Battlefield Hardline ‘will work’ at launch, says creative director

Battlefield 4 has had a terrible time with bugs and server stability issues, so it’s only natural that fans are apprehensive of Visceral Games’ upcoming entry Battlefield Hardline, but creative director Ian Milham has promised that “the game will work.”

“What you’re basically asking is, ‘Is you’re game going to work?’ and the answer is yes, it’s gonna work,” Milham told Game Revolution in a recent interview. “We actually started on this more than a year before Battlefield 4 came out. We’ve been working with the DICE guys for a long time; some of our engineering work is actually in Battlefield 4 and things they’ve been doing since then. It’s in pretty great shape now and all that work is gonna come into what we’re doing.

“We already had one very successful beta, we’re going to have another beta on every platform we ship on. We take shipping a working game pretty seriously. So, yes, the game will work.”

Battlefield Hardline is set to launch in 2015, following a delay in July, for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.

Došli smo do toga da će igre raditi na launču? Wow, baš im hvala…

Pa kada se uzme da BF4 tek sada posle skoro 1god od izbacivanja moze da se nazove celom ovo nije za cuditi se previse :smiley:

Problemi sa BF4 nisu imali apsolutno svi a i resili su se za manje od 2 meseca od release-a. Neki serveri su za****vali dok su neki radili ok, ja hvala bogu nisam imao problema, ali sta sam se sve nagledao na netu…

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Danas izlazi Fall Patch za BF4 koji je prenesena verzija iz CTE, i navodno menja igru u potpunosti, jedva cekam da probam. Sto se tice Hardline-a vec onaj build sto je bio na Gamescomu je bio dosta bolja verzija od Beta builda… :slight_smile: Mada da ne lazem nikoga, ja sam onaj lik koji ce uzeti svaki BF bez obzira u kakvom je stanju i koliko je inovativan :smiley: