Xbox Series X: The Most Powerful and Compatible Next-Gen Console

Vrlo direktno, jasno i transparentno o tome šta Xbox Series X nudi po pitanju Backward Compatibility stavke.

Ceo text je informativan i vredi ga pročitati, ali evo nekoliko isečaka:

Preserving Your Gaming Legacy

Our goal has always been to empower gamers to play the best versions of games from across four generations of Xbox at the launch of Xbox Series X. These principles were key to us from Day 1 and influenced many of our design decisions as we started on our journey to create our most powerful and compatible console ever.

Compatibility Journey

Maintaining compatibility presents a massive technical challenge as fundamental system and chip architectures advance across generations. Developers highly optimize their games to the unique capabilities and performance of a console to provide the best experience for their players. To make the Xbox Series X our most compatible console ever required both significant innovation in the design of the custom processor as well as the unique design of the Xbox operating system and hypervisor at the heart of our next generation platform.

With more than 100,000 hours of play testing already completed, thousands of games are already playable on Xbox Series X today, from the biggest blockbusters to cult classics and fan favorites. Many of us in Team Xbox play on the Xbox Series X daily as our primary console and switching between generations is seamless. By the time we launch this holiday, the team will have spent well over 200,000 hours ensuring your game library is ready for you to jump in immediately.

All Games Play Better on Xbox Series X

Not only should gamers be able to play all of these games from the past, but they should play better than ever before. Backwards compatible games run natively on the Xbox Series X hardware, running with the full power of the CPU, GPU and the SSD. No boost mode, no downclocking, the full power of the Xbox Series X for each and every backward compatible game. This means that all titles run at the peak performance that they were originally designed for, many times even higher performance than the games saw on their original launch platform, resulting in higher and more steady framerates and rendering at their maximum resolution and visual quality. Backwards compatible titles also see significant reductions in in-game load times from the massive leap in performance from our custom NVME SSD which powers the Xbox Velocity Architecture. As I play through my personal backlog as part of our internal testing, all of the incredible games from Xbox One and earlier play best on Xbox Series X.

Advancing the State of the Art of Game Preservation

With all of the additional power and advancements of the Xbox Series X, the compatibility team now has a veritable playground of new capabilities to innovate and push the limits of game preservation and enhancement. The compatibility team has invented brand new techniques that enable even more titles to run at higher resolutions and image quality while still respecting the artistic intent and vision of the original creators. We are also creating whole new classes of innovations including the ability to double the frame rate of a select set of titles from 30 fps to 60 fps or 60 fps to 120 fps.

Sumirano u tvitu lol:


Ma nema sta. Ja sam zacrtao da cu ga uzeti jos kad su ga najavili. Bas mnogo ocekujem od XsX i nadam se da nece nesto s*ebat.

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Pa realno nema šta da zeznu. Proizvodnja je u toku, igre se spremaju, jedino COVID-19 efekat može da izazove nešto što bi pomerilo planove.


Ali kada vidim 120fps xaxaxxaxax jedino ako budu radili neke igre u 1080p ili max 2k pa da i izvuku 120 inace sve ostalo cista navlakusa za siroke narodne mase.

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Mislim da je tih 120fps prica vezana za BC igre. Realno svaku igru sa xbox i x360 moze da tera tako. A sto se tice ovih novih, verovatno ce biti korekcija. Neki platformer i mozda fighteri ce ici na 120 a ostalo po 60. Al jos tu ima prostora za pricu, samo polako.

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To je za BC igre. Verovatno neke manje zahtevne igre će raditi u 120fps. Realno, i Street Fighter 6 ili sledeći Mortal Kombat bi mogli da budu u 120, jer te igre grafički nikad nisu nešto prepucane jer svakako favorizuju frame rate i performanse nego vizuelni doživljaj.

A uvek 120fps može biti opcija gde se spuste grafička podešavanja, pa ko šta voli.

Sega Series X? :smiley:

Sexbox series x :thinking: nije lose. Launch ekskluziva, automehanicar.

To je bila samo glasina, i to poprilično nategnuta. Ono što će SEGA objaviti 4. juna kažu da nema nikakve veze sa MS.

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Zapravo ima, naleteh na jedan tekst gde kazu da ima neke veze sa Microsoftom-ja sam pomislio da je napraviti neki compability mode sa Sege Saturn ili tako nesto da je moguce igrati na Xbox konzolama…mada i ovo nije bas neizvodljivo.