Crackdown 3 previews

Novinari su prošle nedelje imali priliku da igraju kampanju i multiplayer komponentu Crackdown igre i ovde su neki od utisaka:


Without revolutionizing the genre, Crackdown 3 promises good hours of fun. The missions we tried seemed varied, highlighting gunfights but also the climbing / exploration side of the title […] Out of its particular artstyle (that won’t please everyone), the game might be a good surprise […] The draw distance is satisfaying, and in the most colorfull blocks, the game’s got a certain cachet with a totally kitsh 80’s Syfy touch that is not ugly to look at. For now, we’re far from that announced disaster and beeing available through Game Pass should allow many people to let this exclusivity have a chance


Crackdown 3 has a lot to prove, but if its best quality is feeling like a newer, tighter version of the Xbox 360 original, then that might not be the worst thing.


After playing Crackdown 3 for a couple of hours, I come away feeling vaguely underwhelmed. It’s not that Microsoft’s open-world shooter is unenjoyable, or bad. It’s sorta fun. But it doesn’t feel like a creatively daring AAA exclusive. It feels like a compromise.


Windows Central

Crackdown 3 is shaping to be a faithful follow-up to its predecessors, retaining much of the franchise’s prior successes. Returning fans should find enjoyment, though it’s not poised to solve Microsoft’s ongoing first-party woes.


The cloud finally comes to life, but in practice, it doesn’t seem to help make Crackdown 3 a great multiplayer game.


The Xbox One doesn’t lack powerful, brooding titles. That’s also not something that will set it apart. Exclusives need to set themselves apart, to offer something that other titles don’t or can’t. Crackdown 3 might not end up being one of the best games ever made, but that’s okay. It’s a great exclusive that presents a compelling reason to own an Xbox One, and that’s exactly what Microsoft needs right now.


Crackdown 3’s campaign is good old-fashioned mayhem. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the multiplayer.


Crackdown 3 is a lot like living in a comic book. You are always awash in a sea of colors, and you have no shortage of guns, ammo, and goons to shoot. If you’re looking for more than that, like an emotional story, this probably isn’t your game. It looked pretty polished and I saw no significant bugs, though I hope they keep working on reducing the loading times. Crackdown 3 will be good for a laugh and blowing things up. To see how long that will last, we’ll have to play the final game.


There’s a reason they call it “Development Hell.” It can’t be pleasant working on a game for four, five, even six years before release, constantly trying to hit a moving target that keeps getting further and further away. And if there’s any game that embodies development hell in 2019, it’s Crackdown 3 . Well, maybe that Final Fantasy VII remake as well, and maybe Shenmue 3, and maybe Dead Island 2, and probably Star Citizen.

But I’m here to talk about Crackdown 3 , which believe it or not I hadn’t touched until a hands-on demo session last week here in San Francisco. I’m not going to say I had high hopes going into the demo. I didn’t. Even so, what I played is so bare-bones, such a shadow of everything Microsoft ever made it out to be, I’m just not sure what happened here.


Wrecking Zone is a fun mode, however, and it feels like a perfect competitive multiplayer fit for the gleefully over-the-top, super-powered Crackdown universe. I liked it a great deal, as I did Crackdown 3 in general – though it’s a neutered delivery of the promises made far too early in this console generation when, for a moment, it looked like it could be something truly revolutionary.

PowerUp! Gaming

In general, I find that multiplayer modes added to big-budget, AAA, action-adventure games are tacked on and of low-value. That was my first thought when I learned about Crackdown 3’s Wrecking Zone mode. However, I’m happy to say I was totally wrong. Crackdown 3’s multiplayer is both an incredibly good time and THE showcase for the power of cloud computing on Xbox One. Wrecking Zone is a 5v5, PvP mode in which you’ll need to work together with your team to defeat opposing Agents and collect the badges they drop when they die. Think Supremacy in Destiny .

The differences in Wrecking Zone come down to the destructibility of the environment and the incredible freedom of movement you have in Crackdown 3 .

I wasn’t able to see just how many maps, weapons, characters and the like are available for Wrecking Zone when Crackdown 3 launches, but it’s a mode that’s sure to surprise and delight even the most sceptical.

East Bay Times

After playing a few hours of the third entry, the project captures the feel of the original.

Although the multiplayer is fun, I don’t expect it to be the next big esport. It’s more of an experiment to prove that cloud computing can make multiplayer games better. Perhaps, this sort of experience could translate over to other first-party titles.


Crackdown 3 feels like it’s may have actually upped the ante. There seems to be a lot more going on with the story this time around as well as more variety to missions and combat. Having a new city to explore is definitely intriguing too. My initial impression is that this is feeling like a healthy blend of classic Crackdown gameplay with modern influences. I’ll hold my full judgment for when I’ve had a chance to play the full game. Crackdown 3 is set to launch to launch on Xbox One and Microsoft Windows on February 15 and will be available through Xbox Game Pass on day one.

