Dead Island 2 odložen za 2016

**Dead Island 2 has been delayed to 2016. **

We have always set ourselves a big goal for Dead Island 2: to create the sequel that takes Dead Island to the next level. A game that takes what our fans tell us they love about Dead Island – multiple different characters to play with, co-op, and turning a paradise setting into a zombie slaughter melee – and a game that adds a ton more content and combat options on top of that.

And we wanted to have all of that that done for release in Spring 2015.

We have been looking at the game long and hard, and we have decided we didn’t reach that goal we set out to achieve quite yet. This is why we have decided to delay Dead Island 2 to 2016.

Right now we are focusing purely on development, and we will have more info to share at a later stage.

We know that our fans will be disappointed by this news, but by giving Dead Island 2 more time we are confident that everyone will get a better game to play as a result.

  • Team Dead Island 2


Da vidimo šta će još biti odloženo :slight_smile:

Kad krene E3 bice sve “delaying till 2016” :smiley:

Meni samo nije jasno sto ta odlaganja ne najave ranije, a ne ovako ljudi iscekuju vesti o igri, primice se datum izlaska i onda odloze tipa 3 nedelje pre izlaska igre za godinu dana! Pa kao da nisu pre 3 meseca znali da ce igra biti odlozena.

Odlozise sve igre za 2016-u. Najbolje je da ih nisu ni najavljivali.

Jedna od igara za koju sam bio ubedjen da se odlaze za 2016. je onaj Battlefront, ali izlazi na vreme zbog filma. Sve sto je bilo najavljeno za 2014. izlazi sada, a sve sto je bilo najavljeno za 2015. se pomera za 2016. Izgleda da na to moramo da se naviknemo u buducnosti.

Ova igra je odlozena pre vise od mesec dana :smiley:

Bila je valjda za leto, ali je odložena za kraj godine, pa sad za sledeću. Više puta je odložena.

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