Psychonauts 2 - Official Story Trailer


Jedva cekam!

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Pa jasno igrace se na series X.


Series X 4k u full-u, PS5 ni to. Ok, bar imaju SSD za koji nikad nisam primetio da je nesto munjevit :smiley:

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Postaješ previše zelen :grin:


A nema ni 120hz

Bleed Green bro. TipiÄŤan Bandwagoner :joy:

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Cekaj, Series S bolje nego ps5?

Pa da, jer PS5 pusta obicnu PS4 Pro verziju kroz BC. Double fine nije hteo ili je verovatnije placen od Microsofta da ne izbaci PS5 next gen verziju. Sto je ok. Sto se mene tice bolje i da su izbacili eksluzivu za gamepass, jer je MS-u potreban neki dobar pandan Ratchetu. Ali nisu smeli jer je projekat poceo kao crowdfounding. Tako da su dobili ostali osakacene verzije a MS full. Mada ta rezolucija nije tako strasna zrtva, ako mene pitas iz daljine se jedva primeti da li je nativnih ili interpoliranih 4K. Mislio sam da ce Xbox dobiti i nekakvu bolju, next gen grafiku, a ne samo malo bolju rezoluciju. U svakom slucaju, sledece Double Fine igre bice MS ekskluzive.

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Što bi rekli ne grizi ruku iz koje jedeš.

Ma kakvi, skupili su skoro 4 milona dolara od raznih ljudi pre nego sto ih je kupio MS. Zato nisu smeli samo da izbace za Xbox.

Btw omasili su 3 godine datum izlaska :smiley:

With all that in mind, we are estimating that Psychonauts 2 will be finished for a release in 2018.

E a inace on su se u startu vec ogradili da im to nije dovoljno para i da traze eksternog partnera.

We’re calling upon you to help make this game a reality. And for that, we’re asking for $3.3m.“$3.3m?!” you ask bewildered, "that sounds like 2D graphic adventure money! Surely that isn’t enough to make something as grandiose as Psychonauts 2 !” Well, you are correct, you’ve seen right through us… are you sure you’re not psychic?

Yes, we do need more than that, as we’ve previously said we need to raise at least the same amount that went into making the original Psychonauts, which had a budget in the $10-13.5m range. In order to do that, we need to gather money from multiple sources.

Double Fine will be putting up a significant portion of the development funds ourselves, and getting another piece of the budget from an external partner. This Fig campaign will make up the third piece of the budget. None of these three parts on their own is enough, but together they add up to a sequel worthy of Psychonauts!

That’s why we need your help! Your pledges will enable us to finally raise the budget we need to make the game we’ve always wanted to make and have been asked to create for years, and show just how much of a demand Psychonauts fans have for a sequel!

Na kraju su dodali još više od onoga što su obećali i igra izgleda mnogo bolje od planirane.

Nijedan developer ne sakati namerno igru, to su gluposti. Njima je bitno da izdaju što bolju igru koja će se što bolje prodati, dobiti dobre ocene i podići rejting studija za sledeće naslove. Studije/izdavače vozi lova a ne fanbojizam.

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