Aurora - novi alternativni dashboard

Some of you might know us from F3, the soon to be number 2 dashboard replacement for Xbox 360.
We are Phoenix, and we bring you Aurora, the new number one dashboard replacement!

With Aurora we went back to the core of what a dashboard should do, which is launch your titles, and look fancy while doing that.
Aurora boots straight into the title list and uses filters and sort instead of predefined tabs.
Written from the ground up it has been optimized to run fast, smooth and stable.

This is the first alpha version we want to share with you, while it contains disabled features and probably some bugs, it has proven to be pretty stable already.


Boot straight into coverflow
Lua scripts for filters, sort methods and subtitles
Support locale files to translate the dashboard and skin
Custom coverflow layouts
Quick browse game list
Game details
Manage your game list when your devices aren't connected
And of course fully compatible with Freestyle Plugin (LiNK) and the new and improved Unity website

Disabled features in alpha:

View Previews / achievements / related content

Please post bugs in the support forum.
Or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support

Current versions:
0.1a r431 Binaries
0.1a r431 Skin
3.0b r801 Freestyle Plugin

Please use this revised package as there is a bug in the original release that will delete your games under rare conditions when hitting the Refresh button in the Game Options. (Thanks Gromber)

A new update has been released for Aurora. Click here to find out more.


I updateovana verzija:

Aurora 0.1a.1 - Update is now avaialble.

We appreciate everyone’s input and reports of the different bugs a lot of you have come across. We also really appreciate the people who have put in the time to translate our project. Thanks go out to SpkLeader(PT-BR), saywaking( TR-TR and DE-DE ), Gromber (ES-ES), MatteIta (IT-IT) and Nordsudteam (FR-FR).

We are watching the forums and have great mods who are gathering information for us, so keep watching these forums for future updates.

Some things you can look forward to in this release:

Translations for other languages including French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Turkish and German
Fixed DLC Scanning Bug
Fixed Scan Depth infinite bug
Black screen at boot due to not having xhttp enabled in dash launch
Focus issue in the Verify Link dialog
Unity usernames and passwords not saving because of failed regex validation (unsupported characters not yet fixed, sorry)
Remove 'Full Game' text from XBLA for languages other than English
Added text field in About scene to credit the translator, for each language
Fixed string issue in Http Username and Http Password prompts
Fixed skin available updates not showing up correctly in about scene
Fixed updater not properly extracting update packages

Please post bugs in the support forum.
Or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support

Current versions:
0.1a r496 Binaries
0.1a r496 Skin
3.0b r801 Freestyle Plugin


Fino da neko na necemu radi, samo jos da vrate temperature data info i ovo je pun pogodak, lagano, malo, funkcionalno :slight_smile:

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Super izgleda, dobra vest za RGH ljude. Da imam Xbox i dalje, ovo cudo bih sigurno ubacio. :slight_smile:

Sto je dobar onaj zadnji skin kada su svi coveri postavljeni kao na podu.
Je li ima tako nesto ovako za freestyle dash ?

može kratki tutorijal kako to ubaciti ( da ne zeznem nešto)
i kako onda vratiti na stari ako mi se ne dopada


Isto kao fsd skini eto i samo pokreni ako neces da ti bude default, pa vidi kako je posle samo izadjes i bices u fsd

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Stavio sam ga da mi bude default kad se pali ali me interesuje kako da namestim da kad izadjem iz igrice udje u auroru tj da kad stisnem ono ,glavno" dugme na dzojtiku ne bude opcija za freestyle home vec za auroru?

Dostupan je za download Aurora 0.4b, uzivajte.

Vase misljenje da li da ostanem na FSD ili da predjem na ovo ?

Uzmes na flash i stavis Auroru i probaj pokrenes ‘‘default.exe’’, udjes u Auroru pogledaj malo kako i sta, pa ako ti se svidi onda predji sa FSD-a, meni se licno svideo, isto tako sam i ja uradio stavio na flash, video o cemu se radi, procackao malo po opcijama, sad koristim po meni je super.

Jel se isto moze namestiti da se automatski podize sa launch.ini?

Može, meni se automatski podiže. :slight_smile:

E super. Pretpostavljam da samo treba promeniti putanju u launch.ini fajlu. :slight_smile: Ja cu svakako probati ovo ali kada udje u stable release fazu. Prosli su alfu, sada su u beti, ali cu ja cekati neko full izdanje bez bagova i manjkavosti. :slight_smile:

E mene najvise interesuje ovaj unity username? jel to ima neke veze sa :“” jel to znaci da ce sada biti vise naroda onlline?

Ne, to samo znaci da mozes da direktno push-ujes neki cover sa PC-a na X360 kada stavis odgovarajuce kredencijale.

A 2bad, ma daj da im posaljemo neki mail da ubace i to, da link oma radi, kontam da je to WOW opcija …

Po meni je vise za one koji samo ubace igre na hdd i ne zele da cackaju nista vise :smiley:

Da, tako je, samo se putanja promjeni. :slight_smile:

Meni ovo trenutno zamjenjuje FSD već neko vrijeme, inače volim promjene u životu, pa tako i to, a s druge strane, ima i ovdje dosta opcija… :smiley:

Ja cu ga sigurno staviti, ali kada bude izaslo prvo full izdanje (verzija 1.0). Bili su u alfa fazi, sada su u beta fazi, pa posto prilicno brzo napreduju, verujem da ce uskoro i full release.

Pre par dana je izasla verzija 0.5b
Vise informacija na