xbox.

Once you have your CPU Key – it doesn’t matter how many times it’s patched in the future – it should work just fine.

On a side note, if you want to improve your boot times you can use Hi-Grade 50ohm Double Shielded Low-Loss Cable. When used with the SLIM POST QSB we found some testers console times and stability were increased dramatically. At only $1-$2 a foot, it’s worth giving a try. We also suggest you try switching to phat slim on your CoolRunner to see if your times and stability are improved. Some Phats like being switched to Slim and vice-verse, every console is different so these tips should help you find your sweet spot. Most slims should expect to boot within 1-4 glitches (5-20 seconds)._

Ubaceni su reset glitch hack(RGH 2.0) patchevi za ECC i skidanje kljuca, j-runner je samo alat koji radi sa patchevim i ostalim stvarima. :wink:
Upitanju je zavada izmedju dva tima, zato je ranije izaslo. Planirano da izadje u isto vreme za PHAT i SLIM.

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svi znamo da u zavadi timova ili kompanija kako god, uvek korisnik dobije vise :slight_smile: ako je monopol u pitanju onda ne valja…

svi srećni :slight_smile: