DJ Hero

Guitar Hero is the franchise that turned music games into a genre in videogaming but Activision is not content with its performance and hopes that DJ Hero, the spin off, will attract even more people and will prove to be more mainstream.

Michael Griffith, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Activision Publishing, told that “It’s certainly hitting a more mainstream and expanded audience from Guitar Hero. I think it will build on what Guitar Hero has been able to do. If you look at what our Guitar Hero franchise has achieved, we now have 15 million households that are active Guitar Hero users and we continue to satisfy them with more experiences and the chance to indulge in more music and gameplay.”

The idea is that people who are not interested in guitars and in band-fueled tracks will never get a Guitar Hero game, no matter what kind of music it offers to the players. The DJ Hero brand is new and does not have any baggage attached, which means that it can offer a wider array of music, from hip hop to electronic, which will draw in a larger array of potential gamers. Activision says that 300 million homes could be interested in the new game.

The publisher is hedging its best as fall will see the release of two other titles alongside DJ Hero. Guitar Hero 5 is a natural evolution of the franchise, while Van Halen is set to offer fans of the legendary rockers a chance to relive their career in videogame form. Activision is probably hoping that all of them will sell better than the previous iterations of the series.

DJ Hero, which comes bundled with one very interesting controller, should be released for the Xbox 360 from Microsoft on October 27.

Obećava, a?:cool:

Nije lose.
Sada su poceli samo da prave nove spravke jer su videli da svi hoce da kupe one komplete iz World Tour-a. Tu je sve imalo sto treba.:smiley:

Al samo zbog tri dugmeta davati pare. :smiley:

Ps: Mogao si manju malo sliku. :slight_smile:

Meni je malo zesa puvara. Mislim Guitar Hero je ipak bolji. Bolje skakti u sobi sa gitarom i bubnjevima zajedno sa drustvom nego sedeti na stolici. Pojavio se vec gameplay bio na e3 i nije mi nesto. Previse jednostavmo izgleda sa 3 dugmeta.

Ali zato Guitar Hero 5… Koja grafika… a i pesme su dobre i bice ih najvise do sad.

A zasto josh bolje nebi naucio da sviras gitaru :smiley: Guitar Hero i sad ovo mi je zesca glupost:mad:

Cccc, znam da sviram gitaru :stuck_out_tongue: Poceo sam pre 3 godine i evo i danas jos sviram ali u retkim prilikama :smiley: Guitar Hero je zakon zato sto znam da nikad necu moci da odsviram Cliffs Of Dover a i super zabavno je u “Bendu” svirati sa drugovima posto nije prakticno kad neko dolazi da donese i svoje prave bubnjeve da bi svirali :smiley:

Ma naucices ima vremena ti si josh mlad covece, probaj S.R.V da odsviras ona je donekle laksa pesma za sviranje…

Grafika meni u ovoj igrici ne znaci puno. Imam Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock. I sada mogu da i igram ostale one delove:
Aerosmith, Wrold Tour.:smiley:

Potpuno je drugacije iskustvo svirati gitaru nego ovako.

Jeste, ako znas da sviras pravu gitaru, potpuno je drugacije tj. bolje, nzm ovo mi je nekako vise za decu…

IZAŠAO!!! a evo i link!

Da li je neko već probao? Negde pročitah da može da se igra i bez “gramofona”, tj na joypadu…?

Mene interesuje jel Guitar Hero demo moze na dzojpedu da se igra?

Ne tacno ni Guitar Hero jos od trojke ni dj hero ne mogu da se igraju sa normalnim gamepadom. Moze samo sa ovim plasticnim instrumentima… :rolleyes::slight_smile:

Evo moj odgovor za demo. Moj prijatelj koji ima PS3 je normalno skinuo GH Wrold Tour i igrao ona dualshock 3. Posto je na playstation storu sve slicno kao na game marketplacet-u mislim da moze.
Kontrole su ti uzasne tako da bolje da ne igras.:slight_smile:

Ne moguce 100%. Mozda za demo ali ja sam skinuo pet GH igara pre neko sto sam dobio gitaru da mi se nadje za kad mi stigne i nijedna nije mogla sa gamepadom. Ljudi se isto zale da je tako i za dj hero…