Dosta šareni utisci i koliko vidim najveća zamerka kod negativnih je što je u pitanju “more of the Crackdown”. Ne znam šta su tačno očekivali od igre pod imenom Crackdown 3, ali ok, realno je i pitanje koliko je njih igralo ili se seća originala. Svakako, ja ne mogu da dočekam izlazak igre za desetak dana i krljam bande po gradu.

Eto i prilike da se promeni forumski wallpaper u nesto sarenije (i dopuni gamepass, hm)


Hm, nisam ocekivao ovako lose ocene.

Ovo je onaj tip igre koju će svi popljuvati na izlasku i onda nakon 3 4 godine će isti ti govoriti da je hidden gem

Ja sam već zaboravio :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Dobro je da postoji game pass, tako da nista ne kosta da se proba…

dzabe odlaganje i sve,bas steta

Meni je super. Mada ja sam Crackdown fan. Ne znam šta su ljudi očekivali, ali dobili smo najbolji Crackdown ikada. Možda zbog toga ne klikće sa nekim ljudima ali meni je mega :slight_smile:. Ima par stvari koje bi se još mogle doterati, pre svega malo težine na lika kojeg vodite. Taj osećaj je bio mnogo bolji u prethodnim igrama. Napucavanje je odlično, kao i kretanje gradom. Kontrole su isto poboljšane. E sad grafika. Ko god kaže da igra izgleda kao last gen stvarno ili troluje ili ne zna kakonsu igre tada izgledale. Neonska svetla, boje, promena dana, arhitektura, sve je super jasno i oštro. Grafički prikaz u Crackdownu je ovde samo još pojačan. Jedino bih malo više ceo grad popunio sa vozililima i ljudima.

Prema recenzijama, CD3 je lošiji od Just Cause 4 što je apsolutno netačno. Igrao sam JS4 dovoljno da se tom smeću ne vraćam a na svim poljima je lošija igra od Crackdowna 3 a mogu se porediti jer su sličnog žanra i over the top gejmpleja.

Na kraju, barem je igra izašla, te se jedna mučna i poduža faza nesretnih MS first party izdanja završila. Neka se Ori 2 i Gears spreme.


Ja cu je danas pokrenuti, u principu znam sta da ocekujem od igre i kapiram da kao takva moze dobiti ocene koje je dobila jer sam to i ocekivao.

Slicno je vazilo i za drugi deo koji je meni bio odlican u coopu, ako je ovaj bolji od drugog odlicno jedva cekam da ga pokrenem.

Jednostavno prema igri ovakvog tipa ocene nisu pravedne jer ih u neku ruku zasluzuje, barem je tako bilo sa proslim delom, ali je igra ima ono nesto sto ne umem da objasnim, tako da mi je drugi deo bas ostao u dobrom secanju

Da, otprilike je to i moj utisak. Ocekivanja su se promenila u vezi igara pa ako nema bogatstvo multiplejer modova i battle rojal onda je djubre. Kad smo kod toga mozda bi joj bas i pasovao neki rojal mod (tj passovao).

Pritom, recezenti mnogo seru da izvinete. Knack je bas dobar i prvi i drugi deo a ima kriminal ocene. Na suprotnoj strani su piksel indie igre mucenicki sklepane u garazi sa skrivenim egzistencijalistickim porukama koje dobiju 90+.

Ja sam na kopu pa je necu probati do utorka, vrv je necu igrati uopste kao ni prethodne delove… ili bilo sta drugo sem Fife, ali sam se nadao da ce ovo biti uvertira u neko novo MS doba.

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Evo ja ne ladim celo popodne!
Meni je takođe odlična, i jedina zamerka je ista koju je i @robotnjik spomenuo. Lik kojeg “vodite” pomalo šeta na sve strane, tj. njegovo vođenje nije baš najpreciznije.
Malopre sišao u neki rudnik, pritom pokupio neki, nazvaću ga, vatromet bacač i ajme sada zabave!


Zasto svaka igra mora da ima rudnik i skladiste.

Ja sam isto krenuo crackdown 3, prvi crackdown koji igram i za sad je igra odlicna… Mada ja u zadnje vreme sta god da upalim mi je odlicno tako da nisam vise merodavan, samo da nije battle royale.


mene malo podseca na sunart overdrive, ovaj artstyle i haos… kad vec rece sunaet mogao bih i njega ponovo😬

Mene ovo zesce podseca na Saints Row. :slight_smile:

Uh. Istekla licenca za ragdoll? :smiley:

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