Android Oreo je stigao!

Najnovije “čedo” iz Google-a je tu.
Mnoštvo novina je tu. Poboljšan multitasking, boot brži 2x, ušteda baterije itd…

Evo i liste telefona koji će dobiti nadogradnju na Oreo:

Google Pixel, Nexus
The Google Pixel, Pixel XL, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player and Pixel C tablet will be receiving the Android 8.0 Oreo update. This is coming directly from Google because these are Google devices. Over the air updates for these devices will be arriving soon. If you joined the Android O public beta program, you will be getting the final build today itself. In fact, Pixel and Pixel XL users have already got it, if they were running the beta. The update comes to around 38MB and takes up to an hour to install. You can also download the image file from Android’s website and install it manually on your device, if you are familiar with terms like ROM and Flashing.

The entire Nokia Android line-up
Nokia announced a while back that it will be updating the Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6 to Android Oreo. HMD Global has also confirmed that the recently launched Nokia 8 will be receiving the Android 8.0 update. In fact, Nokia recently has said that they will be one of the first, if not the first non-Google manufacturer to roll out the 8.0 update for their smartphones. Now that Android Oreo is here, let’s see if Nokia keeps up the promise.

OnePlus has confirmed that their latest flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 5 will be updated to Android Oreo in the future. In fact, expect the Oreo update to arrive to the OnePlus 5 in another two months. The company has also confirmed that the update will be landing on the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. Android 8.0 will be the last major Android version update for both the 3 and 3T. We suspect that by the end of the year, all three OnePlus phones will be running Android Oreo.

Coolpad Cool Play 6
Coolpad claims that the recently launched Cool Play 6 will be updated to Android O by December, 2017. In an interview to India Today Tech, Coolpad CEO James Du said that by the second half of the year, they will start building a team of 500 people exclusively for the overseas market. He also asserted that the company’s history of irregular updates will not be repeated. It is not known if the company will update their previous smartphones to Android 8.0 but in the same interview, James Du did say that their old UI (Cool UI) has been abandoned and the company does not plan to develop it any further. Good on Coolpad if it keeps up the promise it has made.

Essential PH-1
Andy Rubin, the co-founder of Android unveiled the Essential PH-1 modular smartphone a few months back. The Google’s Android 8.0 Blog post confirms that Essential is one of the companies working on Android O development. The availability of Essential PH-1 is very limited and there are only a handful of users of this phone, even in its launch country that is the US.

HTC has confirmed that the HTC U11 will be updated to Android Oreo. It is also widely expected that the recently launched HTC U Ultra and HTC U Play will be updated to Oreo. Some rumours also claim that the HTC 10, HTC 10 Evo, HTC Desire 10 Pro and HTC Desire 10 Lifestyle will receive the update. Though when the updates will come is something no one outside HTC knows right now.

During the launch of the ZenFone 4 series of smartphones, Asus announced that it will be updating its current line-up of devices to Android 8.0. The smartphones making the cut include ZenFone 4, ZenFone 4 Pro, ZenFone 4 Max, ZenFone 3, ZenFone 3 Deluxe, ZenFone 3 Max and ZenFone 3 Laser. Once again, the promise of the update is there. But there is no timeline.

While Samsung has not announced any official list yet, It is widely expected that the Samsung Galaxy S8+, Galaxy S8, Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 Edge, Galaxy Note 7 Fan Edition, Galaxy Tab S3 and the upcoming Galaxy Note 8 will be updated to Android 8.0 Oreo. It is not confirmed if the 2017 A series and 2017 J series will receive the update. There is no timeline for now although Samsung does try to update its current-generation flagship phones within months of the Android version launch.

Rumours point towards Sony updating the Xperia XZ Premium, Xperia Xzs, Xperia XZ, Xperia X Compact, Xperia X Performance, Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra to Android 8.0 Oreo. But nothing is confirmed by Sony for now.

Lenovo’s recently released K8 Note is widely expected to receive the Android 8.0 update. The K8 Note is the first smartphone from Lenovo to run on a near stock build of Android. This may help Lenovo bring the Android Oreo update faster to the phone. Lenovo claims that the move to a common software platform will help them provide better support and efficient updates. On the other hand, Lenovo recently announced that the entire Phab series of smartphones will not be updated to Nougat despite being less than a year old. So Lenovo fans should keep their fingers crossed.

LG’s recent smartphone like the LG G6 and LG Q6 are sure to receive the Android 8.0 Oreo update. It is also widely expected that the LG G5 and LG V20 will be updated to Oreo.

Moto phones
Moto phones run stock Android and are among the most actively updated devices. Although Motorola has confirmed nothing when it comes to the Android Oreo update, expect Motorola’s current generation high-end phones like Moto Z2 Play to get the Android Oreo by the end of the year. Budget phones or previous generation phones like the Moto G4 may however not get it.


Kad god bih azurirao telefon on bi postao sporiji… Verovatno nije mogao da isprati azuriranje.
Mogu li lg g5 sad azurirati na 8.0. ili moram da cekam da mi telefon sam ponudi tu opciju?

Pokako…tek je za google uredjaje izasao…nacekaces se…doduse LG to radi brzo, tako da vec u decembru ces imati update

What the actual fck?

