Destiny - E3

Halo+ME+BO i jos par naslova i eto ga destiny :smiley:

Ja mislim da će ova igra na kraju žešće fail-ovati,no videćemo kroz koji mesec…

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Tesko da moze toliko da bude fail :smiley: Nije to 343, ovi ljudi imaju iskustvo :smiley:

Definitivno će failovati, jer je previše uloženo u igru i ljudi su toliko hype-ovani da igra jednostavno nema šanse da doraste tom hype-u.

Ovo ima da bude promasaj godine daj boze da pogresim ali moj me insekt nikad ne vara :smiley:

Da, i ja imam neki osecaj da nece bas postici ono sto bi Activision hteo. Zali boze para, ne izgleda kao da vredi $500 miliona.

500 miliona za ono? neko je ovde gadno zaje*an :smiley:

Pa odlicno izgleda.Vidi se gde je svaki milion od 500 mil.utrosen. kao da je radio tim VS (Vlada Srbije)

Zahvaljujuci junskom patchu rezolucija je povecana ali to nije problem ove igre, bio sam ubedjen da ce biti dobra igra ali posle odgledanih par klipova promenio sam misljenje, rizik je vrsiti pre order…

ja sam jos na pocetku govorio da ova igra nije toliki bum kao sto se ocekuje,a i sama grafika nije bog zna sto.U sve vise igara zamjecujem mali draw distance(u third party igrama naravno)

Grafika ko grafika ali meni ova igra ne deluje toliko igrivo i malo dosadno…kao da igras par igara istovremeno, cudan miks…

Meni deluje totalno bezveze, kao da je razvojni tim zeleo mnogo toga da uradi, pa na kraju nisu ni definisali kakvu igru prave, pa od svega po malo natrpali, videcemo kad izadje kakva ce biti, ali ja nesto mislim da cu je preskociti…

Nisam htio da otvaram novu temu pa eto ovdje.

The Entertainment Ratings Software Board has given Bungie’s upcoming sci-fi epic Destiny a “T for Teen” rating, deeming it appropriate for players thirteen years old and up.

Destiny earned the “T” rating from the ESRB for “animated blood” and “violence.”

Speaking with the site Polygon, Bungie commented, “We’ve always set out to make games that lots of players can enjoy, and to build experiences that matter to people.”

Shooting for a more widely accessible age rating was not a primary goal for Bungie however. A studio spokesperson elaborated, “For Destiny, we didn’t aggressively pursue one rating over another, though. We constructed foundational pillars that have guided development from start to finish. We wanted our worlds to be a place people felt good about spending time in. We wanted our worlds to be worthy of heroes.”

“For us that meant Destiny would never be reprehensible, but rather bright, hopeful, and adventurous. That’s a world that resonates with us, and we hope it resonates with gamers, too.”

In the past, Bungie stated they wanted Destiny to avoid the stereotypical image the public has of Halo players: “frat boys teabagging one another and calling each other names,” as Technical Director Chris Butcher put it.



“That wizard came from the moon” :smiley:

Destiny Xbox beta gallery - the places you’ll go, the people you’ll meet

Destiny’s Xbox One and Xbox 360 beta is almost upon us - according to Microsoft, it will launch in late July (the exact date is rumoured to be the 21st). According to the official FAQ, the beta “includes most major modes and activities featured in the game” - presumably, the competitive and co-operative multiplayer options available in the recent [REDACTED]-exclusive alpha are on board.

If the below screenshots are proof of anything, the beta will also take us to Mars, which has been settled by the high-tech and militarised Cabal, and Venus, recently victim to a nasty infestation of time-travelling robots. So speculateth Dualshockers, at least.

It looks like Earth’s Old Russia region - notable fauna: piratical Fallen (pictured) and insectile Hive - will once again be playable, too. Honk if you love rusty cars!