GTA V - Trailer dolazi 2. novembra

Ovo FIVE mi jako lici na font dolara, a mozda je opet neki set trippin gangsta fazon. mozda San Andreas nove generacije?? (daj boze :D)

nemoj misliti da nesto kontriram, daj boze da si u pravu, ali tada Rockstar veze nije imao sa Max Payne-om. tad je max bio u vlasnistvu Remedy-ja koji je max-a odbacio posle dvojke i bacio se na Alan-a Wake-a. rockstar je par godina posle otkupio prava za maxa i napravio treci deo.

Jeste taj font

Jedino sto govori je da ce ponovo biti u USA (hvala Bogu), a ne u UK kako su se nadali neki.

I ja gotivim sto je igra u USA ali samo zbog toga sto znam da cu moci da se negde istresem kad odgledam vest XD …ne bi mi bilo tako interesantno da su britanci…bilo bi dobro da bude i dece na ulicama :devil…ok sad sam malo preterao xD
p.s. jos sam u soku od onog klipa o hillary koji je postavio verterdegete

Evo jos ovo i necu vise da gusim:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Key Points from Take-Two Financial Report
Take-Two Interactive today revealed their first quarter earnings for fiscal year 2012. Of course, Grand Theft Auto V was not announced, but some interesting points for their future were raised and questioned.

Statements included that they have some unannounced titles for release during the next fiscal year that we will hear about in the “coming months”. A particular statement, repeated from the last financial report, was that they expect to exceed a net income of $2 per share in fiscal year 2013 (April 2012 - March 2013).

Following the report, during a Q&A session, an attendee questioned how they expect to reach such a maximum without a GTA release that year. Strauss Zelnick, CEO of T2, evaded the question and diverted his answer to titles they have already announced for release that year such as BioShock Infinite and Borderlands 2.

To put these numbers in perspective, the last time T2 did reach such an income is during the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, in which they recorded $2.08 per share. In comparison, income reached $1.06 per share during the release of Red Dead Redemption and is projected to reach up to $0.35 for the current fiscal year, where LA Noire and Duke Nukem Forever have been their main new titles.

It is safe to say that the statement by T2 encourages shareholders to expect something big, or at least a high earner, during fiscal 2013. While we are not all accountants, the numbers are clear for us to draw out some speculation about a release date, and 2012-2013 has always been plausible amongst the community.

To je zvanicno od Take 2 Interaktiv-a :slight_smile: Ukratko, rekli su da ce sledece godine da izadje igra, koja ce doneti nenormalnu zaradu, a da ce biti najavljena u narednim mesecima :smiley: To je sve receno AVGUSTA ove godine, a sada znamo na sta misle (posto kao ranije nismo znali) :da:

Знам да се шалиш, али молим те срце ми је слабо, овакве увреде… !w!

Bas ono sto mi je trebalo,nastavak najboljeg serijala u istoriji igara!

:slight_smile: Obicna arkada - prosecna voznja i ispodprosecna pucacina. Dobro, hit’n’run koncept jeste zarazan… :wink:

@anteras Тиии, љубитељу Макс Пејна, дошао си овде да минираш причу о “gta” :slight_smile:

Super,odavno ocekujem novi deo GTA posle cetvorke.

šta fali da GTA 5 izađe za ovu generaciju konzola a GTA 6 na slijedećoj? :slight_smile: daj nemojte da moram čekati 2-3 godine da bih je igrao… :confused: nek izađe slijedeće godine kada i max payne, biće dobre i jedna i druga i eto :slight_smile:

Salim se, zboras :slight_smile:

Ne znam što u poslednje vreme mi se čini da sve ljudi kontriraju u smislu da će sve biti teški fail. Meni lično uopšte Max Payne 3 ne izgleda loše, a ionako je prošlo poprilično od kada je izašla dvojka i mnoge stvari bi trebale da budu promenjene. Čist primer je taj da su San Andreas i četvorka totalno različite igre po mom mišljenju, a i meni su dobro legle. No, da ne idem u totalni off moje lično mišljenje je da će igra izaći za ovu generaciju konzola jer ne očekujem da će se next-gen konzole pojaviti pre 2014.

meni nije uopste jasno zasto se i diskutuje o tome dal ce petica izaci za ovaj gen ili next gen konzola. pa dajte ljudi, zar mislite da bi MS i SONY dozvolio jednom rockstar-u da promovise igru na novim platformama, kad za sada kruze samo spekulacije o potencijalnim naslednicima ovih konzola, koje ni MS ni Sony jos uvek nisu potvrdili da su tacne.

i to sa svezim trejlerom za par dana???

naravno da ce biti za xbox 360, i ps3 i normalno pc. mozda sebicno razmisljanje ali cmon.

bolje diskutujte o tome sta bi ste hteli da vidite u petici a ne dal ce izaci za 360 ili “720”

^ My point exactly. Zasto bi se likovi iz Rockstara odrekli sadasnjeg razvijenog trzista sa preko 100 miliona konzola i izbacili igru za tamo neki nextgen koji bi bio tek na pocetku prodaje

Grand Theft Auto games have traditionally included one playable character, but a new rumor suggests that Grand Theft Auto V could break the mold. Multiple sources have told Kotaku that the game will feature multiple playable characters throughout its story. They’ve also heard reports that the game will feature a fictional version of Los Angeles, though it hasn’t been confirmed if that means San Andreas.
Report: GTA V Will Have Multiple Playable Characters - Xbox 360 News at IGN

kao sto rekoh, smesi nam se mozda novi san andreas :slight_smile:

E do 5-ice se mora uzeti nova konzola… GTA mi je jedan od najdrazih serijala… Jos ako se vracaju u San Andreas ajooj :slight_smile: VRATITE nam avione :smiley:

I meni se bas igra neki gangsta fazon. :smiley:

definitivno će mi odgovarati taj GTA San andreas gengsta fazon s novin engineom. :cash:

Anonimni clan 4chan-a, tvrdi da ima vezu sa Rockstar-om, i dao nam je neke informacije.

-The protagonist is Hispanic and his name is Adrian.
-It takes place in San Andreas in 2012. The Mayan end of the world is parodied a lot because of this.
-You start out in Los Santos and are in your rival’s turf, Varrios Los Aztecas, after getting beaten up and robbed.
-The game revolves around money in a big deal. I’d reveal the big idea, but I don’t want to ruin it.
-Multiplayer is in again. There are a couple of new game modes, co-op story, and 32-player game modes for consoles and 64 player for PC. PC also includes dedicated servers.
-PC comes out on launch and is being ported by Leeds. From what they have shown us it is optimized much better than GTA 4.
-San Andreas includes all the same cities from GTA SA and this time they have all became ab it bigger as well as much more detailed.
-Gang turf wars are back. This time not only the general gang are in charge but different sets such as57th Ballas or the Eastside Azteca. They have their own graffiti. You can tag up stuff with custom sprays now too.

[SIZE=3]E sad dolazi deo spoilera (ako je ovo istinito, naravno). Citajte na svoj rizik, jer je ovde opisan cak i kraj igre:[/SIZE]

-In the end your protag dies (ima ovde jos jedan deo, ali to ne zelim da kazem, jer je ne bitno, a spoiler-ovao bih vam jos jednu igru).Afterwards you play as his brother who inherits the money.
-”The money” I refer to comes from a massive drug trade that ships to San Andreas. Its fought over a lot throughout the story and it comes with lots of money. It has ties to your family so it becomes a bigger deal.
-The timeline continues off of GTA 4. It is referenced a lot. I’m not really sure whether Niko dies but he’s mentioned at least twice.
-Car modding is back so is lowriding of course.
-There are 9 radio stations. It features a range of music. Some of the rap is new, some is old. There’s a better selection than GTA 4 though IMO.
-Military has returned in the 6 star wanted level except they are referred to as National Guard.
-Cover system is upgraded and plays more smoothly.
-The moral decisions you saw in GTA IV have more effect on the story now. There are at otal of 4 unique endings. 2 bad, 2 good. Whether the protag dies in all of them you’ll just have to figure out since the endings are actually pretty cool.
-More girlfriends.
-Fun cheats are back!