Cool. Ovo je moj sledeci telefon, dobijamo ga za par dana. Bio je izbor izmedju Honor 9 i Z2 Play, svi uzeli Huawei… Meni je Motorola zapala za oko, manje zbog modularnog koncepta a vise zbog veceg ekrana… i baterije za koju kazu da je bas bas brutalna (tj Motorolina optimizacija).

Ne otvarajte link…nabijate klikove :joy:

Baterija na z2play traje zbog hardvera koji je optimizovan ali ipak fhd ekran u 2017 oj to je po meni slabo.Imao sam priliku da koristim i z2 i z2play i z2force i mogu ti reći da je z2 najbolja opcija a play mi je ko neka jeftina alternativa ako hoćeš premijum izradu izgled a osrednje performanse.Hardverski je i moto z jači od z2play a cijena tu negdje i isto će imati oreo a modovi svi rade na svim moto z modelima.

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Da, ali na Z2 play rade dodaci sa Z1 što je jako korisno. Za Z2 ti treba dodatna baterija, u suprotnom punjač i utičnica :smiley: Slaba je baterija u odnosu na sve ono što ima u sebi…

Ali napuni se za pola sata 70 80% ako je toliko problem dopuniti ima dodatak power bank staviš nazad i milina

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Jedva cekam update :slightly_smiling_face: .

Mozda se i sete da ubace fon za remote play. Posto jako slabiji sony telefoni imaju tu opciju.

Kolega mi juče pokazao AR stickere na Pixel 2 telefonu i jako je dobra fora. Jeste da se sa tim poigraš par puta ali jedva čekam da mi stigne Oreo update na lg g6 i sam probam.

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Ja bih I dalje pre uzeo P10 :smiley:

Tvoj problem.

Jedna stvar koja me nervira u vezi sa Androidom je nacin na koji dobijaju telefoni apdejte.

Sada smo u februaru 2018 i moram da demantujem naslov teme - Oreo nije stigao.

Morotola fura stock android, i obecano je da ce doiti apdejte cim prije, verovatno do kraja prosle godine, jer nema sta tu mnogo da se modifikuje i uskladjuje sa custom UI-jem, ali i dalje smo na Nugatu, ne znam da li je to do Motorole ili do carriera (Telenor), ali od Orea ni traga ni glasa.

Kad Apple izbaci apdejt svi korisnici mogu da ga skinu u roku od par dana… Nebitno na kom si carrieru, i verovatno izlazi za bar 2-3 generacije unazad.

To je najveca boljka Android telefona. Ja ne dizem Apple u nebesa, koristim njihove uredjaje i upravo ovo je jedini razlog zasto vise nisam korisnik Android telefona. Neka kaze ko sta hoce, ali iOs je zakon za ovakve stvari. Cena jeste odbojna, ali dobijes pouzdan telefon koji ce raditi dugi niz godina.
Vec pola godine je proslo, i tom Oreu nema ni traga ni glasa na vecini uredjaja.
1.1% Android uredjaja je na Oreo, dok je iOs 11 na 65%

Pa dobro, to mozda i ima smisla za neki heavy custom UI od Samsunga, Huaweia i LG-a, ko ce te silne funkcije i aplikacije da apdejtuje da rade sa novom verzijom… Apple sve ima svoje i istestira pre pustanja… Ali nema opravdanja za stock-androide, zbog cega im treba pola godine.

To i ja kazem, sta je toliko unapredjenje na “O” u odnosu na “N”? Verovatno ce vam telefon raditi sporije?! Sve preko “L” je dobro optimizovan OS i secam se na 5.1 je nexus poleteo koliko je bio zagusen na JB. Nista toliko spektakularno necete imati na telefonu otud nzm odakle toliki hype za nadogradnjom OS-a


Pa zato sto je svakako bolje da ima neke nadogradnje. Bilo je price i da ce malo manje da zdere RAM sto je rak rana svih androida. Da ima 64gb rama njemu bi bilo malo.
Ima jos mnogo stvari koje treba peglati i trebalo bi da se malo radi na tome.
Pa nije to fiksni telefon, prodas i zauvek.

Ja sam dobio oreo isto na stock androidu i to na kinezu ali moram priznati da je bas minimalna razlika izmedju 7. 1 i 8.0.

Ja cekam 8.1 tu sam video par stvari koje su mi gotiva. A to sto cekas je do Motorole jer na uredjajima koji imaju stock android a nisu pixel proizvodjac optimizuje sistem.

Mene recimo izuzetno nervira sto samo pixel ima google kameru sa novim stvarima a mi ostali ako je hocemo moramo da rutujemo telefon umesto da je samo ima u prodavnici.

Ima svasta nesto novo. Eno ga link u prvom postu pa citajte (generalno brzi rad, optimizacija baterije, bolje notifikacije, bolji multitasking, bla bla). Inace, prijatno sam se iznenadio i sto su se odjednom pojavile sve moje slike jos iz 2013. Izgleda da Google daje unlimited storage za fotografije, sto nisam znao, bez glupih doplata.

Bilo bi mega cool da daju i njihov servis za strimovanje muzike besplatno. Mislim, znam da se to nece desiti jer su skupa prava za muziku. Ja sam trenutno super zadovoljan sa Deezerom i ne bih ga menjao. Ali ko zna kada Telenor (nazalost) ode, da li ce novi vlasnik biti zainteresovan da preuzme digitalne servise, a pretplata za 10$ mesecno se ne isplati izvan Play + paketa.