Brend telefona sa najboljom kamerom

Dakle sve je vec u naslovu. Koji brend po vasem misljenju pravi najbolje fotografije? Moj glas ide samsungu definitivno

lumia 1020 ili 1120 ne secam se tacno. kamera od 41 mpx

case closed

EDIT: ipak je 1020

Galaxy K Zoom, zbog optickog zuma 10x. 1020 radi stvar perfektno, ali cim nesto treba da se zumira, bez Refocus opcije muti sliku, dok se kod Galaxyja odrzava ostrina kolika-tolika. :slight_smile:

Nokia Lumia 1020


Nokia 808

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Ipak je bolja 1020 gledajuci neke sample-ove :slight_smile:


Ultimately, we think the 1020 gets close enough to the performance of the 808 to earn the “true PureView” name, while also bringing many more features to the table that average buyers will appreciate. The 808′s results will probably still be more pleasing to the eye of a professional photographer, but the tradeoff -being stuck on a dead-end platform with far fewer features- doesn’t really seem worth it. Given the choice, we think most folks would go for the 1020, and at the end of the day, that’s the one we’d recommend to a modern-day buyer.

Moguce nzm ja samo gledam neke slicice po netu gde ih porede i izgleda mi lepse 1020
Pogledaj ovo :slight_smile:
808 gore 1020 dole

I onda se pojavi 930 i ****aju kako ima losu kameru :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ovo bre nisu telefoni nego fotoaparati sa sim karticom.

Ajde sada dokazi ti njima da je to fotoapara a ne telefon, stavis ga u dzem a ono budza od objektiva viri, pijes kafu a telefonu kamera visa od soljice za espreso :slight_smile: hehe

uvek si mi bio cudnjikav, ali ovo je vec previse :smiley:

Haha smejem se, ladno sam napisao dzem umesto dzep :slight_smile: haha