Watch Dogs PC system requirements

Za CoD su nezvanicno izbacili RAM fix, trebali bi i sada :slight_smile: Pa ako se opamete izbacice i zvanicno.
Btw, igra ce biti oko 20-25GB, ima 9 jezika sa full audiom, znaci mozemo da ocekujemo neki rip barem duplo manje velicine.

To za CoD se malo Activision zaleteo umislio da su ne znam sta :fubar: Ali su se malo prevarili.

A sto se tice velicine Watch Dogs-a mislim da nece preci 20-ak GB Nemaju sta da spakuju da igra bude 25 GB.

Na Steamu pise 25GB hard drive space required. Realno je ocekivati oko 20-ak GB. Za Wolfenstein je pisalo 50GB a .iso fajl je 43GB.

Ubisoft comments on removal of old Watch Dogs PC render settings

Recently Guru3D forum user “The Worse” discovered several rendering settings that were removed by Ubisoft which increase the game’s overall graphical quality. The publisher has now revealed its reasons for removing these settings.

The tweaks revert the game to the look that it had during its original appearance at E3 2012. You can take a look at a comparison between the E3 demo and the PC release below.

“The dev team is completely dedicated to getting the most out of each platform, so the notion that we would actively downgrade quality is contrary to everything we’ve set out to achieve,” Ubisoft explained. “We test and optimize our games for each platform on which they’re released, striving for the best possible quality.

“The PC version does indeed contain some old, unused render settings that were deactivated for a variety of reasons, including possible impacts on visual fidelity, stability, performance and overall gameplay quality.”

According to the publisher, the settings were removed due to a number of negative effects that they can cause. “Those could range from performance issues, to difficulty in reading the environment in order to appreciate the gameplay, to potentially making the game less enjoyable or even unstable.”


Pošto je ovo poslednja tema u PC games sekciji koja je posvećena WD-u, da pitam. Đe mogu naći taj patch/mod šta li je već gde je sve vrh optimizivano i grafika izuva spram vanila verzije igre?


skini onu zadnju 1.0 sa maldo teksturama. doduse negde pise da poslednji official update “ubija” ovaj mod i ne moze se instalirati. savetujem ti da imas klot verziju igre.

Imaš link ka forumu za download u deskripciji videa.

Zahvaljujem svima, sad će malo da modujem WD, da vidimo i to čudo od grafe :slight_smile:

Grafika koju si prikazali izuva 100%

Aj kad odradiš javi jel ti se sviđa. Ja sam odradio i meni se baš sviđa sa modom, dosta je grafika bolja, pa sigurno nekih 30% je bolje. Dosta toga je u osvetljenju, preko dana su mogli dosta bolje da odrade, da su se malo više potrudili. Nego nisu oni ni ulagali previše u PC verziju, da im je to bila prioritet platforma, verujem da bi grafika bila kao na E3 2012.