Bethesda to host its first ever E3 press conference this year

Bethesda has announced that it will be holding a press conference at E3 for the first time ever later this year.

The event is set to take place on June 14, 2015 and will be livestreamed via the publisher’s Twitch.TV channel. Bethesda is also offering a few lucky fans the chance to win tickets to the event, but will share details about this in the coming months.

Now we can guess that Doom, BattleCry, and The Elder Scrolls Online will play a big part in this conference, but that’s an awful lot of time for three games to fill, so what else is there? Well two major franchises spring to mind: The Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Now rumors of Fallout 4 have been circulating for well over a year, so could this finally be the time for Bethesda to let the vault boy out of the bag? We’ll find out in June.

Let the speculation begin!

Neka bude novi ESO :smiley:

Pre će biti Fallout. A možda i oba. Biće interesantno na E3 :smiley:

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Predstavice ESO za konzole, i onda ce najaviti Fallout F2P MMO :smiley:

i onda ce najaviti Fallout F2P MMO

I think I died a little on the inside :frowning: :stuck_out_tongue:

Fallout 4 !!!
I novi TES !!!

Napokon :’)

Sent From: “Neitherworld, Peaceful Pines”

Fallout 4, Dishonored 2, novi Doom gameplay, su neka nagadjanja :slight_smile:

Ne bude li novi Fallout, gorit ce u paklu!! :sly::mad:

Sent From: “Neitherworld, Peaceful Pines”

Moze predstavljanje novog Elder Scrolls-a, ne bi mi smetalo. :slight_smile:

Ocemo Doom :slight_smile: