Warhamer Space Marinac PC

Evo docekao sam da probam i ovu igru ali samo na PC posto “nase” verzije nema na boxu jos uvek.Inace veliki sam Fan Warhamer 40k.Igara,stripova,apsolutno svega sto nosi znak W.H. 40k

Pa u startu samo da vam kazem da izdrzite i sacekate verziju za Xbox posto ova za PC uposte nije igriva,I zali boze vremena provedenog u skidanju,instalaciji da bi posle toga imao milion malih problema a evo i zasto.
Igra nije optimizovana uopste,Problemi sa teksturama sa senkom i dimom sto se pretvorilo u blicanje crnih kvadrata po monitoru na svakih 2 do 3 sec. inace leci se tako sto u pozadini pokrenete mozilu i neki video klip na youtube i to blicanje crnih kvadrata prestane :? kako i zasto to niko ne zna. Sledece problem sa zvukom,pa nestajanje tekstura patosa i slicno.Naravno zapucavanja na odredjenim mestima i ukoliko ste srecni iz petog puta ako idete samom ivicom mozda se i ne zapuca…E sad ukoliko ste srecnik i nemate ni jedan pomenuti problem od gore navedenih idite odma istog momenta uplatite loto dok imate srece…
Igra je brza,dinamicna,napeta… I totalno to je sve nepregledno na Monitoru od '22 inca… iz treceg lica vas Space Marinac zauzima jedno 40% vaseg monitora i pri toj brzini u borbi apsolutno nemate pojma sta se desava oko vas i koga bijete dok gomila navaljuje…To bez 1m televizora ne vredi ni igrati,imam osecaj da ovo igrati na PC i Xboxu ravno je gledanju filma u 3D bioskopu i gledanju istog filma na wc solji na vasem telefonu ekrana 3,2 inca. Naravno Xbox u ovom poredjenju je Bioskop.

Moja preporuka vam je cekajte i igrajte ovo samo na Xboxu

eto sta se desi kad neko lose ripuje igru sa Steama (Space Marine je Steam-only na PCu), zato takve igre cesto ni ne vredi piratizovati vec sacekati da padne cena pa se “iskeziti” za original (da se kladimo da ce je staviti na weekend deal do kraja oktobra)
BTW moj TV je manji od monitora na kompu, tako da ti analogija ne stoji :slight_smile:

Verovatno si skinuo neki los crack. Ja sam skinuo BLACK-BOX REPACK i nisam sa igrom imao nikakvih problema, radi najnormalnije. Jedino danas MP ne radi a juce je radio

Ja probao na Onlive-u i nije bilo nikakvih grafickih, zvucnih niti problema sa komandama. Verovatno je los crack.

Ja sam skinuo DaRkSide verziju,evo sad cu sda skinem tu BLACK BOX pa cu videti.
Nego jel proradio MP???

Proradio MP

Warhammer 40,000 Spacemarine Multiplayer Instructions


Table of contents:

  1. Requirements

  2. Pre-load version instructions

  3. Unlocked version instructions

  4. Black Box repack instructions

  5. Additional notes

  6. Final Word


  1. Requirements

You’ll require the following:

  • Pre-load, Unlocked or Black Box repack of Spacemarine

  • SmartSteam (cracked steam client)

  • When installing the game, you can install it to your cracked steam client folder, for example:

C:\Games\Steam Cracked\steamapps\common\warhammer 40,000 space marine

If you want xfire ingame support, then you need to install it to the directory structure and use
the exact folder name shown in the example above.

  • Take note, I have two Steam folders, one folder for my legit Steam and one called Steam Cracked
    for SmartSteam. To make a cracked steam folder, simply make a copy of your legit steam folder and
    rename it “Steam Cracked” or whatever you like, but when you make a copy, don’t copy your steamapps
    folder, otherwise you’ll be copying all your legit game data which will prolong the copying process.

Therefore, copy the root of your Steam folder to a new one and just make sure you don’t copy
your steamapps folder then.

After you made a copy of your Steam folder, then simply drop the SmartSteam client files into your
cracked steam folder and run SmartSteam.exe to launch it then.


Alternatively, if you don’t have Steam installed with legit games, simply copy the SmartSteam
files to your Steam folder then and run SmartSteam.exe


  1. Pre-load version

a) Extract the “warfiles” archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine folder
(The warfiles archive does have 3 folders without anything in them, it’s normal nothing is missing)

c) Extract the “Multiplayer Files” archive into your Spacemarine folder and overwrite the files

d) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background

e) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut

f) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to
the game

g) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart SmartSteam and try again


  1. Unlocked version

a) Extract the “Multiplayer Files” archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine folder

b) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background

c) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut

d) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to
the game

e) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart SmartSteam and try again


If you already applied either the 3DM or ali213 crack, you need to delete 3DM.ini/ali213.ini and steamclient.dll
files. Make sure that you use the steam_api.dll file from the “Multiplayer Files” folder and not the not the
steam_api.dll file from either the 3DM/ali213 cracks.


  1. Black Box repack

a) Delete the 3DM.ini, steamclient.dll and steam_api.dll files from your install folder

b) Extract the “Multiplayer Files” archive and overwrite everything in your warhammer 40,000 space marine folder

c) Run SmartSteam and minimize it to the background

d) Run Spacemarine from exe or desktop shortcut

e) Once ingame, search for public games, or if you have friends functionality, invite your friends to
the game

f) If you have issues such as a black screen when trying to launch the game, simply restart SmartSteam and try again


The 3DM crack is automatically installed with the Black Box repack. You need to delete 3DM.ini and steamclient.dll
files. Make sure that you use the steam_api.dll file from the “Multiplayer Files” folder and not the not the
steam_api.dll file from either the 3DM/ali213 cracks.


  1. Additional Notes
  • Matchmaking does work, but it’s a little bit bugged at the moment. This isn’t due to the crack or anything
    as even people with the legit version have the same issue. It can take anything of 5-10 minutes or more
    before you properly connect to anyone when searching for a public, so be patient !

I did pickup games using matchmaking, I could also hear other people talking whilst in the lobby but it didn’t
connect yet properly, so once again, be patient.

  • Creating a private game and inviting someone from your friends list does work.

  • The game does track your mp progress, however it appears as if the mp data is stored on a remote server and your
    progress will be lost unfortunately. Will see if this can be fixed somehow, although I doubt it.

  • Sometimes after you did manage to play mp, and want to retry it again, you might get errors of “Unable to join host”
    when inviting a friend. This is also a bug, however, from what I’ve read on the official Relic forums if you play
    some singleplayer and then retry multiplayer it will work again (I haven’t tested this myself)

  • If you create a Private Game, you can play by yourself and rank up on your own if you host a
    SEIZE GROUND game. At least in this way you can rank to lvl 4 to unlock the Customizer :slight_smile:



  1. Final word

There you have it, if you follow the instructions exactly it should work for you as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm me on warez-bb or cs.rin.ru (username: StoneCold_ZA)

Special thanks to ShadowDuke from cs.rin.ru who helped me in testing the mp and giving the initial instructions
on how to get the mp working for Spacemarine.

Lastly, if anyone uses or posts these instructions elsewhere, please credit me (StoneCold_ZA) at least.

Happy gaming!


Izasao je i za xbox, ali ima XGD3. Sta to znaci, hocu li moci da igram sa Lt 1.9 (debeljko) i da li se reze na obican dvd dl ?

Moracemo da cekamo LT 2.0 za to, nazalost. Za to vreme odigracu igru na PCju i nadati se da ce novi flesic ubrzo izaci.
