Dead Rising 4 Leakovan?

Two days ago we reported that Dead Rising 4 is in development at Capcom Vancouver and may, or may not, have an exclusivity deal and that Dead Rising 4 will indeed feature at this year’s E3 and will “make fans of the series happy”. Today, we can update that with images that have surfaced that might give us our first look at Dead Rising 4.

Dead Rising 3 was released in 2013 as an Xbox One exclusive as well as a launch title. It was said to have sold very well, and a Dead Rising 4 was talked about not long after the release. It’s also likely that Capcom Vancouver is ditching the engine they built in favor of a partnership with Epic Games, meaning that the studio will be working exclusively with the Unreal Engine 4 from here on out.

It remains unclear which conference the game will be featured in but it’s a safe bet that it would likely be the Xbox conference considering the exclusivity of Dead Rising 3 and some previous Dead Rising games on the Xbox platform.

Izvor: Dead Rising 4 Poster and Gameplay Images Leaked, Might be a Remake of Dead Rising 1 - ThisGenGaming

Navodno je ipak Remake/Reimagening prvog dela sa 4 Player Coop? E3 je zaista počeo :smiley:

Izgleda da je potvrdio neki insajder na gaf da je istina i da je u pitanju kvazi remake/nastavak sa 4 Player Coopom. Win10/XO ekskluziva.

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Win 10 store exclusive on pc ? Well fuck you …

Što te to čudi? Isto i za SO? Pokušavaju da te nateraju da se uključiš u njihov ekosistem. Forsiraju Win 10, mame igrače sa igrama koje su ekskluzivno na njihovom storeu, očekuj isto to za Gears, Halo i ostale igre.

Ma ne cudi me nego me nervira

Znam, i mene bi nerviralo, ali jbg. Onda kupi konzolu :stuck_out_tongue: Šalu na stranu, jesu li provalili igre sa Win store?

Provaljen je jedino quantum break i za njega ima crack

Ah, to seckanje zombija na pola sa motornom testerom… :slight_smile:

Ako nekog zanima, Dead Rising 4: Man vs. Holiday, upravo sada na Xbox kanalu stream u zivo na YT:

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