Legacy of Kain?

Ovo sam slucajno video, nisam siguran kako se stavlja quote i brise ova crna pozadina teksta, al nadam se da ce da ispadne:

A game titled War for Nosgoth was spotted in the notes of the latest driver update from AMD. One post over at the official Eidos forums explains exactly who the discovery was made.That’s all good and well, but hardly worth your attention, right? Wrong. The name “Nosgoth” popped up again today, this time on the [URL=“http://steamdb.info/app/200110/”]Steam database. Coincidence? I think not (well, maybe).For those who have no idea what’s all the fuss is about: [URL=“http://legacyofkain.wikia.com/wiki/Nosgoth”]Nosgoth is the world where the Legacy of Kain series takes place, so this new information might just mean will be seeing a new game in the long dormant franchise some time soon. Who knows, maybe even during E3 in two weeks.Crystal Dynamics is [URL=“http://gamerspack.com/?p=5002”]rumored to be working on a new game in the series, so we’ll be on the look out for any upcoming announcements for the studio or its publisher Square Enix…

GamersPack | War for Nosgoth spotted in AMD drivers and Steam apps

Znam da se pricalo nesto o tome, mozda HD remake, ili nova igra?
Jel ima neko jos neku informaciju, mene je bas zaintrigiralo? :slight_smile:

Ranije se diskutovalo o tome na emugalaxy forumu,radi se remake serijala,znaci soul river kec se pravi ako ga vec i nisu zavrsili?

Ajme mene! Mal’ me ne strefi šlog!

Daj Boze da se ovo ostvari!

Dva najbolja lika ikad stvorena, sa jako pozadinom i opasnom pricom. Dugi niz godina mi je to bio najbolji serijal ever, sad je jedan od najboljih. Ako urade netaknut Reboot keca, ja cu biti presrecan, mada ni nasatavk nije na odmet. Secam se kad sam presao keca (Soul Reaver 1) utisak je bio neopisiv. posle jedno dve godine kad sam obrnuo ponovo skontao sam da igra toliko ima skrivenih stvari da produzuje igru skoro celih 5 sati, sto nije nimalo naivno.

elem da se podsetimo

Jedva cekam da vidim sta se dalje desava sa ovim. HD remake je neizbezan, uradice ga kad-tad, tako da bih ja mozda i vise voleo da je nesto novo. Ali HD bi mi bio razlog da opet obrnem sve, i slazem se sa Akirisom, voleo bih da nista ne diraju sem te grafike, jer igre zasluzuju da ostanu takve kakve jesu.

_ Square Enix has said that Nosgoth, which popped up last month in AMD and Steam databases, is a multiplayer-focused game currently in active development–but that gamers shouldn’t expect to be seeing it anytime soon.

“We’re aware that the community has been actively discussing rumours about a game currently in development called Nosgoth,” said a Square Enix representative to Eurogamer, “after it was referenced in AMD’s Crossfire Application Profile and the Steam database last week.”

“While we can confirm that this game exists, is in active development, and is set in the same universe as the Legacy of Kain games, it’s not a traditional or even single-player LoK experience.”

“Given the AMD and Steam leaks, it feels weird to have a bunch of info out there and we don’t want the community to get the wrong idea, especially as the game won’t be at this year’s E3.”

**Square Enix confirmed that Nosgoth is not being developed by long-time series developer Crystal Dynamics, who most recently worked on this year’s Tomb Raider reboot. Nosgoth is also a “separate branch” to the Blood Omen and Soul Reaver franchises.
"We can also tell you that Nosgoth is not being developed by Crystal Dynamics, nor are they working on a Legacy of Kain game right now and while our game is set in the world of Nosgoth, it’s very much on a separate branch to both the Soul Reaver and Blood Omen series."

“Sorry to be so cagey,” continued the Square Enix representative. “There will be an official announcement in due course when we’ll reveal Nosgoth properly, so we can’t go into tons of detail just at the moment. Everyone at Square Enix is really excited by the game and we’re all looking forward to lifting the veil of secrecy in the future.”

Last year it was rumoured that Crystal Dynamics was looking to reboot the Soul Reaver franchise. _


totalna glupost. MP? Que? Stvarno, dajte taj remake makar, za to vam ne treba originalna ekipa.

Ma bre square je odlepio

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Da ce biti multiplay igra nisam ni na trenutak pomislio.

Pa da li je moguce? A taman sam se ponadao… kakav bre crni MP, da mi je znati ko je mozak iza te ideje… strasno i tuzno.