Contraband – Official Announce Trailer – Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2021

From Avalanche Studios and Xbox Game Studios, a co-op smuggler’s paradise set in the fictional world of 1970s Bayan.

Described internally as an “action-packed, fun and spectacular smugglers sandbox game,” Contraband takes familiar elements from the likes of Sea of Thieves, and mixes it with some Avalanche sandbox explosiveness. Gadgets, guns, vehicles, both on and off-land are all crucial to a successful smuggling run, and players will be able to build up teams with other players in online social hubs.

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Paaa, ovo isto su i ljudi iz Bethesde rekli nakon kupovine studija prošlog septembra :upside_down_face: a Avalanche Studios su po šuškanjima sledeći da se pridruže Xbox porodici.

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